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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Sunday, 3-Dec-2023 14:59:20


By Tom Fairbanks (ISA)

Sunday, December 3, 2023 13:21

Delta Forces took down three pedophile rings in Cache County Utah on Mother’s Day May 9, 2021. One group of about 75 people were found in a barn near Preston, Idaho, another of ten were located near North Logan and a third of ten were near Wellsville. Evidently the Children were Safe and the Perpetrators had been Dealt With.

I was informed of the raids by an acquaintance named Kali, whom I had gotten to know through my employment at the Baugh Motel. Kali had told us that he had come to Logan to assist his friend, Michael, with his recovery after being released from the hospital. Kali had also share with us that his role as a trumpet player on cruise ships was in reality a cover for his Military Delta Force assignments all across the world. “For the last 28 years,” Kali said, “Tom, I have been tracking down pedophiles all across the world and I have continually come across your Intel”.

I had never questioned Kali or doubted what Kali had said, even though his statements seemed to be beyond my imagination. It never crossed my mind that Kali may have had access to my book exposing the corruption of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation that I published in 2018 titled, “American Crossroads of Trust”, or that Kali would even know about the Friends of the Court Briefs, which I had written back in 2015, exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and the Corruption in the Judicial System in Cache Valley.

Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is narrowly defined as an assault (either psychological, physical, or sexual) that takes place on an individual as part of a liturgy (rite) or ordered pattern incorporated into a ceremony of worship aimed at Satan, the Christian devil. – encyclopedia.com

Kali told me that he knew of my investigations, emails, and the numerous conversations I had with SRA victims, along with those who had been falsely prosecuted for Sexual Abuse of Children. He also said he was aware of my discussions with those who had been in Cache Valley over a four-year period officially investigating Satanic Ritual Abuse, Public Corruption, and Crimes Against Humanity. “All of this intel”, Kali said, “helped lead us to the pedophile raids in Cache County”. I was dumbfounded.

Kali then asked if I had anything I wanted to send up to the Military. I gave him a USB drive to deliver to who knows who. A few days later Kali informed me that he had made the delivery and then asked, “What the hell was on that drive? Your name is all over Washington DC”!

The USB drive contained all the documents pertaining to the indictment filed against me for Securities Fraud, including my whistleblower request, which had previously been sent to US Attorney for the District of Utah, John Huber, my previous requests for assistance from the Utah State Attorney General and the Utah State Bar Association, along with copies of the three Friend of the Court Briefs, exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and the corruption in the judicial system in Cache Valley, along with a special folder titled Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

The initial Securities Fraud claim against me was made by “Miss Trial” and her husband, who were the first people in Cache Valley to take me down the SRA rabbit hole. “Miss Trial” told me that as a teenager, she had become the victim of SRA and that, as a couple, they had tried just about everything to block out the memories of her past. They offered to assist me in the efforts to expose SRA, in part because “Miss Trials” oldest son had been convicted of Child Sexual Assault and was incarcerated in prison in Salt Lake City. They told me that they hoped the exposure of SRA would help to free “Miss Trial’s” son and they took an active role in the investigations, acting as the go-between with many of the SRA victims that they brought to meet with me during the investigation. However, when one of the individuals they brought to meet with me revealed that there was a video tape of “Miss Trial’s” Ritual Abuse, in hindsight I can now see the investigation began to be sabotaged, my office was repeatedly broken into and my automobile was tampered with multiple times. After I was poisoned, I withdrew myself from everyone because I did not know, at this point, who was trying to stop our efforts.

I then started receiving voicemail threats and in January of 2017, “Miss Trial” and her husband filed a Small Claims Court Complaint against me for the $5,500 they loaned me for the Investigation, claiming that the Loan was an “Investment”. I answered their complaint by filing an addendum to the three Friend of the Court Briefs exposing their roles in the investigations and their motivation to distance themselves from any investigation into SRA. In response to the voicemail threats, I sought the assistance and protection from the Utah State Bar Association and the Utah State Attorney General’s Office.

The Utah State Bar Association never responded to my request, however, on the day of the court hearing, the clerk of the court received a phone call with instructions for the judge. The judge dismissed “Miss Trial” and her husband’s complaint. Angrily, “Miss Trial” declared to me and the Judge, “You haven’t heard the last of this yet”!

I then met with Nate Mutter, the Section Chief for Special Prosecutions and Public Corruption in the Utah State Attorney General’s Office, explaining my situation along with my concern for my safety. I gave him copies of the three Friend of the Court Briefs exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and the corruption in the judicial system in Cache Valley that were filed in December of 2015 and other related documents. I then had him listen to the voicemail threats. When Mr. Mutter revealed that he formerly was a police officer with the City of Logan, I said, “then you know exactly what I am talking about.” Mr. Mutter assured me that he would look into my concerns and get back with me. About three weeks later, I received a voicemail from Mr. Mutter saying that “it would be a conflict of interest for him to pursue my request for assistance. “WHAT”! I thought, “how can doing your job be a Conflict of Interest? Unless somehow you are involved in this”!

I called Mr. Mutter back and he restated what he had told me in the voice message. I asked him who I could take my concerns to, and he told me that I could go to the FBI, but when I asked for a name, he told me to look it up on the Internet. Having had a previous experience with the FBI, I decided to wait and see what would happen.

After John Huber, US Attorney for the District of Utah, was appointed to investigate Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, I appealed to John Huber as a whistleblower in April of 2019. Seven months later, without any comment or communication to my whistleblower appeal, John Huber’s Office filed an Indictment against me in November 2019.

The special folder titled, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), contained a copy of Elder Glen L. Pace’s Satanic Ritual Abuse Study that surfaced in the early 1990s. This particular copy, however, was from a lawsuit involving Utah Power and Light that was used by the plaintiff to support their claims of abuse. Also included were other court filings and reports regarding high-ranking individuals and leaders in government, business and the Church.

Kali’s statement reassured me that my USB drive had, in fact, been received and I could only assume it was the SRA folder that had caused such a stir in Washington DC. - Where there is smoke, there is fire!

Next Part 3:

See Part 1: /crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-1-awkward-connections-and-my-military-involvement-2495312.html

SOURCE: https://beforeitsnews.com/crime-all-stars/2023/12/cache-collision-part-2-childrens-satanic-ritual-abuses-in-utah-finally-reach-washington-dc-2495315.html

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