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Will Barney - Alex Collier - Ron Giles & Tracee Discuss Tesla's 3-6-9 'Power of Creation' - Quantum Healing Systems (Video)

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Friday, 15-Dec-2023 05:12:13

Will Barney - Alex Collier - Ron Giles & Tracee Discuss Tesla's 3-6-9 'Power of Creation' - Quantum Healing Systems (Video)

Will Barney joins Alex Collier, Ron Giles, and Tracee as part of the Ambassador team with Quantum Healing Systems to discuss Nikola Tesla's 3-6-9 power of creation.

This QHS Project has gone beyond the time originally determined necessary to launch ALL PROJECTS, including the QArc, and so much more.

We have been after this for 2 years already and too many good people have passed while waiting with a hopeful expectation and Faith for the QArc to arrive.

That they couldn’t hold on is our burden to carry.

We have engraved in memory the names of all that have Loved QHS Projects yet have passed.

These brave souls are never to be forgotten.

Devotion = 3

Belief = 6

Faith = 9

Here QHS Ambassadors are talking about the miracle of 3-6-9.

In a philosophical discussion, Dr. Alfredo describes the Miracle of 3-6-9, as one builds upon another.

The Miracle of 3-6-9 is a ladder to all of creation.

He explains as one example, 3 = Devotion, 6 = Belief, 9 = Faith.

3-6-9 are the building blocks to build this world upon.

The original team working together with Dr. Alfredo beginning way back in 1974, to bring the 3-6-9 to humanity believed in what they had, with all their heart, knowing it would one day help humanity the world over.

This original team later became the final 3, who in 1986 promised devotion to all of their work, and to each other.

Vowing to complete this project, and to give it everything they had.

This promise was deeply important.

They had absolute Faith that this would occur.

The belief and determination to deliver something great committed to by this original Team is what brought us to present day, with thousands benefiting from their Vision, their Intention, and their Actions. (also 3-6-9!)

Sadly, two of these original three contributors are no longer with us to see the culmination of their Life’s Work.

They serve this world from another realm, the Heavenly Realm because they were Angels on Earth, for sure.

As we look back at 2 years with QHS culminating this month, we can be proud of all that we’ve accomplished.

And we are very proud.

We have a solid upward progression with benchmarks that we will be highlighting all throughout this month.

For purposes of this 3-6-9 discussion though, it’s important to allow for disappointments to be discussed.

These disappointments are the balance that bring enlightenment.

Throughout the time where devotion to QHS has evolved, doubts may have occurred.

Given that we are 2 years into a project launch for the QArc – (the original 'Healing Bed' designed by this 3-6-9 committed Team) and that we had planned to bring to the world back in the Spring of 2022 is still unproven and unseen, it’s natural to doubt.

The Belief in the ability of QHS to survive and even thrive, has been in doubt for most from time to time.

Living in today’s world it’s impossible not to have “doubts” about everything that we hold dear.

Doubts are as fleeting as the mind allows.

That so many have continued with 3-6-9, with Devotion, with Belief and with FAITH in the many QHS Projects and that so many have supported QHS with their attention, their time, and money, is witness to the fact that QHS is valued.

That QHS Projects have merit is exemplified by the hundreds of Member Testimonial videos published on YouTube this past year.

That our Members are giving us the space and the support to continue, even if in a “wait and see” passive position, is proof that the QHS Projects have merit and are valued.

All of the technologies that the many QHS Projects support are built with and share this same commitment to body/mind/spirit.

Body = 3

Mind = 6

Spirit = 9

During 2023, QHS Projects launched the white production model QTWave®.

This new device is reported as miraculous by many.

Reports from Members talking about their new mindset, new thoughts, new feelings awakened once they carry the QTWave® are talked about on every call and practically daily on QHS Telegram chats.

This is the 3-6-9 ladder that Dr. Alfredo discusses.

This is the Body-Mind-Spirit component that is a part of the Quantum Twine Wave Effect®.

The Quantum Twine Wave Effect is the 3-6-9 quotient delivered and in evidence.

With this kind of evidence, it’s hard to focus on disappointment.

Add to the quotient the many, many more miraculous benefits people have experienced, and we can only be thankful.

This 2023 is ending on a high note – with 3-6-9.

That is FAITH in the outcome we desire, which is the masterful global launch of Quantum Healing Centers being built all over this planet.

Of people everywhere benefiting from restored health and longevity.

It is the Vision, the Intention, and the Actions underway now, in this timeline, of our most beautiful, healthy selves.

Standing strong, taking leadership roles, in this global rollout.

This QHS Project isn’t going away.

It’s being carried on the Wings of Angels to the ultimate Blessed outcome.

With the Promise of 2024 unfolding in perfect coherence with all that we and 3-6-9 create.

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May the Grace of God, and the Ease of Good Health be Yours!

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Will Barney Joins Alex Collier, Ron Giles, and Tracee for a discussion about 3-6-9 power of creation


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