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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #341 - #345 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 21-Dec-2023 20:46:03

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-341/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #341

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 19, 2023 | Spirituality |

The universe communicates with you in a language beyond words
Resonating through the vibration of your awakened consciousness

Life is not a linear journey but an eternal dance
Silent whispers of the cosmos inform you of lifes subtle intricacies

Birth life and death are mere waves in the vast ocean of existence
Doors through which your consciousness enters and exits

We are not the result of hydrogen evolving into other elements
Then combining to form molecules which became simple living cells
Which evolved into complex beings such as ourselves

Our bodies are vehicles to experience the physical realm
And our pure energetic spirit is the driver

We are infinite consciousness
And all around us is a seamless energy field within which all worlds exist

The more you think you are a separate individual
The more you will disconnect from Infinity and who you really are

Your heartbeat is linked with the rhythmic pulse of existence
The radiant sun the whispering wind and the silent mountains dance with you in cosmic unison

Stand under a pristine waterfall cascading freely and wildly
Let the divine rain of cosmic consciousness shower upon you
And quench the thirst from your isolated existence

You will be granted the elixir of interconnectedness
And you will be launched into the realm of collective consciousness

The universe has chosen you as a noble scribe
Writing an endless chronicle of universal mysteries
Using the ink of awareness

We contain and reflect the Whole
No one is insignificant
Every step brings us closer to our authentic divine self

Embrace your journey
And revel in the beauty unfolding within!

From https://bennettleeross.com/biology/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-342/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #342

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 19, 2023 | biology, physics |

Our brains mathematically construct objective reality
By interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension

Our brains take waves and frequencies
And converts them into what we see in our world
Which are energetic interference patterns vibrating at a certain frequency

After our brains processes the images that it receives from all the senses
It stores the information holographically

Everything in this reality is the physical expression of a frequency field
Energy is manifested to us as real objects

All is a projection of a single totality
And we are method actors in this complicated movie

The universe is a magnificent unbroken completeness
And a continuum of an infinite flowing movement of energy

It broadcasts its signals in waves
These waveforms become particles when observed

The act of observation projects the hologram from the waveform
And causes the interference pattern to project an illusory hologram

Waveforms are possibilities
And particles are physical experience

The universe is a holographic transducer
And our bodies incessantly interact with the deeper quantum reality

The brain is a tuning dial that picks up data and translates it
Into sense impressions and rational images

And the universe is a superconscious being
Within which all things exist!

From https://bennettleeross.com/science/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-343/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #343

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 19, 2023 | biology, Science |

The mind is inextricably interwoven into the quantum reality
And consciousness collapses the wave function

Holography is wave interference
And wave interference is the language of the energy field

Here we are
All part of this great hologram called creation

When a scene is captured on film
The picture is converted into electromagnetic frequencies
Which is converted back for us to see on a screen

The brain works in the same way
It is an electromagnetic frequency decoder
That reads energy waves and creates a visible world

Brain cells in the visual cortex
React and activate based on frequency patterns

The wave interference patterns contain data
Which determine the holographic transformation

The brains conversation with the body occurs in the form of quantum waves and patterns
That have the unique ability to store vast quantities of information

Dendrites are the endings of neurons where synapses are fired
They communicate with other neurons by sending and receiving electrical and chemical wave impulses
This is how wave frequencies are received and transformed into holographic images

Certain patches of dendrites distributed around the brain
Are set to resonate only at certain frequencies

Dendrites are like individual strings on a piano
That vibrate only when a particular note is played
Our perceptions and sensations are the notes

The rainbow is a major chord
Its colors are like a major chord in a concerto

And life is an unending orchestra
Where you are the composer singer and listener!

From https://bennettleeross.com/geography/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-344/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #344

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 19, 2023 | geography, physics |

Stargates are energetic spirals
Whose frequency circulates the God Source Energy

The frequency of the spirals feed into manifested realms
Then return to the God Source Field

The earth plane has many portals and connection points
The north celestial plasma column traverses through multiple dimensions of time

Vortices connected to the earths grid interconnect with stellar networks on multiple planes of reality
They are interdimensional highways of coherent crystalline solar light
That allows for consciousness transport to other dimensions

Transmission of interdimensional plasma waves from the Source Field is greatly accelerating
This is intensifying higher sensory experience
And is lifting the veil between dimensions

The intensity of the current shift is dissolving our lower energetic constructs
The soul energy that cannot integrate into the DNA
Is stored in the kundalini at the base of the spine

As our consciousness evolves into our personality
We develop a spiritual identity with each harmonic universe
In which there are different consciousness levels with unique perception
Each expression of the God Source has many stations of identity that exist in each reality

The universal time matrix is all the timelines that are simultaneously taking place
It is a mathematical program by which consciousness experiences the perception of time and matter
The cosmos contains six 15 dimensional matrices for the purpose of individualization

The holographic nature of our reality is undergoing sound wave template correction
In order to be aligned properly with the Krystic architecture of the electromagnetic field spectrum

We are in a phase of receiving more positive energy
The correction of the way sound waves transmute into light waves is restoring our light bodies

Genetic time codes in our DNA get imprinted by the stargate dimensional system
These crystalline imprints recode the kundalini forces
That were missing an assortment of proper subharmonic frequencies

Plasma infusions into earths crystal core weaves an array of aquiline light and sentient solar vapors
Allowing the interactive fusion between multiple suns

This has increased pearlescent color waves
That interlace with the crystalline lattice of the earth

Gold spirals are generated by the crystal lattice core
And run throughout the earth as ley lines

The earth grid is a living system of multiple energy spectrums
That has stellar and crystalline consciousness
And is filled with intelligent geometric patterns of the universal creation code

Organic spirals of gold extend out into a highway of holographic light frequency patterns
Reconfiguring the mental body and solar plexus
Into a Golden Gate energy vortex!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-345/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #345

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 19, 2023 | astronomy, geoengineering, physics |

Greys and Zetas are clones and hybridized to be workers
On various moons which are not moons at all

Our moon is an artificial satellite
And transmits mind control structures through magnetic imprints

It is a base of operations for transmitting lunar broadcasts
And for achieving magnetic field manipulation

The earths blueprint was modified and turned into a consciousness prison
Which then became a farming territory

Hydroplasmic currents of liquid light in the upper levels
Were used to corrupt sound waves that created false light holograms and AI timelines

The false light structures and AI holograms used to manipulate earthlings
Are being broken down and repurposed

Capstones hold specific coding for beings to enter back into the time matrix
The code is translated into the genetic memory

The Capstone Nodus is one of the nodus points anchored in Ursa Major
It transmits the chakra wave spectrum
And controls the functioning of the light ray system in our universe

The crown chakra is a radiant wheel of enlightenment
And the pinnacle of all of our energy centers

It is an enchanting mystery that sits like a lotus in bloom atop our physical form
Connecting our individuality to the grand tapestry of existence

An expanded crown chakra increases your potential to touch lives and inspire change
In Sanskrit it is called Sahasrara which means 1000 petaled
With it we have direct and immediate access to virtually every aspect of the universe

Our DNA mirrors holographically each part of the Whole
And mirrors the Whole in each part

Like a weak laser it emits light energy in the form of photons
The light energy of our DNA turns waveforms into holographic representations

There are space missions going to the dark side of the moon
What we see is just a projection to hide its real identity
The moon did not exist until relatively recently

The hybridized elite go to the far side of the moon
And they travel through wormholes to other dimensions

Wormholes are created with technology
Portals are organic pathways
And stargates transmit the whole spectrum of energetic frequencies in order to reach the matter fields

Higher energies are transmitted from the Source Field through the stargates into the sun
They run tri waves that allow for the resetting of organic timelines
Connection with crystalline frequencies will heal effects from metatronic reversal currents and artificial signals

Serendipitous happenings become mystical glimpses of divine bridges
And are signs woven into the beautiful mystery of our existence

Highly improbable synchronicities are highly significant
They help us wake up to our dream like nature
And motivate us to awaken the myriad of slumbering souls

With our radiance!

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