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Cheering for White Extinction

Posted By: Basil
Date: Sunday, 17-Dec-2023 08:54:31


Cheering for White Extinction

By Donald Jeffries

"I Protest"

December 16, 2023

If you do a search for “Caucasian” on Google images, you’ll see a few pictures of actual Caucasians, interspersed among lots of images of nonwhites. This is similar to searching for “Happy White woman.” Do it. You’ll be surprised by what images come up. Actually maybe you won’t be. This is now the expected “new normal.”

I never signed up to be a crusader for White rights. I don’t like sounding like a White Nationalist, whatever that is. But someone has to do it. Of all the giant elephants traipsing across the crumbling landscape of America 2.0, none are larger or more dutifully ignored than the Great Replacement of White people. Only nonwhite people, like Vivek Ramaswamy recently, have the courage to bring the subject up in public. And only these selected nonwhites seem to care that is it happening. The “Woke” White crowd is overjoyed at this prospect. The “conservative,” MAGA types seem to be perfectly fine with it as well. Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy admitted that the Stupid Party was focused on attracting nonwhites before he was ousted.

Most White parents were not moved when the odious “critical race theory” agenda became implemented in so many schools. What kind of brainwashing must one have undergone, to watch their precious kindergartner be berated by authority figures for being born with a special “privilege,” and then forced feel to guilt over something they can’t even comprehend, let alone be responsible for? A few irate parents confronted their tyrannical school boards, but other parents sat there submissively, watching them be escorted out of meetings by our brave police officers. If a child is indoctrinated like that at such a tender age, how hard will it be to deprogram him? Her? It? After all, young children will be asked to announce their chosen pronouns.

In 2008, for the first time in our history, there were more nonwhite births than White births recorded. Whites have been reproducing below the replacement rate for survival for years now. The average White woman is having 1.7 children during her lifetime, compared with 2.2 for Hispanic women. The replacement rate, which determines the number of children necessary for a continuation of the species, is 2.1. In 2022, White women had 55,000 fewer babies than the previous year, while Hispanic women had 50,000 more. Do the math. It’s not a complicated trend. The latest statistics show that Whites are now just over 57 percent of the U.S. population. Hispanics have grown to almost 19 percent. Blacks are mired at around 12 percent. But they can console themselves with being wildly overrepresented in popular media.

In 1960, almost 90 percent of Americans were White. There were very, very few nonwhite immigrants from other countries. Hispanics, a political catchphrase that wouldn’t be invented for another twenty years or more, were unknown. In London, one of the great cultural hubs of Caucasian civilization, the population has become increasingly nonwhite over the past fifty years. If you believe the likes of Nigel Farage, Whites are now a minority in London. Fortunately, those ever handy “fact checkers” assure us that this is “misinformation.” I don’t know, I’ve never been there, and I’m not willing to move there to find out. I do know their media reflects ours, with an astonishing overrepresentation of nonwhites, especially Blacks.

So how did this all happen? How does a “Great Replacement” work exactly? Well, it would be impossible without the cooperation of those who are being replaced. White females, especially, were conditioned into thinking that motherhood, particularly when combined with household drudgery, was something to be avoided. The tremendous increase in casual sex, and the availability of abortions. The channeling of the maternal instinct towards animals. Feminism created the “career woman” whose job, not family, was her top priority. Males enjoyed being the first generation to have the opportunity to have multiple sex partners. I knew very few males from my generation who didn’t pay for at least one, if not more abortions. With great relief.

At the same time, the White nuclear family was belittled and demonized in films and on television. Actors playing adult children were shown as being ostracized from their parents, and dreading the occasional interaction with them. We went from Ward Cleaver to Al Bundy in a very short period of time. Dysfunction was the norm in these productions, and it should be no surprise that those raised on this propaganda began living it out in real life. Life imitates art. Literally every family I know now is riddled with dysfunction. If you lose respect for the nuclear family, there is little reason for you to want children, which are the foundation of the family unit.


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