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Anna Von Reitz: "My Work and Mission"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 30-Nov-2023 04:35:17

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "The Purpose of the Infant Decedent Estates-- Bona Vacantia" (hobie)

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Monday, November 27, 2023

[]My Work and Mission

By Anna Von Reitz

It is my part to expose the Liars at every turn, to wield the Sword of Truth to educate you, to protect you, and to empower you.

My focus is not religion, though religion unavoidably enters the realm of my observations and relates to history and law and the spiritual warfare we are embroiled in now--- and I have to tell you that you have been as dumbed down and deceived about religion as everything else by the Liars among us.

I have told you that there are two (2) Gods in the Bible and you must learn to discern between them.

This fact has been hidden from you because the names of both Gods, one True, one False, have been expunged and replaced with the generic word "Lord" as in "the Lord said to me" ---- which gives you the false impression that there is only one God being referenced in the Bible.

This prevents you from knowing which God is speaking at any given time and leads you to attribute everything that is said to the True God -- but in fact the far more common (and wordy) speaker is Satan.

This confusion about "which God" is doing things and saying things in the Bible is exactly the same kind of confusion as we see concerning "which United States" --- the country or the corporation --- is being referenced.

These sorts of semantic confusions, misleading labels, and obfuscations are the trademark and fruits of the Liars at work among us.

It is the same with my comments about Abram bribing Melchizedek. Abram owed the traditional victory tithe to the True God, but he gave it to the priest of a foreign God -- a God purporting to be the "Most High" -- to obtain the Blessing of this other God.

This is a Substitution Fraud of the same kind as when the Brits substituted their "States of States" for ours.

We assume that Abram is talking to a priest serving the True God and paying the victory tithe to him, but instead, Abram is paying the victory tithe to the False God, who is misrepresenting himself as "the Most High" and Abram is asking the Blessing of this other God -- Satan, in return.

This puts an entirely different spin on the whole subject of Abraham's Blessing.

It's not a spiritual blessing, it's a material blessing.

This is what you get when you bow down and worship him --- "him" being Satan.

When you stop and think of it, do you think a bunch of ancient sheepherders running around in the desert would care enough about a theoretical spiritual blessing to lie and cheat their own Father to steal it?

No, they believed that Abram's Blessing was the key to material wealth and success and worldly power, bought and paid for by giving the victory tithe money and promises (bribes) to Satan's priest, Melchizedek.

Of course, Melchizedek said he served "the Most High". In his mind, he did. Satan is the ruler of the world, while the True God is the ruler of the Earth.
Which is "Most High" in which realm?

Satan is the admitted ruler of the world, who held all the glitter of the man-made world in his hand as he tempted Yeshuah--- but it is the True God speaking in Revelation, when he says he will "bring to ruin those ruining the Earth".

Without the names being named, Joe Average reading the Bible is just as lost as when he is trying to read Federal Code.

These obfuscations and semantic deceits are not the least of it; there are other problems, too.

A little over 200 years ago, everyone knew that Sunday was the first day of the week, not Monday.
Everyone knew that March was the first month of the year, and that there were 13 months in each year.

Don't believe me? Lookee here:


Up through Lincoln's Administration, when the Liars gained control, the Presidential inaugurations were always in March, not January.

Our calendars have been messed with, even the frequencies to which our musical scales are tuned, have been messed with and distorted.

This is what Liars do. They twist, they turn, they change, they relabel and rename, they obfuscate, they hide, they make simple things complex, they pollute, disrespect and denigrate the natural world in every way they can.

They long ago messed up the Bible just like they redefined common words that appear in Federal Code, to keep Joe Average dumbed down, helpless, misled, and making wrong assumptions.

As for me, when I do say something about scripture -- listen. I am not speaking for my own sake. I am speaking for your sake.

When I observe that the Bible narrative begins with paying a bribe for a Blessing, continues with lying, cheating, and stealing, and ends with the murder of an innocent man, I am not here to provoke a firestorm of controversy. I am drawing your attention to what is actually on the pages in front of your faces.

When I say that there is no known reason behind the labels "Christian" or "Jew" or "Muslim", wake up.

We are being played by these Liars in every way, in every field of endeavor. They are profiting from the problems and distortions they cause and the divisions they make between people and the labels they apply to everyone.

Shocking as my redux of the Biblical Narrative may be, it is true. The truth is always simple and the lies are always complex.


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com


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