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American Media Group: A SPECIAL REPORT: COUNTDOWN TO ARMAGEDDON -- (Excercpt Text)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Sunday, 12-Nov-2023 22:08:52

Excerpt text from https://amg-news.com/a-special-report-countdown-to-armageddon/


Over the October 28-29 weekend, while Hamas escalated its rocket attacks on Israel, the Jewish State launched its initial ground invasion exercising far superior firepower from five different vectors, three from land into Gaza and another by sea combined with nonstop deadly overnight airstrikes. Amidst the ongoing Gaza siege, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) bombardment ostensibly targeted Hamas tunnels, but the reality is hundreds of Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered every single day.

On Sunday October 28th, Sputnik revealed the bombshell reporting that three IDF divisions were joined by several US brigades amounting to 5,000 American boots on the ground as part of a joint invasion operation in Gaza began on Saturday October 28th. This comes after the US repeatedly lied, denying it would send troops to Israel. Yet last weekend it was unveiled that since August 2023, the US has covertly been building a US military base inside Israel just 20 miles from Gaza in preparation for this apparent joint US-Israeli ground war invasion.

In other words, the bottom-line here is from the very outset planned months in advance, this Israel-Hamas war was not triggered by the October 7th “Hamas surprise attack” whatsoever. That was merely the preplanned staged excuse of a lie to justify destroying Gaza and unleashing a genocide against Palestinians. If the Sputnik article turns out true, that the US has American soldiers on the ground in Gaza fighting and killing Palestinians alongside Israel, it’s a huge provocation that will not be tolerated very long by unified Islamic nations in the Middle East and beyond. Add the fact that extermination of the Palestinians is the jointly planned US-Israel agenda, and you have the blueprint for potential nuclear World War III Armageddon exploding right now in the Middle East.

Directly contradicting the October 28th Sputnik article is a Thursday November 2nd piece in Russia’s state owned RT that discloses the White House announcement:

American soldiers will not be deployed to Gaza during or after the current phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On October 12th, Politico also stated that the White House decided not to “put boots on the ground” in Gaza but adding that decision “could be revisited.” Little more than two weeks ago, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered 2,000 US more troops for potential deployment to the Israel-Hamas warfront. Though it’s unclear whether US soldiers are currently serving on the ground in Israel or Gaza, apparent conflicting reports and caveat that the US government could change its mind at any time, reinforced by Washington’s horrendous historical track record of rampant deceit in nonstop US wars, if the Sputnik story is accurate, it comes as no surprise if 5,000 or more US troops are engaged in joint operations launching a US-IDF ground war in Gaza. Even if American boots are not on the ground in Gaza, like in Ukraine, US intelligence, reconnaissance, US made bombs, weapons are cold-bloodedly killing thousands of Palestinians. So it is a US-Israel war any way you look at it.


Another development related to the Middle East war and its increasing prospect of wider conflict, a Wednesday November 1st military.com article is entitled “The Army Suddenly, and Chaotically, Told Hundreds of Soldiers They Have to Be Recruiters Immediately.” US Army claims a sudden depletion of recruiters forced the planners into scrambling to bolster its recruiter ranks. But others suspect that with enlistment quotas chronically abysmally low in all US armed forces and World War III looming, the sudden push for recruiters could well be a sign that the US government is soon reestablishing the military draft. These days the US armed services are growing desperate for bodies, doing away with all physical standards and education requirements as our soldiers are fatter, out of shape, dumber and now extremely woke, deliberately degraded as an unsuitable fighting force to defend our nation. That’s by malific design, particularly after Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin mandated known bioweapon poison jabbed into the arm of every soldier.

Finally, it bears mentioning that as an astrologer, a dangerously foreboding planetary configuration is coming up in little more than a week on November 13th, indicating something very explosively big may suddenly break out involving the war planet Mars, moving through its own intense, explosive, volatile and even vengeful sign Scorpio, lined up in the exact same degree as the New Moon-Sun conjunction, and all three of these planets are exactly 180 degrees opposite the unpredictable destabilizer planet Uranus. A very ominous, horrific event may go down on Monday November 13th and the 14th, in my opinion a probable false flag attack on US Navy carrier group warships in the Middle East in order to falsely blame Iran/Hezbollah as justification for igniting World War III that Illuminati Freemason Albert Pike accurately predicted 152 years ago with his Islam vs. Zionist Judaism WWIII Armageddon scenario.

Satanists are the ones that have been in control of this earth for a very long time, making all the big moves on their geopolitical chessboard today, and they’ve been lusting for their wet dream of massive depopulation for well over a century to usher in their one world government technocratic dystopia. The devil worshippers’ biggest move yet may occur just a few days away. So be prepared as best as you can.

To read much more of this very long article, go to https://amg-news.com/a-special-report-countdown-to-armageddon/

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