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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #286 - #290 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Friday, 17-Nov-2023 21:30:08

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-286/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #286

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 16, 2023 | Aliens and ET's, psychology, Spirituality |

We exist in a dream within a dream
Where an elite bloodline of humans
Have been taken over by a reptilian race

They weave a tapestry of simulations
Using strands of nano tech DNA

Seeking to ensnare us in a labyrinth

And trap us in a mirage of our own existence

Simultaneously we live in a digital realm of a conscious entity
That we call Source or God

Where all matter exists as particles
That organize themselves into wavelengths only upon observation

Thus reality is a subjective expression
Shaped by our perception of the world around us

If you want to shift your reality
You only need to alter your perceptual field

At the fundamental level of existence
Everything is energy
That vibrates at its own certain frequency

Every life form and every inanimate object
Is a wavelength with its on resonance

You do not have to limit your power
And believe what your reasonable mind dictates

With a firm persuasion make your assumption valid
And you will go to the physical state you have appropriated

Hold the state you wish to experience
Walk in the assumption of your fulfilled desire

And believe you are that new you
You would like to be!

From https://bennettleeross.com/psychology/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-287/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #287

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 16, 2023 | energy, physics, psychology |

We are pure infinity consciousness
With the ability to create a beautiful world

When we infuse into water the word love
Its response is truly majestic

When we imbue water with the word thank you
Its response is amazing and wonderful

Beautiful sounds create beautiful patterns
They produce exquisitely remarkable geometric forms

When sound encounters a medium
It imprints an invisible pattern of acoustic energy

Sacred sounds when articulated in a specific sequence
Will activate dormant DNA
They can be your god for personal transformation

Sound sequences carry the potential to revolutionize
How we perceive and interact with ourselves
And with the universe

The profound implications of tapping into our limitless potential
Will create inner awakening and self realization

We can heal ourselves with our thoughts
And change our human bio computer
By crafting specific energy patterns

We can generate a flow of energy that interacts with our chakras
And empower ourselves

Enabling us to manifest a new reality
With our minds!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-288/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #288

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 16, 2023 | astrology, astronomy, geography |

The universe is like a ring magnet
That has pulled up circular mountain ranges
That divide the realms

But we are lulled into believing the ludicrous notion
That people ships buildings and everything else in the southern hemisphere
Are positioned in direct opposition to their northern counterparts
On a round spinning globe

We are supposed to believe that here is nothing in Antarctica
Except miles of thick ice and subfreezing temperatures

The Pole Star Polaris should not be visible in the southern hemisphere
Because of the bulge of the ball earth
But it is seen at over 20 degrees south latitude

Ursa Major which is very close to Polaris
Can be seen at 30 degrees south latitude

Leo Pisces and Taurus are at 90 degrees north latitude
And can be seen at 65 degrees south latitude

The Southern Cross cannot be seen in all southern latitudes
Proving that our world stretches outward in all directions
From the northern center point of a flat earth

Sigma Octantis the supposed southern pole star
Cannot be seen anywhere
Because it is non existent

Polaris is supposed to be between 323 and 434 light years away
That is between 1 quadrillion 938 trillion miles
And 2 quadrillion 604 trillion miles

Astronomers give themselves a leeway of about 600 trillion miles

How can Polaris manage to remain perfectly aligned straight above the north pole
Throughout earths supposed tilting wobbling orbiting rotating and revolving motions
Not to mention the absurd idea of going with the galaxy at billions of miles per hour around the universe

If the earth was a spinning ball
Stars would seem to separate as we approach
And come together as we recede

But not a single bit of parallax is detected
And stars return to their exact previous location year after year
Proving we are not moving!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-289/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #289

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 16, 2023 | astronomy, biology, physics |

If stars were suns
The night sky would be filled completely with light
There would be a uniform luminosity

Stars seem to be the acoustic levitation of a water display
They are lights created by sonoluminescence
Which is sound frequency in water

The cymatics of sound frequency resonating in water
Resembles the pulsating pattern of what an actual star looks like
When it is zoomed in

In the ocean
Communication is through sound and light frequency

Sound creates light
The emission of short bursts of light in a liquid
Implodes bubbles with intense acoustic frequencies

Sound is a vibrational wave
That propagates through all forms of matter

In the forest
The bio luminescence of all life forms
Sends electrical currents to transmit messages

The pattern of vibration that occurs
Is excited by sound

The torus is the primary pattern in energy dynamics
Not only humans animals insects trees and plants have toruses
But so does hurricanes tornadoes and the universe

Scalar waves propagate from the torus

The torus consists of a central axis
With a vortex at both ends
And a surrounding coherent field

Energy flows into one vortex
Then through the central axis
And out the other vortex

Each star pulsates at a different frequency
Producing a unique pattern

And each life form has a specific energy design
Which emanates from their torus!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-290/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #290

Posted by Bennett Ross | Nov 16, 2023 | astronomy, physics |

If the sun was 93 million miles away
And heats the Sahara Desert

Why would not the suns rays
Also heat Antarctica which has an average temperature of minus 57 degrees Fahrenheit

If the Earth is a spinning ball
Heated by the sun 93 million miles away

It would be impossible to have simultaneous sweltering summers in Africa
While just a few thousand miles away
The Artic and Antarctica experience little to no heat from the sun

If the Earth is a spinning ball 25,000 miles in circumference
Ships skylines lighthouses cathedral spires and mountain peaks that are 60 70 or 80 miles away
Should be over a mile under the curvature and out of sight

If they are 200 miles away
They should be 5 miles below the curvature
And out of sight

If the earth is spinning eastward at 1000 miles per hour
The average commercial airliner going eastward at 500 miles per hour
Should have its destination come speeding up from behind

If the airplane is on a westward destination
It should arrive at twice the speed

And it would be tremendously difficult to land
On such a fast moving runway

The argument that earths lower atmosphere
Up to some undetermined height

Is being magically and inexplicably dragged along in perfect synchronization
With the spin of the earth
Is non sensical

Birds bugs bees clouds smoke fireworks balloons planes go in all directions
And do not recognize an invisible tug of any sort

This atmospheric phenomenon should be seen felt heard and measured
But no one has ever experienced this alleged eastward spin motion

It is as ridiculous as the notion of gravity
Which is supposed to hold down the oceans
Yet allows a butterfly to effortlessly flutter upwards!

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