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The Sins of The Leaders Will Fall Upon the People

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Tuesday, 5-Dec-2023 21:17:15

The Sins of The Leaders Will Fall Upon the People

What we are witnessing today is a group of wealthy elite leaders, an oligarchy, that’s putting America in debt, forcing immoral dictates in public schools and waging war that will automatically activate terrorists to destroy our nation. And that is a short list.

What our leaders are scheming behind closed doors places our armed forces in harm’s way and creates the mindset in new enemies that they must attack us in our cities, towns and homes.
We personally didn’t attack the Palestinians or the Muslims in the Middle east, but the policies of the Whitehouse and Congress is creating new enemies on a daily basis that hate us and blame our entire nation for the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

It may sound like Biden and his team are warning Israel government “not to kill too many innocent people”, but those are just words. Look at their actions – they do nothing to stop the Israelis from killing innocent people every day.

Doing nothing in the face of gross inhumane treatment of others is the definition of being complicit. And being complicit with the crime of murder and genocide is a high crime. There is no grey area in what is going on.

The Israelis are using archaic, barbaric and inhumane religious reasoning for killing innocent men, women, children and animals. They quote the religious texts, they verbalize the religious dictates, they write about it, and their religious leaders are in harmony with the military killing machine and support this reasoning, as well as the law makers.

But the Jewish people in Israel and the world by the millions are against it. This fact reveals the absolute power the global oligarchy wield today. This is not a demonstration of democracy by any stretch of imagination. And yet, the killings go on unstopped.

Day after day the blood flows out of Gaza like a river. This is your tax dollars at work. Your congressman is doing nothing to voice even a whisper of disapproval. The president is in sync with the Zionist leaders and is not withholding the $ billions that finance that murderous nation every year.
Instead, he sends our Navy to defend the zionist leaders that have no intention of stopping the carnage.

He also sends more troops to defend the invasion of Syria and the stealing of their oil. And he sends fighter jets and missiles to defend this criminal, unconstitutional action. Soldiers are now dying on both sides because of these illegal actions.

This is what corruption in high places looks like. What is even worse is that every time innocent people are killed in Gaza, it creates several more Muslims that feel obligated to fight against the west, Israel and the US.
These inhumane actions are the very best recruiting program that could have ever been devised.

Do the politicians really think the hatred will go away? Do US citizens actually think they are safe in their homes, cities, streets and offices after what corrupt Biden and Congress are doing in the Middle East?

These criminals in high places are 100% complicit and have blood on their hands as the killing continues in Gaza. You will know a people and a leader by their fruits. If they do evil things, they are evil. If they allow innocent people to be killed, they have committed a great sin. And the sins of the leaders will be visited upon the people under their leadership, and that means you and me.

The innocent people of a nation that allows its corrupt leaders to be in league with murderers will also suffer the consequences by those that feel compelled that they must take revenge for the death of the innocent.

The stage is being set for a major conflict, and whether we think we are innocent or not doesn’t matter, we will still be considered part of the problem. When radical Muslim sleeper cells go active in our nation, the bombs that kill do not discriminate between the so called innocent and those that are complicit in war crimes.

When buildings are burned, power companies go down, and road ways and bridges are destroyed and food supplies dry up it doesn’t matter if the masses are innocent, they will suffer anyway. The sins of the leaders will fall on the people.

People may look at the news and shake their head and then think it will all go away in a day or two. But hatred is being sown by Biden and Israel. It is being cultivated every hour when more children are being killed. It won’t go away, not ever. Why? Because blood is on the hands of the globalist leaders - and the families and religious brothers that are witnessing this will not forget this crime, ever. The sins of the leaders will fall on this nation. Count on it and prepare for the wrath of the Muslims to come across this nation like a tidal wave.

This is what these evil rulers have created - an unrelenting force of hatred to avenge for the thousands of innocent lives that have been slaughtered without mercy. What they have done is not holy and not the fruits of a good people - but rather the demonstration of evil incarnate on the earth. And when that vengeance falls on this nation, it won’t discriminate between good and bad people, the entire nation will suffer for the sins of the leaders. Prepare accordingly. George Eaton

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