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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #326 - #330 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Wednesday, 13-Dec-2023 16:37:55

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-326/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #326

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 10, 2023 | Spirituality |

The multiverse proposes that our universe is just one
Among many diverse and distinct other ones

Reality exists as an exquisite symphony
Of myriad existences waiting to be accessed

Consciousness plays the central role in the creation of reality
Projecting the inner world onto the universal screen

The mind holds the brush direction
And determines the flow of reality with subtle strokes of intention and belief

Reality becomes a splendid embroidery
Woven by the countless threads of what has been
And a complex array of what ifs

Every path and each choice unfolds as a separate design
And is a parallel reality within the grand multiverse

Like a musician stirring hearts with rhythmic tones
We can shift our consciousness across the universes
And enter different versions of our lives

As a wizard in an enchanting world of magic
We can visit endless representations of ourselves

Our mind is the conductor playing the chords of our reality
The musical notes are generated by us and our perception of life

By consistently visualizing a chosen reality
We electrify the quantum field with potent vibrations
Stirring the cosmic fabric to manifest our heartfelt desires

On the grand cosmic stage
Each thought holds tremendous power

Each intent generates a resonance and produces a vibrant current
That attracts experiences of similar frequencies

The right focus will serve as a cosmic compass
And guide you to your desired realities

You are the conscious creator in your epic saga
Be in alignment with the energy of abundance
And cause the universe to dance to your melodic tune!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-327/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #327

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 10, 2023 | Spirituality |

Fashioned from the ephemeral substance of our fears and desires
Crafted specters transverse the invisible realm

Thought forms spring forth from the psyche
Where the vivid threads of our mind weave patterns of possibility

These elementals of human intention become phantom sentinels
Clinging to their unwilling host and whispering in our ear

To dismantle the psychic offspring we have sired
And to dissipate them into the cosmic winds
We have to strike bold strokes across the canvas of our mind

Our mental sovereignty rules over the specters
That it allows to dance within its walls

Claim mastery and dominion over the domain within
Bind yourself to the astral threads that are woven into the great unseen

Reinforce your aura by visualizing it being clear bright and powerful
Layering it with positive intentions and protective symbols

Etch upon the air sigils that potentiate with the force of ones will
And strengthen the shimmering psychic shield that envelops your body

Ground to the stabilizing energies of the earth
Develop a ritual of psychic commands
And incantations that sweep through the psychic layers

As equilibrium is restored
The subtle intrusions into the psyche cease to occur
And the pervasive sense of unease discontinues

The dissonant vibrations come to a halt
And the stagnant energies go from haunting specters to a vanishing fog

Resonate with the clarity and vibrancy of an untroubled spirit
Step out of the shadow and become enlightened with an emboldened resilience

As you stand at the crossroads of the seen and unseen
Elevate yourself with an energy surge into a higher vibration

Strum the melody of existence
With the notes of your thoughts
And the chords of lived experiences

Broadcast your unique vibrational code
Into the sprawling infinity of the cosmos

Sing a ballad of gratitude
In the frequency of abundance

And you will amplify your potent energy signature
That is docked at your doorstep!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-328/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #328

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 10, 2023 | physics, Spirituality |

When you walk
Walk in the shoes of your future self

Reality exists in a position of potentiality
Each quantum particle when observed will become a wave of imagination
In a boundless sea of possibilities

Each surge of current is a potential existence
Waiting to be observed and experienced

Walk as a vibrant master and guardian of your psyche
Stand array in luminescent armor blazed with intention and forged by visualization
Transmute vulnerability into might

The utterances of names and words charged with power
Act as an electric barrier and labyrinth of light which repel unwanted advances

Energize your circumambient aural force
And you will be emboldened in the assertion of self

Convert your ethereal domain into a sheltered haven
So that there will be no breach in the stronghold of your spirit

Your toroidal field is your conduit of energy and information
And your gateway to multiple unseen dimensions

Its captivating energy pattern loops back on itself
And is the fundamental structure underlying the fabric of reality itself

When you prolong the vowel e
It produces a spiraling motion of transformation

When you prolong the i sound
It radiates focused intensity and self expression

The o sound will generate a circum oscillatiing motion of harmony and completeness
The a sound will combine your spirit with the universal force
The u sound is one of constriction and channeling

Divine invocation vocalized reverberates throughout the material and spiritual planes
Nullifying discordant energies and reaffirming the sanctity of your soul path

Strands of fate can twist into unrecognizable contortions
Each movement can tighten their grip

Psychic imprints and residual energies
Cling to places where emotional or physical turbulence has left an indelible mark

Wield your vibratory potency to shatter their hold
Rewire your neural pathways with constructive thought patterns that neutralizes the venom of spells
And lead yourself towards your highest potential!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-329/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #329

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 10, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

Nothing is accidental in this harmonic symphony of life

It is time to set off on a journey
To learn from different cultures
And uncover hidden aspects of myself

Synchronicities are sign posts pointing to subtle shifts in our attitude
They are leaps of consciousness
And validations of deep seated intuition

They are encoded messages inviting us into deeper engagement
With the vibrant colors of our desires
And with the grand tapestry of life

As we align ourselves to the universe
It conspires to bring about what we are thinking and feeling

The universe brings these elements together
And through synchronistic events in our lives
Creates our saga and writes our story

Our purpose here is to gain experience
In the collective simulation of everyones little world
That exists in their subconscious programming

The micro world transfers data to the macro world
From our individual portals to the synapse in the mind of god
Energy is received and processed as information

Our inner flow of light is a plasma conduit
And a receptor of knowledge
Data from electromagnetic and chemical impulses is decoded by our DNA

Every impeccably timed encounter is woven with the purpose
Of leading us toward our highest potential

As we start to commune and collaborate with the cosmic drama
An intricate dialogue opens up and unfolds around us
Gentle nudges guide our sacred journey

When you decode the sacred language
You paint vibrant hues on your path of transformation

When the universe speaks and we understand its language
Reality surpasses what our senses can perceive

What we perceive as the world
Are mental constructions that help us navigate efficiently!

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #330

Posted by Bennett Ross | Dec 10, 2023 | astronomy, myth/religion, Philosophy |

Assert supremacy of your imaginal acts
Do not bow down before the dictate of facts

Put all things in subjection to your ideal
And hold fast your ideal in your imagination

When fire is intense enough to bend and twist steel girders
And to melt glass like a little stream of lava
Then you know the heat source is of a stronger intensity
Far above the average forest fire

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a big lie
They were hit by direct energy weapons
And not by atomic bombs because there was no leftover radiation

Clusters of buildings remained unscathed
The cornices and canopies were undamaged
And their delicate exterior decorations were untouched

Fukushima was a big lie and there was no radiation anywhere
Because it is not a nuclear power plant

The Hanford Nuclear Waste Site is a lie
Because there are no atom bombs causing nuclear radiation

If the earth moves at 19 miles per second
Then how can astronomers fix their telescopes on a target
And not have it move out of sight immediately

In the crazy heliocentric model
The sun is millions of miles closer during the winter months
And millions of miles further away in the summer months

If the earth was a ball
And pilots dipped the nose of the plane down to account for the curvature
They would crash

Sunlight comes down at an angle and is localized
Because the sun is small and close just above the clouds

That is how ridiculous the situation is
All evidence shows we are living on an extended stationary plane

The ancient sun was Saturn which remained fixed in its northern placement
The cherubim were plasma filaments

JeZous Attis Thor and Tammuz were Mars
Jesus died on a cross
Attis was also crucified
Thor died on a tree
And Tammuz was impaled on a stake

Horus Krishna Adonis Dionysus and Mithra were also Mars
Horus was born of a virgin of December 25
As was Krishna who resurrected and performed miracles
Mithra was dead for 3 days then reigned in glory

Adonis had 3 kings visit him at his birth
And also had 12 disciples

Dionysus was the king of kings and lord of lords
He was the alpha and omega

Magnify your thoughts by concentration
Take control of your destiny

Have a purpose in your stride
And intention in your moving
Walk like you mean it

Own your space and command respect
Know your worth and access your potential

Respect yourself enough
To show your best to the world

The more diverse your interactions
The more rich your social circle becomes

Have unshakable belief in yourself
Exude self assuredness
Seek no approval

Take charge when needed with unapologetic confidence
Meet challenges head on

Embrace your strength
Know you are worthy of respect and admiration

Have a confidence that does not crumble in the face of criticism or rejection
Stand tall with chin up shoulders back chest out and eyes focused

Do not become emotionally attached to the beauty of a female
Nor show high interest because it signals attachment and weakness for her

If you do she will have the power over you and will lead the relationship
And you will become emasculated!

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