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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #301 - #305 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 27-Nov-2023 13:16:33

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-301/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #301

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 25, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

You are an eternal dreamer
Dreaming non eternal dreams

Your dreams take form as you assume
The feeling of their reality

We live our dreams in the portals of the present
The drama of life is being enacted by our imagination

Imagination is the gateway to realizing the truth of the state desired
It transforms energy from the emotional and mental level to your outer life

Your world in its every detail is your consciousness objectified
And it cannot change until you change your conception of it

People in the outer world
Are playing out the theatre in your inner world

What you imagine within
You are rewarded with in physical appearance

All you can possibly need or desire is already yours
By calling them into being

Convince yourself of the truth
Of that you desire to see manifested

Use feelings of joy and excitement
To experience your wishes as already manifested

The subconscious never fails to express
That which has been impressed upon it

It accepts as fact your feelings
And immediately sets out to produce the exact likeness of them
In the outer objective world

Imagination creates your life
Powerful affirmations with intense emotion can completely change your life

Express your creative power through your imagination
Your imagination is a powerful creative force

Let your creative power flow effortlessly
And create a life in beautiful and magnificent ways!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-302/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #302

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 25, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation
Identify yourself with your imagination and you will discover the core of reality
Your future is your imaginal activity in its creative march

Awaken the feeling that you are what you desire to be
And have what you desire to possess

The mood in your wishes is what lifts you
And announces to the world of appearances that your affirmations will come

Control of the subconscious is dominion over all
Assert the supremacy of your imaginal acts
And put all facts in subjection to them

The world is a magic circle of infinite possibilities
Take conscious charge of creating a heaven on earth
By controlling the nature and direction of your inner conversation

Realize the power of your dialogue within
And you will see your mission in life

Say to yourself only that which is in harmony with your ideal
Exercise your imagination lovingly on behalf of others
And you will navigate God to them

The more vibrationally aligned you are to the God part inside of you
The better you feel
And the more satisfied and worthy you will be

Pray to your own imagination
Productive fantasies underly the workings of your mightier self

Commit yourself that your act of self commission will become a reality
Turn from what is to what ought to be

Give to your ideal image sensory vividness
And by universal law you will realize your wishes

Predetermine your future
And create your ideal world out of pure dreams of fancy

A thought acted upon is an imaginal act
When your attitude becomes your habitual action
You will have redefined your character

By living in your wish fulfilled you cross a bridge
Your dreams will come upon you
And your desires will be yours for the taking!

From https://bennettleeross.com/history/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-303/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #303

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 25, 2023 | History, media, sports |

We live in an edited movie
Where what you believe happens to you

Every movie made is propaganda that manipulates beliefs
In order to promote a false history
Or produce energy to bring into reality a negative future

Television is just a big energy vampire
That sucks your power by getting you to believe in lies
Get rid of the idiot box

All politics is fake
Do not engage in a discussion of politicians
They are just gate keepers and fabrications for us to focus on

Presidents are all cousins
And are related to movie stars

First ladies are all men
Victoria Secret models are all men

Do not watch a fake NASA event
Or follow a fictitious school shooting

Do not get locked into any religion
They have been organized into control systems

Do not have a Savoir mentality in religion
Or in the phony medical system

Do not care about sports
The outcomes of major sports are determined beforehand
Star players have committed themselves to the Freemasons

They are given growth hormones and steroids
And then cloned

Michael Jordon was cut from his high school basketball team
And then became a Freemason

Do not fall for every Psy Op that comes along
They are intended to keep us in fear and keep us divided

Fear blocks your paramagnetic sensors
It stops you from using your intuition
And from going interdimensional

Do not believe your food will be cut off
Or that your power will be shut off

Do not believe your door will be knocked down
And that you will be dragged to a Fema Camp

Battles are staged and war is a theatre

Free energy is being withheld from us in plain sight
The Eiffel Tower is an energy gathering device
So were the pyramids

Direct energy weapons are the cause for the downfall of nations
The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was a DEW event
As was the destruction of Dresden Germany in 1945
And the World Trade Center in 2001
And Lahaina on Maui in 2023

Fires started on top of the buildings in New York City on 9-11
Suggesting the ignition was from above

The past was more futuristic

The Universal Karmic Law is to tell the truth
If you engage in spreading falsehoods you should be worried about your soul

Lies make others a mental slave
Causing them to dare not accept the evidence of their own senses

The game you play is by your choosing
Keep a positive outlook

You are pure positive energy
But you can hold negative emotion

Realize the brilliance and worthiness of your being
You house the divine ether

And you are God wearing a mask!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-304/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #304

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 25, 2023 | astronomy, physics, Prognostication |

Matthew 27:52-53 says
That people arose from their graves
And started walking around

As electrical pressure builds against the firmament
Plasma will seep through

The plasma will be initially in purple and red lines
Then change into crimson magenta and pink
As the argon is used up yellow will become dominant

When pressure is at a certain level the flip ring will open
And the choke ring will cease being an electromagnetic barrier

The aurora borealis will come alive and push down to the surface of terra firma
This will cause the anode cathode and zero point to respond and shoot up into the sky

Plasma filaments of sprites and elves will shoot forth
From the anode and the cathode and form an eleven

11 means a new start
And we get the word eleven from elfen or elven

The high pressure of static electricity
Will cause atoms to become ionized
And create an intense atmospheric conductivity

The oceans will get sucked up
And create a sodium vapor atmosphere of dense fog
It will be a land of magic

Humans and other living creatures will become plasma possessed and supercharged
Causing us to be telepathic and to possess powers of telekinesis

Our sexuality will become magnified
That is why during these times
The planetary gods are described as being promiscuous

Lies will be recognized and deeds found out
There will be no secrets

The ones who actively betrayed humanity
Will not be able to hold the positive charge

As the apocalypse worsens people will cry for help
If you have obscured universal laws there will be no chance for parole

Good will be intensified and so will evil
Appliances and robotic technology will seem to have a mind of their own
And the dead will appear to be animated

The planets will be attracted to the magnetism and will appear eerily through the fog
The red colored Mars will drift down the northern axis

He will be the red deemer or red judge
And be heralded as the Savoir or the Great Redeemer
Through the dense fog Mars will be seen as the light of the world

Being energetically amplified we will not need food
The plasma manna or ambrosia food of the gods will sustain us

Inner earth beings will come to the surface

The elite are aware of end time events
And are actively seeking a means to escape

The clock is ticking
A world storm is on the way

If you have a strong spirit
A bright aura
And strong electrical power
Then you are ready!

From https://bennettleeross.com/science/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-305/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #305

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 25, 2023 | energy, History, Science |

The Empire State Building had a landing platform for zeppelins
Where passengers could get on and off

It also had very large aerials or sky wires
That collected atmospheric energy
The blimp shaped airships could be recharged during these landings

Not far away in Battery Park
There was a large rotunda connected to a pier
And a huge obelisk was near the shoreline

Electricity was gathered by the antenna on top of the Empire State Building
And transferred to the obelisk
Then stored in the rotunda which served as a capacitor

Transformers then converted the raw electricity into a usable form

All Manhattan was powered by this free energy
That is why it is called Battery Park

Cities in the old world also utilized turbines in dams for power
And had steam plants connected to underground tunnels that piped steam for heat

We now have a slave class mentality
And are willing to give obedience to anyone who shows any title of authority

At the suggestion of someone
People accept we are furiously spinning round and round on a ball

If the earth was moving
We should have an entirely different star pattern every night
Not the perfect circles we see year after year

If the earth was a ball
Pilots would continually have to course correct downward
Or else they would get lost in space

The image designer at NASA is known as Mr. Blue Marble
He uses computer graphic images and passes them off as photographs

There is supposed to be an International Space Station along with 20,000 satellites up in the thermosphere
Which is said to have a temperature of over 3600 degrees
Far above the melting point of gold aluminum and titanium

All official spacewalking is fake and is filmed underwater
In the huge NASA indoor pool called the Neutral Buoyancy Lab
The air bubbles that result are called space bubbles

The NASA Vomit Comet is an airplane which flies parabolic maneuvers
Which achieves a floating affect

There is an organized collusion in maintaining this multi generational deception
A jumble of falsehoods is extended and intensified in theoretical astronomy

We should be revolted with horror by the terrible conjuration that has been thrown upon us
And sternly resolve to resist its further progress

The whole entire edifice needs to be overthrown
And buried in ruins with false honors

The unfounded and untenable theories
That have taken advantage of the general ignorance
Needs to be uprooted by every means possible

The fantasy is happening right now
Wake up you are dreaming!

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