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The Current Situation on the War Between Israel and the Palestinians

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Saturday, 25-Nov-2023 15:07:18

Recently the two parties agreed to a 4 day cease fire as they exchanged prisoners. Israel agreed to release 150 prisoners while Hamas agreed to release 50 of the 231 they have abducted. It is hoped this is a start of more prisoner exchanges, but there is no way of knowing what direction the war will go after the cease fire is over by this next Tuesday.

The truth is, Israel was holding over 6,000 Palestinians, but since October 7, they have arrested in excess of 3,000 Muslims, mostly in the West Bank region.

The Palestinians are calling for a two-state solution where they can live in the Israeli territory as a sovereign nation. Or, they would probably prefer going to a full democracy where each person in Israel would be able to vote.

This would see the nation of Israel eventually taken over by Muslims and the Israeli experiment since 1948 would no longer exist. In my opinion, the two sides are no closer to coming up with a solution than they were over a month ago.

Compared to most of the Arab nations, Israel has been more modern and more advanced socially. The Muslim nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia are theocracies, with their Muslim religion dictating national policies. For example, in Iran if a woman doesn’t wear the head scarf to cover up her hair, she will be openly attacked by men and stoned to death. I saw his happen on the streets of an Iran city as it happened recently and it was broadcast on TV.

In Saudi Arabia if anyone speaks against the ruling King, they arrest them and place them in the town square and chop his head off. And this is open for the public to see on a daily basis. That’s your tax dollars at work.

In Israel they have a more regimented bureaucracy for law and order. They arrest Palestinians on flimsy charges and then hold them in jail until a trial which is slanted against them. Basically, the Muslims have no rights in Israel, and on a whim the military, the courts and the federal government will steal their homes and property.

The West Bank and the Gaza Strip are similar to the old reservations the US government placed Indians on, or like the South African tribal lands they kept the blacks housed inside. But the so-called agreements were open to future interpretation or, if the ruling government assumed they were breaking the law, they would dissolve the treaty by the stroke of a pen and confiscate the land.

It would take too long to detail how the Israeli government system works and what each side believes, but suffice to say, that both sides have reasons and justifications for what they do. And, both sides are eternally separated in their views and will never find a solution.

The recent protest by the more liberal Jews was a huge movement to make peace with the Palestinians and give them the vote and land rights. But the conservative government that is clinging to power sees that as the death kneel of the Israeli system as it exists today.

Which means that if the current Zionist government wants to hold on to power, they feel that they must rule with an iron fist and squash all dissent, and stop all military activity against the state by the Palestinians.

Hamas and other militant Palestinian groups are like revolutionaries, or to be more precise, they consider themselves “counter insurgents” that want to overthrow the existing government, by any means necessary, and re-establish the Palestinian government.

I personally look at the terrorist groups as deceivers that stir up the passions of the Palestinians to fight and kill to re-take Palestine.
As I see it, both sides should stop warring against each other. And, since the current government of Israel is all powerful, with the financial and military backing of Nato and the US, it is better for the Palestinians to evacuate the territory and migrate to a land thousands of miles away so they can raise their families in peace. The truth is, the Palestinians will never be treated fairly or given the vote in modern Israel. To think otherwise is delusional.

Gaza will never be allowed to govern itself, and at this time the West Bank is also losing “reservation” status. It doesn’t matter how “right” the Palestinians think they are, they will still lose the war and the generational struggle against modern Israel.

In addition to that, we have just witnessed almost 2 months of a mass slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and not one Muslim country came to their defense. Yemen doesn’t count since their drones and missiles have been ineffective.

If a union of Muslim states would attack Israel, Israel would then simply resort to using their nuclear bombs. The end result would see both sides being decimated in a nuclear war that would see their cities turned into radioactive wasteland.
Believe it or not, this is an outcome the globalists are open to - so they can pacify and intimidate nations and also depopulate the planet.

This is why our troops and ships are in the Middle East today. They are pre-positioned to be able to help Israel defeat their enemies and fulfill this long-term agenda.

The bottom line is, we are being manipulated into war with propaganda. They want everyone to pick a side: are you for or against us? (they will say)

To illustrate the vitriol hatred the Palestinians and the Zionist Jews have for each other, there is a movie that was made in 1984 called: “The Ambassador”. It stars Robert Mitchum as the US ambassador to Israel. He has a strong desire to find peace between the Jews and the Muslims, and get them to talk in a reasonable manner. But the terrorists are against this, and instead want war to the death so they can re-conquer the land.
I found this movie on the Tubi channel but it might be available on other sites as well.

What truly concerns me is the fact that since October 7th, the Israeli government has been bombing the Gaza Strip back to the stone age. Over 15,000 innocent people have been murdered, with over 6,000 of them were children. In response, the cities of the world erupted in protest to the grossly heavy-handed actions of the Israeli government, with millions of people worldwide protesting in the streets. You would think this would motivate the leaders to change their policies and stop the carnage in Gaza. But nothing was done, zero, zilch, nada. That tells us that these so-called democracies have evolved into total government dictatorships.

The current leaders of the western world are disconnected from the people and are doing exactly what the globalist masters tell them to do. The will of the people is being ignored. The one thing some of the leaders have done is say “words” that they feel will placate the people and at the same time, in reality, follow the dictates of the New World Order.

This cease fire and prisoner exchange is nothing but window dressing. And as soon as it is completed, they will go back to killing what they call the “animal” Palestinians. But there are millions of Muslims that remember how the Israel government cut off the water and food supply to the people.
That didn’t have to be done. It would have been much easier and more humane to evacuate the people outside the Gaza Strip, and then go after the Hamas fighters underground. But they made the deliberate choice to bomb the innocent along with the Hamas fighters to “teach them a lesson and to punish them all”.

How can the US government accept such hatred of human beings and allow an “ally” to torture and murder innocent people, in nothing less than a form of genocide?

Let it be clear, that if the US government can allow that to happen to the people in Gaza, they can allow it to happen against Americans on our own soil. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because these huge events come in increments.
What the government experiments with in other countries, can eventually be used against us. This is why what we are seeing in Gaza should be alarming to us and to the Europeans as well.

What we a witnessing is selective reasoning by the leaders of the western world. They will pretend to have moral values and obey the international laws against inhumane treatment of others, but at a time of their choosing, they become monsters and attack innocent people - and with their convoluted reasoning they justify their actions.

For every action they take there is either a control of the people reason or a financial motivation. It just so happens, by pure coincidence of course, that off the coast of the Gaza strip are vast oil and gas reserves - that belong to the Palestinians. But, if the people in Gaza are removed, Israel can take that natural resource and make $billions in profits. You won’t hear that from the main stream media. George Eaton


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