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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #306 - #310 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Wednesday, 29-Nov-2023 12:11:54

From https://bennettleeross.com/philosophy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-306/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #306

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 28, 2023 | Philosophy, psychology |

You are in control of your own hologram
Your consciousness level dictates your experience

Focus on organic ascension timelines
Not in destructive timelines that may come into your reality
Because others around you are fear based

Everyone is in their own consciousness level because of their genetic arrangements

And we are living through a spiritual warfare process at this time

You must be stronger than fear programs
Do not succumb to the delusion that lower AI and negative entities will win

Be aligned with your personal ascension timeline
It is your time wave with God

Be a free independent thinker
Who values personal freedom and holds reverence for life

Be an autonomous individual with self sovereignty
Not in a consciousness trap from broadcasted fear programs

Practice self love and self acceptance
See yourself in the highest positive light

Believe you deserve all blessings
And you will receive the wonders of life!

From https://bennettleeross.com/philosophy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-307/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #307

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 28, 2023 | Philosophy, psychology |

The essence of your being is your self image
Direct your consciousness to the positive
Change your self image and you transform the trajectory of your life

See yourself in a new light
And you will automatically alter your future course

We can receive no more
Than what our concept of self affirms

The world sees you
As you see yourself

Below your anxiety there is serenity
A stillness beyond words
A state of homeostasis order and balance

Anchor with that in the present moment
And celebrate the eternal continuance of existence

Meet you true self
Access parts of yourself that you have not recently celebrated
Sing a song of love and self discovery

The power of the mind and imagination dominates
Live your desires in your imagination as already achieved

Focus on the spiritual
See the invisible
Feel the intangible

Until they become as real as the physical
And a natural progression of events leads you to your desired reality

Your consciousness is the only reality
And the foundation on which all phenomenon can be explained

The world gives us only that
Which is a nature of ourselves!

From https://bennettleeross.com/war/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-308/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #308

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 28, 2023 | war |

The story of the fierce battle of Iwo Jima
That is said to have 26,000 casualties
And which resulted in the raising of the flag on Mt Suribachi
Had one slight problem

There was no Japanese on the island
Iwo Jima was empty
It had no population

The official story has Japanese attacking in ambushes
From the underground tunnels there

What really happened is that they dropped bombs on a deserted island for a few days
And then the Captain said
Good job men you killed 1000 Japs

Then the Captain issued an order to off load food supplies to the shore
And the boys said Aye Aye Captain

They then walked around the beaches with no protection
And had beach barbecues in broad daylight

The raising of the flag on Mt Suribachi was just a photo shoot
To fool the gullible public

The heroic deeds was not to rescue America
From the bombing of Pearl Harbor
Because that was obviously fake and pre arranged

All the best ships were moved to San Diego just before the bombing
And replaced by old malfunctioning ones

The gallantry of our war heroes was to save us from the balloon bombs
That were made by school girls in a countryside workshop
Which were described as primitive intercontinental missiles

They floated over here and killed the Reverand Archie Mitchell
And 5 Sunday School students on a picnic
People actually still believe that story

The vast majority of recruits sailed on ships
Landed on empty tropical beaches
And watched their guns being aimed at desolate cliff sides

They kept busy doing different jobs
And got sick with heat exhaustion in the jungles
Or hurt somehow

Controlled skirmishes and mock battles did occur
They had a limited shoot out and a pre agreed upon outcome
And young men did lose their lives

For the most part the recruits did stuff for a couple years
Then returned home as heroes in a fake prescripted war

They were treated as celebrities by a mislead public
Who believed the lies of Walter Cronkite

The recruits themselves wound up telling lies
That they were ordered to tell
And many exaggerated upon those lies!

From https://bennettleeross.com/war/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-309/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #309

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 28, 2023 | war |

In the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit
The villain wants to destroy Toon Town
By spraying chemical weapons on it

Then buy the land at a cheap price
And build a highway through it

The Boshin War in 1868 and 1869
Was a hostile takeover of Japan

The Satsuma and Choshu clans
Worked in conjunction with the foreign invaders

Their ancestral turf is Kyoto and Kyushu
Both cites were spared from bombing campaigns in WW2

The Japanese government were in full cooperation with the American forces
Prior to a bombing the population of the city was removed

They were put in the temporary accommodations of a tent city in a rural location
Sometime later the population was allowed back in

When the fake war was over
American occupation was in charge of reconstruction

Now that Toon Town was destroyed
Huge profits were ready to be made

Hardly anyone was ever killed
The Japanese population kept growing during the time period

The bombing of Japanese cities at night was direct energy weaponry
The atom bomb is a cover story
There was no radiation in the aftermath

Older and much nicer buildings were targeted
To remove evidence of former advanced technology and craftsmanship

In cities like Nagoya Osaka Yokohama Kobe and even Tokyo
The destruction was very selective and there was light damage
Streets remained clean and there were no corpses lying around

There was no Japanese on the remote volcanic atoll of Iwo Jima
And there was no enemy living in the underground tunnels there

And there is no Hamas
In the underground tunnels of Gaza!

From https://bennettleeross.com/health/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-310/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #310

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 28, 2023 | health |

Hospitals draw blood from all babies
Without consent or knowledge of the parents

Babies need their blood
But they are surreptitiously snuck off into a separate abattoir

Blood is then drawn by slicing the sole of the foot
Which causes extreme pain to the baby as he or she screams out in agony
Then the baby is injected with vaccines full of poison

They sell the blood to the hybrid elite
Who drink it as an elixir

Blood drives and blood banks are for the same purpose

We are ruled over by a cabal of actual vampires
Who literally feed upon us

Disconnect yourself from hospitals and pharmacies
Avoid being another pathetic zombie
Sleepwalking their way through life

Be clear in your intent
To align with the Universal Laws of God

Avoid processed foods
They are the major drivers for nutritional deficiencies and toxicity

There are 2 very toxic components found in virtually all processed foods
One is partially hydrogenated oil

Through the process of high heat and pressure
Hydrogen is forced into the oil
And alters the chemical composition of essential fatty acids

Fully hydrogenated oil turns the bad trans fat into the very unhealthy saturated fatty acids
Which interfere with insulin reception

Completely unnatural man made fats created through the hydrogenation process
Causes dysfunction and chaos in your body

The Omega 6 fat is damaged in the hydrogenation process
And compounds the problem of having too much of it

One half gram trans fat per serving
Can legally be claimed as zero trans fat

The other toxic component in virtually all processed foods
Is high fructose corn syrup

It is made from genetically altered corn
And is saturated with very dangerous levels of the poison glyphosate

Avoid table salt and processed sugar
Both are heated and mixed with chemicals

Celtic salt is a whole raw crystal
With mineral rich brine

The body needs sugar found in fruits
Glucose sucrose and fructose

Uses spices
All Spice is a single spice
It is a powerful antioxidant and has potent antibacterial and antifungal properties

Nutmeg is a sweet spice that relieves pain
More than 2 teaspoons can give you a hallucinogenic effect
The seeds are better than the grounded nutmeg

Ethylene oxide is a sterilization chemical
That is being commonly used in the spice industry
Avoid big name brands

Your physical health
Is essential for your spiritual well being!

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