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SORCHA 12/11: "Western Foundations Warned “Are Trembling” As Russia Closes In On “Devastating Victory”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 11-Dec-2023 18:18:59



December 11, 2023

Western Foundations Warned “Are Trembling” As Russia Closes In On “Devastating Victory

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin most factually observing about the socialist Western colonial supported corrupt Ukrainian Regime: “We would never have done anything like the military operation if they had not started to destroy Russia in our historical territories, expel people from there, declared Russians a non-indigenous ethnic group in Ukraine...Have they gone completely crazy?...Are they completely – how can I put it more bluntly – nuts?”, says this factual observation was joined by Director Sergey Naryshkin of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) revealing: “The Foreign Intelligence Service is receiving reliable information that high-ranking officials of leading Western countries are increasingly discussing the need to replace the incumbent president of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky”.

While awaiting socialist Western colonial puppet masters to decide his fate, this report notes, corrupt puppet leader Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky met with his paymasters this weekend, about which it was reported: “The scion of the globalist George Soros Open Society Foundations network of international influence schemes, travelled to Kyiv this weekend to reaffirm his support for the Zelensky government as the largest independent financier of Ukraine”— President Zelensky then traveled half way around the world to the South American nation of Argentina to attend the inauguration of President Javier Milei, where he was told to “cut the preaching” and it was reported: “At this time, and due to the diminished support of the governments of the Atlantic alliance, Ukraine's priority interest is to achieve the support of the countries of the Global South”—while attending the inauguration, President Zelensky had “an intense looking chat” with European Union and NATO member leader Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who had just told the French news outlet Le Point: “Hungary is a neighbour of Ukraine, we know exactly what is happening...Ukraine is known to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world...It’s a joke!”.

In what is described as a “last ditch trip to D.C.”, this report continues, Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden invited puppet leader President Zelensky to stop over in Washington after leaving Argentina, where today they will try to force Republican Party lawmakers to give more aid to Ukraine—Republican lawmakers, however, won't pass a bill for Ukraine aid unless it contains provisions to deal with the out of control American southern border—when asked during an interview on Face the Nation yesterday: “Can you get Ukraine aid passed separate from this?”, top Republican lawmaker US Senator James Lankford replied: “No, no...What you hear from so many people is why would we deal with other people’s national security and ignore American national security...We can do two things at once for the United States of America”—quickly after which, Republican lawmaker US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posted the warning message: “America is nearly $34 TRILLION in debt because of the stupidity and horrific irresponsibility of America's leaders...Our border is under siege, invasion, and under control of the Mexican cartels...We can NOT fund the Ukraine war, a U.S. proxy war with Russia...America FIRST!!!”.

Ahead of these “last ditch” meetings today, this report details, the world's richest person Elon Musk demanded answers on the status of world-renowned journalist Gonzalo Lira from Socialist Leader Biden and President Zelensky, with him wondering how it was possible that an American citizen is in prison in Ukraine after “we sent over a $100 billion” to support the country, and stressed that it would be a “serious problem” if it turned out that the journalist was being persecuted for “simply criticizing Zelensky”—a demand joined by America’s most trusted and popular newsman Tucker Carlson releasing his interview with Gonzalo Lira's father, with it being noted: “Isn’t it odd that four days later after condemning Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Gonzalo was arrested?”—and Tucker Carlson began the interview by truthfully reminding the American peoples that everything they’ve been told about Ukraine by the socialist Biden Regime and fake news leftist media are all lies.

Late last evening, this report notes, Ukrainian ground forces commander Colonel General Aleksandr Syrsky grimly revealed: “Russian troops are attacking Ukrainian positions in all areas along the conflict front line”—is a conflict caused because the lunatic socialist Biden Regime didn't heed Supreme Commander of the German Army Lieutenant-General Alfons Mais warning: “Many underestimate the Russian Armed Forces...This cannot be done....Russian resources, like the resources of the Russian army, are practically inexhaustible”—a warning joined today by the Wall Street Journal article “Alarm Grows Over Weakened Militaries And Empty Arsenals In Europe”, wherein it revealed: “The British military—the leading U.S. military ally and Europe’s biggest defense spender—has only around 150 deployable tanks and perhaps a dozen serviceable long-range artillery pieces...So bare was the cupboard that last year the British military considered sourcing multiple rocket launchers from museums to upgrade and donate to Ukraine, an idea that was dropped...France, the next biggest spender, has fewer than 90 heavy artillery pieces, equivalent to what Russia loses roughly every month on the Ukraine battlefield...Denmark has no heavy artillery, submarines or air-defense systems...Germany’s army has enough ammunition for two days of battle”.

One of the main architects of warmongering British foreign policy, this report continues, is House of Lords member Baron Daniel Hannan, whose pronouncements are published in the main British establishment newspaper The Daily Telegraph, and in whose just released open letter “Putin’s Russia Is Closing In On A Devastating Victory. Europe’s Foundations Are Trembling” fearfully warned: “We risk a Suez-level disaster for the Western democracies...Any deal that rewards Russian aggression will signal to the rest of the world that NATO, with all its collective wealth and weaponry, could not succeed in the minimal goal of rescuing a country that its two most powerful members, the US and the UK, had undertaken to protect...While we are not ourselves at war this time, we are so invested in the Ukrainian cause that a Russian victory – and absorbing conquered territory is a Russian victory, present it how you will – would mean a catastrophic loss of prestige for the West and the ideas associated with it: personal freedom, democracy and human rights...The world is getting colder...The nights are drawing in”.

To prevent the “catastrophic loss of prestige for the West and the ideas associated with it”, this report concludes, Baron Hannan included in his open letter the reminder: ”The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organised violence...Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do”—among those not forgetting this fact is Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who declared: “The 500-year-long dominance of the West is coming to an end, being replaced by a new polycentric world”—and American geopolitical analyst Ted Snider, in his just released open letter “Gaza And Ukraine: How The US Risks Losing The Global South”, observed:

The Global South – or perhaps more acutely, the Global Majority – is a loose club of countries who share growing confidence in their economic strength and in their ability to resist US hegemony in favour of working with multiple poles in pursuit of their own national interest instead of America’s interests.

The US has been unable to recruit the Global South into its historically convenient portrayal of an unprovoked Russian invasion or to pressure it into its sanction regime against Russia.

And this emerging trend in the Global South is being cemented by the US position in the two wars being fought in Ukraine and Gaza. The price of the position the US is taking could be the loss of the Global Majority.

America’s self-serving and unprincipled application of international law in Ukraine and in Gaza risks serious harm to its future foreign policy, to its global reputation and ability to command trust, and to the security of its place at the head of the international table.

It is US hypocrisy in the application of international law, more than competition from China or Russia, that is challenging US hegemony.

For the Global South, it is not the question of the judgment of right and wrong.

It is the defense of international law with its foundation in the United Nations over a rules-based order with its foundation in Washington that is applied according to a hypocritical standard that benefits the US and its selected partners and not according to a universal standard that benefits the whole global community.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]





December 11, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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