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CGI's MAXtheMAGAnificent: How is it that Israel is the only country on the planet that does not have a right to exist?

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 8-Nov-2023 06:34:51

A post submitted by CGI member MAXtheMAGAnificent.


If you listen to the majority of the pundits on both the right and the left these days, the only country on planet Earth so evil that it does not even have a right to exist is Israel. Of all of the countries that were constructed out of the former European empires across Asia, Africa, North and South America, and even Europe itself…from Australia to Zambia…there is only one country that is now considered to be either “artificial” or “illegitimate” with, as said before, no right to exist: that tiny nation-state on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea called Israel.

Yes, Israel, about the size of New Jersey and a western style parliamentary democracy that has been an ally of the United States and most of the free world since its founding in 1948, is now considered to be a pariah state THAT MUST BE ELIMINATED and whose majority ethnic population needs to be at least expelled from its land or better yet simply exterminated. It’s amazing to consider that when South Africa was deemed a pariah state by most of the world because of its extreme racial apartheid policies, no one said that South Africa was an illegitimate state that should no longer exist. Yet while Israel is accused of what could be considered a rather mild apartheid, almost everyone is saying that to remedy the situation Israel needs to be wiped off the map and all of its Jewish citizens killed. This double standard doesn’t make sense unless you take into account one word in the previous sentence, “Jewish.”

It is generally claimed by those on the right who question Israel’s right to exist that they have nothing against the Jewish people, in fact they say they like the Jews…hey, Jesus was a Jew! it’s just those Zionist “Talmudic” Jews who claim that the Jewish people have a historical, legitimate claim to a homeland, a Jewish nation that is called Israel…it’s those people that they condemn, literally. Of course, on the left they just hate Jews outright even though a lot of the left’s leaders ARE Jews…go figure. So, between those evil Zionists that the right hates and just the Jews in general that the left hates, what do both right and left agree on when Israel gets into a dust-up with its neighbors? Israel has got to go! I mean really go…off the map, river to sea, whatever. Holocaust? What Holocaust? Did you see a Holocaust?

The Jewish people have been consistently harassed, oppressed, repressed, expelled, forced into conversion, tortured, killed, and killed en masse by societies, nations, other religions, and random events like the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and of course the Final Solution for the last 2000+ years. The current dispute with Hamas in Gaza has now been turned into being Israel’s fault even though it was Israel that was attacked first…how does that happen? It’s just what happens when your nation is a Jewish homeland. It's just the way it works because it is the Jews.

The world is calling for a “proportional response” from Israel in Gaza but what does that mean? The Hamas attackers killed about 1400 Israeli civilians and kidnapped about 250 (estimate) civilians on October 7 and on top of that Hamas launched about 4000 rockets into Israel targeting civilian population centers. Is the world saying that Israel should do the same to Gaza? If Israel did that what do you think the world’s response would be? Yeah, that’s fine? Give me a break.

What the Israeli’s did do was hold off invading Gaza to go after Hamas military operations until Gaza civilians could evacuate south…so civilian casualties could be minimized…and then attacked Hamas targets, most of which were not so cleverly located in places like hospitals and schools in order to use civilians as human shields. No matter, Israel is the aggressor of record and needs to be punished…in fact it needs to be wiped off the face of the earth for daring to have the sheer audacity to hit back.

The governments of Israel over the years have never been perfect and some of them have been absolutely awful. There is an extreme mystery today about an incredible failure of the present government to secure the border with Gaza and prevent the horrific Hamas attack that took place on October 7 and set off the present conflict. There is much speculation that elements within the Israeli government knew that this attack was coming and literally allowed it to happen in order to achieve some political or military/geo-political goal. There is even some evidence that the US government knew what was coming and conspired with deep staters within the Israeli government to let it happen to serve a larger globalist goal in the Middle East to bring on World War III. Nothing is proven yet, but the circumstances around October 7 are extremely suspicious.

This is awful stuff, but is it any worse than the things that have been done by the USA or Britain or France or Germany or Italy, or any number of other countries in war or peace over the course of history? Has anyone called for any of these countries to wiped off the face of the Earth? No, but they are not Israel, the Jewish state. The Jews don’t get a state on this planet, even in a place that had been their biblical home from which they had been exiled for close to 2000 years.

So, especially on the right, let’s stop the hypocrisy if you have no animosity towards the Jewish people as you claim. Go ahead and criticize the actions of Israel all you want but stop asserting that Israel is an illegitimate political entity that has no right to exist. Stop siding with the Palestinians and their supporters who expressly state it is their cause to destroy Israel, kill all of its Jewish and Christian inhabitants, and occupy its land as Palestine “from the river to the sea.”

Oh, and by the way, another myth that is circulating on the right is that the Gaza invasion is the first stage of creating a “greater Israel” encompassing the present Israel plus the entire Sinai, Lebanon, and major parts of Syria and Jordan…and of course Gaza and Judea and Sumaria. This slur that Israel is intent on conquering its neighbors' lands to create a new Israeli empire is beyond ridiculous…it is ludicrous and without any basis in reality. Another piece of pure propaganda making its way across the Internet is that Israel plans to exterminate the Gazans in order to take their land to make way for a canal across Israel to the Red Sea. Really? That doesn’t even make sense. Perhaps anyone can find a few crazed radicals in Israel advocating such things, and anyone can make this stuff up. Only those who would see the end of Israel would take it seriously.

The State of Israel, the Jewish homeland, is here to stay and it is armed to the teeth to prove that point. Don’t mess with Israel’s existence…that’s a red line for the Jewish people the world over.


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