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Anna Von Reitz: "The Lose the Name Cult - An Answer to RL"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 24-Dec-2023 09:31:11

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Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Lose the Name Cult - An Answer to RL

By Anna Von Reitz

One of the central fraud schemes used against the living people is based on the fact that your Lawful Name (on the land) looks exactly like your Legal Name (on the sea) in international jurisdiction.

It's easy to mistake one for the other, or pass one off as the other.

It was discovered many years ago that shortly after our parents choose a name for us, the British Crown issues a franchise in that name.

Using myself as an example, I was born on June 6th 1956 and my parents created the Lawful Given Name ---that is, the Lawful Person known as "Anna Maria Riezinger" --- for my use. This is also known as my Good Name.

Three weeks later, on June 24th 1956 the British Crown franchise operated as the State of Wisconsin published the name of a Legal Person franchise also named "Anna Maria Riezinger".

My Lawful Person exists and is mine and it predates the British Crown Legal Person by three weeks.

My Lawful Person was recorded by my parents in the Family Bible and in the local newspapers. The Legal Person was registered by the British Crown Corp almost three weeks later.

They were allowed to create a British Territorial Legal Person without my knowledge or permission based on treaty provisions making the British Monarch my Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.

They had, of course, conveniently presumed that, in the "absence" of our Lawful Government being in Session, the British Monarch would serve as my Guardian and that I would be reduced to the role of a "Ward of the State" until our Lawful Government came back into Session and my Lawful Person was recognizably standing on the land and soil.

Their Monarch had also, meantime, abdicated their own land and soil jurisdiction, and removed to the international jurisdiction of the sea. That provided them with the necessary Legal Supposition, that as my presumed Trustee was at sea, so was the Ward of the State of Wisconsin franchise at sea.

That, in turn, gave them the excuse to subject my Legal Person dba "Anna Maria Riezinger", the presumed Ward of the State of Wisconsin (itself a British Crown corporation) to the Law of the Sea.

That neatly coincides with the form of law already being administered by the Admiralty and Maritime Commerce Courts of "special limited jurisdiction" that have been operating in this country since 1789.

Via this intricate reshuffling of jurisdictions and identities, a pathway to inland piracy, fraud and racketeering on dry land was established without the knowledge of the American people.

My Lawful Person was thus "set aside" pending the reappearance of my Lawful Government, and the Government of Great Britain acting under Color of Law as a Federal Subcontractor housed in the District of Columbia, took over without firing a shot.

They suborned and impersonated me as a Legal Person literally belonging to the British Crown and subject to the international Law of the Sea, when I was only three weeks old.

They also latched onto my assets, both public and private, for use as collateral for them to borrow against.

My American identity, my Lawful Person, was nowhere to be seen.

It is this circumstance that has given rise to The Lose the Name Cult, a group of people who believe that because their Legal Name has been substituted for their Lawful Name, and their Legal Name has been enfranchised by the British Crown Corp, they need to become nameless and live under rocks.

What really needs to happen is for them to bring forward their prior claim to their Lawful Person, also known as their Good Name, and restore their own Lawful Government, so as to shame the British Monarch and the other Principals responsible for this Mess.

This is precisely what we have done. Our people have claimed and recorded their birthrights, their Good Names, their physical assets, and everything else they are heir to, and papered right over the British Crown registrations. Thus empowered and properly identified, they have also restored their lawful government; all fifty State Assemblies are in General Session.

The British Monarch and the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London and the Pope in his now-defunct office as the Roman Pontiff, all acted as criminals for roughly 150 years, and we, the hapless Americans, and the living people of many other nations, have suffered under their "Legal Presumptions" -- which are now overturned.

The Inheritors have returned and their foreign courts and corporations and the Principals themselves are faced with the necessity of restoring everything they took from us by guile, fraudulent misrepresentation, non-disclosure, and omission.

We would have never been able to hold them accountable for anything, if we had severed our relationship to our pre-existing Lawful Persons.

They unlawfully, illegally, and immorally substituted their identical-in-appearance Legal Person to act "for" us, and jimmied things around to claim that we were Wards of their States of States and "at sea" while standing on dry land, but that is not the end of the story.

The end of the story is that they lied about and preyed upon their Employers when they owed us good faith service. They finagled to foist their tax burdens and bankruptcies onto us. They misled generations of Americans in Gross Breach of Trust and Dereliction of Duty. And now, they owe everything back to us, plus interest.

It is an insurmountable debt, so their only choice is to accept lawful conversion of all their assets, or forfeiture, or complete liquidation. The only choice that allows them to continue to operate at all, lawful conversion, results in them becoming subject to the Law of the Land -- and the Constitutional Agreements that they have dishonored and sought to evade.

The entire fabric of their operation depended on us being ignorant and scaring us into submission--- so scared that we'd "voluntarily" give up our claim to our Good Name standing on the land and soil jurisdiction of our country, and allow them to run wild.

In the end, it was all nothing but False Claims and False Presumptions, pure old nasty self-serving garden variety Fraud, Malfeasance, Breach of Trust, Unlawful Conversion, Latching, Impersonation, Barratry, Organized Crime, Tax Evasion, Conspiracy Against the Constitutions, Treason, Unlawful and Undisclosed Contracting, Racketeering, Extortion, Human Trafficking, Enslavement, Peonage, Press Ganging (at sea), Illegal Conscription and Confiscation (on land), Insurance and Bankruptcy Fraud, and numerous other crimes against the Lawful Heirs and Owners --- all washed down under Color of Law.

And it is now over and done.

The history of the Great Fraud is known in detail and has been published at length. The shame of the Principals involved is complete.

Our Supreme Court has struck down their claims and their actions from 1860 to today. That includes their substitution of their States of States for our States of States, their creation of State Trusts in the name of our States of the Union, their claim of emergency powers and war powers, their creation of Legal Persons operated in our names for purposes of impersonation, identity theft, racketeering, pillaging, plundering, and abuse.

We have retained our Good Names and have restored our Lawful American Government. We have not forgotten who we are after sixteen decades of this filthy disservice, and it's unlikely that we ever will.

We have never, ever given up our Good Names, and our prior claims, no matter how much our Lawful Persons (Good Names) have been besmirched by British Territorial Legal Persons impersonating us.

These crimes are now being brought to an end. The world is being turned right side up again.

That would not be possible if we had forgotten or voluntarily abdicated our relationship with our Good Names.

Like so much other Patriot Guru information that has only led down rabbit holes and into jail cells, the Lose the Name Cult has been based on only half the story and it has left people in the dangerous and indefensible position of being stateless and unknown.

The more you eschew your name and identity, the more suspicious the Vermin become and the quicker they identify you as prey. The more astutely and assertively you announce your nature and identity, the faster they flee.

James 4:7 -- Submit yourselves, then, to God; resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.

Our part is to stay strong, stand on our land and soil, and bring the foreign Principals under public scrutiny, and then bring those incorporated entities operating under their charters --which are responsible for the Great Fraud and the abuse of the living people -- to a just and permanent end.

We cannot do that by running and hiding and trying to deny our own Good Name and identity. We can only do it in our proper status as living people and Lawful Persons.

The past few months, the Federal Reserve has proposed to set up a repeat of the 1929 Stock market Crash and do it on a worldwide scale of unprecedented proportions.

Left to their own corporate devices, they would gladly sacrifice the value of the corporate shares they presently hold for the actual assets of the corporations and valuation difference gained from deflating the Federal Reserve Notes they have already issued.

They don't care about the social and cultural destruction and disruption they would cause, the millions of living people left destitute, unemployed, starving and miserable.

They are a private, mostly foreign bank cartel looking out for Number One, and to hell with the reasons that they were ever allowed to exist in the first place --- their false claims that they would put an end to bank runs and inflation/deflation cycles and economic chaos.

They assume that we are too stupid to observe that they have instead caused all of the above.

If we had failed to claim our actual Good Names and identities, or failed to join our State Assemblies and operate our Lawful Government, we would be dragged along like fleas on the back of a dog and have no right to object to their activities.

Everything everywhere would be up for corporate grabs and they'd be sitting pretty in the catbird seat, ready to gobble up everything they haven't already gobbled using devalued Federal Reserve Notes that would regain value with every discounted purchase and every refusal to print more of their tripe.

For them, it would be a win-win. For all the rest of us, it would be a lose-lose. That is, if we were to stand idly by and let them get away with it a second time.

As it is, we have our feet firmly planted on the Earth, and we remember who we are, and we remember the past, so we are not condemned to relive it.

So, RL -- remember who you are and be proud of it and advance your superior ownership of your own Good Name, your claim to your land and soil, and everything else that is yours and your country's natural possession.

Never let these corporate charlatans confuse or abuse you again by using unauthorized Legal Persons and their "derivatives" to impersonate you in their watery courts or any other foreign domain.


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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