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Heart Centered Friend Needs YOUR help NOW! "I Walked Away From Steve Jobs' Attorney, Accountant, & Venture Capitalist. I told Steve “Advancing Holistic Health Matters More Than Tech.""

Posted By: mroxygen
Date: Friday, 17-Nov-2023 00:30:32

Heart Centered Friend Needs YOUR help. "I Walked Away From the Same Attorney, Accountant, and Venture Capitalist as Steve Jobs after I told Steve “Advancing Holistic Health Matters More than Tech."

[IMO, we don't judge Jay by his present vehicle's looks in his video today. He is like me, presently having gone through the ringer tired and still passionate about his work helping you, so his body is showing the stress of it. Looks to me like he needs the Med Beds, and antivenom Nicotine patches, and the MoreMito.com/BOGM mitochondrial Restore repairs finally available to all humans which I suggest he can now joyously add to his own Silver100. - MrOxygen]

"Hi. My name is Jay Newman.

My life’s work is to help support as many people as I can with their health. It’s my passion. And right now I need to ask you for help to help save many others with their health.

I don’t want people straining their finances, though. If you can help me right now I’ll do my best to do justice to you in any way I can.

I used to have the same attorney and accountant as Steven Jobs of Apple 30 years ago but walked away from that world to make a difference in advancing holistic health and healing.

Ten years and a million dollars then led to a highly advanced ionic silver complex. See https://silver100.com.

Good-hearted customers made small investments as they could because they saw it do miracles for them and their families and care that we do this for millions of others. You can discern my heart by my historic works already on record.

Meanwhile, venture capital investors repeatedly showed up and in their own words said this company could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years but I declined the opportunity in all cases.

I refuse to work with people who are already rich and still live for more profit without caring about the impact on humanity.

I believe that’s the core problem of humanity and the reason why Big Pharma has a stranglehold on society while holistic healers have to remain in the shadows and live in fear.

I’ve repeatedly insisted I’ll raise my money from the few rich people who care more about the good we can do than the money – but right now with YOUR IMMEDIATE help, I’m finally well poised to do exactly that.

My journey hasn’t been easy. I’ve struggled and dealt with evictions and car repos while still refusing to get in bed with sharks. But what organically emerged is my being increasingly recognized in the recent couple of years as an up-and-coming shining light influencing the evolution of our socio-economic culture for using wealth for humanity.

See https://evolvedinfluence.com.

It seems my growth and the Evolved Influence platform I created are about to open floodgates of funding from the right kind of people. I’ve been getting real attention from fund managers for rich people, with one telling me I’ve been seasoned my whole life to do this and am going to do great things and he wants to help.

He even offered to send next-gen recipients of wealth for the support group I said I was starting soon but I told him I have to get financially stabilized first. I need basic substance to interact with them.

Then that will soon all spill over into real funding for the ionic silver.

WE have a final gap to bridge, right NOW though.

At the moment I’m on the edge with health due to working without sleep and I’m on the edge with money to the extent of only having enough for the Next Few Days right now.

I spent the past month upgrading the computer systems and the cash ran down to zero. Yet I have the opportunity of a lifetime in front of me for us all if YOU HELP and I can get a boost of IMMEDIATE cash in right away.

In a couple of weeks there’s a major conference of fund managers for the richest people in the country. The connections I’ll inevitably make there will be game-changing. Some attendees of a recent, similar, mini-event asked why I’m not speaking on stage and said soon I will be.

This is all about to kick in, finally! IF WE all pitch in, NOW!

If I can afford the entrance fee and make contacts in advance for scheduled face-to-face meetings for this massive three-day conference taking place in two weeks, I should be able to raise serious money and start growing a network of the right kind of wealthy supporters, and years of work instantly kicks in!

See https://familyoffices.com/super

I formed a nonprofit for charitably distributing the ionic silver in order to raise money from philanthropists. This 12-minute video makes a strong case for the ionic silver. It’s worth watching.

I’m reluctant to put this in a public format and I asked MrOxygen and his wife Leeda to help - since they have been helping my friend, deserving veteran John Hammell.

But I have no choice. This link EXPIRES at the end of November (after that, contact me): https://championsforhumanity.org/raising10mm/?ppwp_ac=eyJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjExMTAwNiJ9

Donating to the nonprofit helps the work I’m doing directly, and it’s tax-deductible. More info is below but here’s the link for making a tax-deductible donation:


Or, you can just send money to help, in which case please let me know how to contact you so I can reimburse you when I’m able (hopefully with extra).

- Send help via PayPal or Zelle to: jnewman@silver100.com

And I’m now offering a deep-discount sale on the ionic silver, only here since we try to never sell below the retail price: https://silver100.com/sale-on-silver-100-thru-fri-nov-24

Investing in the company that makes the ionic silver complex is an option also. Contact me for details (day, evening, or weekend): cell 954-295-3833.

If you can help in any way, please do. And if you want to talk or learn more about anything I’m doing, contact me.

Thank you so much!

Jay Newman
President & CEO
Mobile: 954-295-3833

Invision International Health Solutions, Inc.
2805 East Oakland Park Blvd, # 600
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
Phone: 954-295-2095
Silver 100 - Home - http//:www.championsforhumanity.org


I use it and love it! - MrOxygen

Thanks, Mr. Oxygen, Ed McCabe(C)(R) by Ed McCabe, 2023, Elder of The Breath of God Ministry.

Note: Everything is always in my opinion - so far.

All my creations are at MrOxygen.org

Nature can fix anything:
http://Www.MoreMito.com/BOGM FREE Join OUR Team! Help EVERYBODY.


Nobody in our public has enough oxygen or minerals, and so our body is trillions of DNA mitochondria in cells that are underpowered. Especially as we age. Usually there is NO complete healing. Now there IS!

Watch what happens fast instead when feeding cells properly!
Happy Oxygen!

MrOxygen free videos: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=179478

I once said:

Then I also said:
"Then You Will Know The Truth and The Truth Will Set You Free."

And NOW today I say:
"You Can NOW Know The Facts, and Choosing The Facts Will Set You Free”

Everything up to now.

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