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Greencrow: Vaccines Are BioWeapoms -- (Text)(Images)(Videos)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Friday, 15-Dec-2023 16:23:56

From https://greencrowasthecrowflies.ca/2023/12/14/vaccines-are-bioweapons/

Posted on December 14, 2023 by greencrow21

Good morning readers. Well, yesterday the other shoe finally dropped, as they say. My husband told me his best friend told him over the phone that he [the best friend] has only months to live. This friend is in his early 60’s and, in the 15 or so years I’ve known him, has always had health issues. He’s had COPD, which he managed quite well with medicines and lived quite an active lifestyle travelling back and forth to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico every winter where he and his wife own a condo.

It was this friend who kept bugging my husband back in 2021 to get vaxed…so they could meet at the pub every evening, as they had for years. This friend, in spite of his medical vulnerability, was given all the CovID-19 vaxes and boosters. Boostered to the eyeballs, I suppose. I listened back in 2021 when he phoned my husband regularly and bullied him to get the shot, even though he knew I was adamantly opposed to the covID vaccine. When my husband finally caved and went to the drive-in vax stop at the local RONA’s to get shot up through the driver’s side window, I was so furious–I could have ripped my husband friend’s face off. I literally could have killed him. I’ve never been so angry at anyone in my entire life. He destroyed the marriage that I had at that time. I have forged another marriage with my husband now, but it’s a pale and paltry “make work” version of the one I had prior to my husband taking the vax.

So, last night, it was finally confirmed. He called and told my husband that he only has months to live because he’s “full of cancer”. This cancer started with bladder cancer about a year and a half ago…not too long after they rolled out the first “booster”. No doubt my husband’s friend has no idea of the connection between the jab and his cancer. He only watches MSM, so has been completely buffered from the truth.

But his wife knows…because I told her back in the summer of 2020. Back when I was still drinking [I quit cold turkey in September of 2020 and have not had a drink since] she and I used to sit alone together on my balcony in Coquitlam and drink white wine in the warm summer months. During those sessions I red-pilled her. I told her the entire story of the CovID hoax, the real research that had been done on mRNA vaccines–and what had resulted from that research. I told her that mRNA technology studies done over the past several decades with animals [ferrets] had shown that in every study, the animals had all died…which was why they quit researching on animals–and moved directly to human studies. I told her that the 2020 covID vaccine rollout which…was then in full force and effect…was the first real study done on humans and that if she got vaxxed [she was still thinking about it at the time], she would become Big Pharma’s lab rat. She listened to me carefully and respectfully…but in the end…succumbed to her husband’s bullying and got vaxed, along with him and their entire family. Shortly after that she signaled to me she no longer wanted to talk about the covID vaccines…and we never brought the topic up again after 2020. But she knows.

So, I wonder if she has now connected the dots between his Turbo cancer and the vaccines. I have to phone her within the next few days and express my condolences. I have to do it–because I didn’t phone my other friend when her husband got Turbo cancer and died a month or so ago–and now I feel like a real schmuck about that. I got together with this second friend a few weeks ago at the pub. She told me how abandoned she felt after her husband died and none of her girlfriends phoned her. 

In fact, this latest one of my husbands drinking buddies to get cancer is about the 4th or 5th incidence of ‘sudden’ death among friends and family during the past year or so. My husband’s vaxed friends in their 60’s and 70’s are dropping like flies. Yet nobody will talk about the elephant in the room—the fact that they all got vaxed. Of course, I can’t be so boorish as to bring it up and say “I told you so” or “I tried to warn you.”….No. That would be mean…and would be rubbing salt in the wound.

Below are some links I’ve gathered over the past few weeks from X about latest info on the vax fallout. Please read and I will have final comments to follow:

Vaccines can’t be given because people are sick from the vaccines–yet nobody cottons on.

Jane Burgermeister was a prophet – biowarfare via vaccines!

BREAKING: Over 25% of elderly residents of a SNF died within a 4-week period after getting the COVID jab in December 2020


Dr Michael Yeadon on why the vaccines are toxins

Dr. Ben Tapper:

The first polio vaccine was contaminated with SV40 (simarian monkey virus) and caused 90 million Americans to develop cancer. How many cancers will be caused by the Covid jab??? Proof of contaminated Polio vaccines causing cancer in 98 million Americans!

Polio Disease and Vaccine Information

Get the Information You Need to Make an Informed Vaccine Decision


Excellent interview with a Florida nurse. She says that even vaccines we’ve been taking for 50 years are now being changed to include mRNA technology. Hence, NO vaccines can ever be trusted again.



Greencrow says: In conclusion, just this morning Dr. Trozzi from Ontario came on X and said that the ingredient that’s causing all the damage in the vaxxed is SV40…which is foreign DNA inserted into the vax recipient’s DNA. This is what’s causing the mutations/Turbo Cancers. This ingredient was never mentioned by Big Pharma until very recently. The fact they held back information about what was in the vaccines should be prima facie legal evidence of culpability for all the damage being caused world wide. 

My husband’s friends are all being murdered by a cabal of Big Pharma/military/media/government. It’s a mass extermination, going on right under our noses, and yet nobody [including me] can say a word about it. The other day on X I mused aloud about what Planet Earth might be called by aliens from other planets and galaxies. If they spend any time observing the inhabitants of Planet Earth, these are some of the names aliens could call us:

Planet Lies

Planet of Blood and Death

Planet Greed

Planet DNA mutation

Perhaps the perps have always indulged in mutating our DNA. Is that why we have three strands? The good news is that some humans have begun to fight back…and quite effectively. Chief amongst them is Tucker Carlson. If you have not been following him on Twitter/X, I highly recommend you do so. More about that in future posts. In the meantime, stay tuned and PLEASE stay unvaxed.

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