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AMG News: Arrest Wars & White Hats Military: The Hidden Truth Behind GITMO and the Thanksgiving Day Operation (November 23, 2023) --(excerpt Text)(Image)(link)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 4-Dec-2023 22:16:03

From https://amg-news.com/arrest-wars-white-hats-military-the-hidden-truth-behind-gitmo-and-the-thanksgiving-day-operation-november-23-2023/

Arrest Wars & White Hats Military: The Hidden Truth Behind GITMO and the Thanksgiving Day Operation (November 23, 2023)

By Medeea Greere December 5, 2023 Updated:December 5, 2023

In the ominous shadows of global affairs, a brewing storm of military unrest threatens to unleash a tsunami of justice, sweeping away the secrets that have long been concealed from the public eye. The epicenter of this storm lies in the controversial Guantanamo Bay detention camp, where every detainee becomes a pawn in a game of high-stakes justice. Brace yourself for a riveting journey into the heart of the Arrest Wars and the valiant efforts of the White Hats Military to expose a web of deception that extends even to the highest echelons of power.

The looming military tsunami has brought GITMO, the notorious Guantanamo Bay, into the spotlight. Behind the barbed wires and the imposing walls, a staggering revelation awaits — the military pays a hefty sum of $30,000 per detainee for essentials such as food, utilities, medical services, and transportation. But what’s even more astonishing is the White Hats’ decision to divert the confiscated assets of criminals towards sustaining the detainees. This is not just a detention center; it’s a labyrinth of secrets where criminals pay for their sins in ways unimaginable to the outside world.

The Enigma of GITMO

Within the confines of GITMO, detainees exist in isolation from the luxuries of modern life. No television, internet, phone, or radio connects them to the outside world. Stripped of their privileges, these criminals are forced to live in the same manner they inflicted harm upon others, culminating in a journey that leads them directly to the threshold of Lucifer’s embrace. GITMO emerges not only as a detention center but a purgatory where justice takes an unconventional form.

Beneath the surface, a financial dance unfolds. The White Hats Military rejects the conventional use of army funds for criminals, redirecting seized assets to sustain GITMO operations. This audacious move ensures that the ill-gotten gains of criminals serve a noble purpose — providing sustenance, medical care, and transportation for those confined within the facility. It’s a stark reminder that justice comes at a cost, and in this case, the perpetrators foot the bill for their own incarceration.


Thanksgiving Day Operation

On November 23, 2023, the White Hats and Special Forces embarked on a daring mission to apprehend Joe Biden and his entourage at billionaire David Rubenstein’s property. Thanksgiving Day, typically a time of gratitude and celebration, became a battleground for truth. Initial reports of Biden’s presence proved to be elaborate fabrications, with the press orchestrating a grand illusion to deceive the public. Special Forces, relentless in their pursuit of justice, penetrated Rubenstein’s property, only to find it devoid of any trace of the accused.

Pictures and videos circulated by the press were nothing but skillful manipulations. Every snapshot featuring Joe Biden on Rubenstein’s property was a meticulously crafted falsehood. The Black Hats attempted to outpace the Special Forces but were met with resolute failure. The narrative painted by the press crumbled under the weight of the truth, leaving the public to grapple with the realization that deception had reached unprecedented heights.

The attempt to catch Joe Biden and his associates on Thanksgiving Day marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing Arrest Wars. It exposed not only the lengths to which the Black Hats would go to protect their secrets but also the resilience and determination of the White Hats Military to uphold justice. As the world grapples with the fallout from this covert operation, it becomes evident that the battle for truth is far from over.


Behind the veil of military operations and clandestine endeavors, there are real people with real stories. The detainees in GITMO are not faceless entities but individuals who once wreaked havoc on the lives of others. The Thanksgiving Day Operation reveals a complex web of personalities, motivations, and conflicting interests. In the pursuit of justice, the human touch is often lost, and it is essential to remember that every action, every decision, has profound implications on the lives of those involved.

As the echoes of the Thanksgiving Day Operation reverberate through the corridors of power, the Arrest Wars intensify, and the truth struggles to break free from the shackles of deception. GITMO stands as a symbol of justice served, albeit in unconventional ways. The relentless pursuit of truth by the White Hats Military serves as a beacon of hope in a world where shadows often obscure reality. Brace yourself for the unfolding chapters of this saga, where the human spirit clashes with the forces that seek to keep the truth hidden. In the coming days, the military tsunami will wash over everything, leaving behind a transformed landscape of justice and revelation.

To read very much more(40 minute read) go to https://amg-news.com/arrest-wars-white-hats-military-the-hidden-truth-behind-gitmo-and-the-thanksgiving-day-operation-november-23-2023/

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