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SORCHA 10/29: "Spooky Candy Price Inflation And $8.99 Cereal Warned “Could Rock The Globe”"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Sunday, 29-Oct-2023 18:26:32



October 29, 2023

Spooky Candy Price Inflation And $8.99 Cereal Warned “Could Rock The Globe

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revealing: “Russia has continued to boost its foreign currency reserves, which stood at $569.6 billion as of 20 October”, says this revelation was joined by gold shooting past $2,000 an ounce due to turmoil in the Middle East, which massively increases the value of Russian gold reserves—to further increase Russian wealth Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abramchenko announced last week: “Russian farmers are expected to reap their second-largest grain harvest on record this year, following a bumper crop in the previous agricultural season”—Kamchatka Governor Vladimir Solodov also announced this week: “Russia’s Kamchatka Region in the Far East is seeking to fill the void in China’s seafood market after Japanese imports were recently banned...China had long been Japan’s largest seafood customer, with imports of marine products reaching almost half a billion dollars last year...However, in late August, Beijing imposed a ban on imports of all seafood from Japan in response to Tokyo’s discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean”—and predictably it was reported this morning: “The Group of Seven (G7) industrial powers called on Sunday for the “immediate repeal” of import curbs on Japanese food products, a reference to China’s restrictions after Japan began releasing waste water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant”.

At the same time the socialist Western colonial powers used their G7 meeting to threaten China into accepting radioactive Japanese seafood, this report notes, European Union and NATO member leader Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said his nation won’t approve any more sanctions on Russia and declared: “The sanctions policy simply does not work...Sanctions may harm Russia, but they definitely cause greater harm to the European economy, to European countries...And if the sanctions cause more harm to those who impose them than to those against whom they are directed, then what’s the point of continuing with them?”—after European Union and NATO member leader Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico truthfully proclaimed: “Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world, and this applies to all levels of government”, it saw Slovak Defense Minister Robert Kalinak declaring: “Slovakia is seeking to review the Defense Cooperation Agreement with the United States to ensure that the deal remains mutually beneficial, and as a result we will halt arms shipments to Ukraine”—a declaration that joined the news: “Scores of forever war mothers and wives protesters gathered on the streets of Ukrainian cities on Friday to demand a cap of 18 months on mandatory military service, amid new suggestions of possible Ukrainian and international weariness with the 20-month war...They chanted “Demobilize the soldiers” and carried banners calling for the return of their loved ones...“Why is dad not coming back?” asked one placard carried by a child”—and the Ministry of Defense (MoD) sadly reported this morning to the Ukrainian mothers, wives and children wanting their loved ones to come back home: “The Russian armed forces have repelled four attacks by the Ukrainian military in the South Donetsk direction in the past 24 hours, with Kiev losing up to 130 service people and four units of equipment”.

In a further sign that NATO is rapidly disintegrating, this report continues, NATO member leader Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan proclaimed: “Israel has been openly committing war crimes for exactly 22 days, but Western leaders have not even called for a ceasefire...Turkey is gathering information to present Israel to the world as a war criminal”, then he threatened Turkish military force against Israel with the grave warning: “From now on, we will continue on our path with the motto that we may suddenly knock on your door one night”—a war warning Israel immediately responded to by recalling its diplomats from Turkey—after Israel cut off all links to the outside world from Gaza, it saw the world’s richest person Elon Musk posting the message: “Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza”—in immediate response, Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Kahri vowed: “Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s planned provision of Starlink internet access to Gaza”—a vow quickly followed by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi declaring: “Tehran will ignore United States warnings not to intervene in the Hamas-Israel conflict”—and in the just released “Militants Ignore Biden’s Warning, Rain Down Fire On US Forces in Iraq, Syria”, today it was also revealed: “The Islamic Resistance in Iraq militia group announced Sunday that it had launched a fresh drone attack against US forces in Syria...Separately on Sunday, sources told Lebanese media that a US garrison in Deir ez-Zor province near the al-Omar oil field – Syria’s largest crude oil production facility, had come under attack...Meanwhile, media reported a fresh attack using drones against the US base at al-Tanf in southern Syria near the Iraqi and Jordanian border”.

With everyone from his own NATO allies, Iran and Islamic militants ignoring Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, this report details, so too are the American peoples, as exampled by the just released Gallup poll showing Biden’s approval rating has crashed to the historic low of 37% not seen since President Jimmy Carter lost to President Ronald Reagan in 1980—an historic poll crash joined by the ominous news: “Biden’s approval rating among Democrats dropped 11 points in one month”—it was also revealed: “Prominent Democrat strategist James Carville claims that “leading” party members are pressuring him to shut up about President Joe Biden’s low polling numbers in the lead-up to the 2024 election...“Nobody is saying, ‘James, you’re wrong’”, he said...“They’re saying, ‘James, you can’t say that’”...“I’m looking at polling data, and I’m looking at all of it...The president’s numbers are just not good—and they’re not getting any better”, he argued”—and in the just released Wall Street Journal article “Biden’s Only Salvation: A New Vice President”, sees it assessing: “The obvious solution is for Joe Biden to get a new vice president…No offense to Kamala Harris, who, for all I know, may be supercompetent at everything except the parts of the job the public can see…In the best of circumstances, she’d be the wrong vice president now—too domestic, too ticket-punchy—for a country facing international dangers with a superannuated president...You saw this week what inevitably must follow...A vacuum exists when a president is Mr. Biden’s age and shows it”.

Last evening, this report notes, President Donald Trump made a surprise appearance at the annual Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas, where he was greeted with rapturous cheers and applause from its over 1,000 attendees, and as best documented in the article “The Stage Was Set For The Non-Trump Field. He Stole The Show”—anti-Trump neocon warmonger Republican presidential Chris Christie was quickly booed off the stage—former Vice President Mike Pence then announced he was dropping out of the presidential race, making him the fifth candidate to concede defeat—the Florida Republican Assembly then issued a declaration demanding Governor Ron DeSantis quit the race and return home to run his State, which makes sense because he’s trailing President Trump by 49 points in the polls—all of which was joined by Chairman Senator Steve Daines of the National Republican Senatorial Committee calling on all of the candidates to immediately drop out and declaring: “Because it’s clear President Trump is going to be the nominee for Republicans for president, and the sooner we coalesce around him the better it’s going to be”.

Most certainly not dropping out of the Republican Party presidential race, this report continues, is neocon warmongering darling Nikki Haley, who last week called for instilling fear in Washington’s foreign enemies by transforming the US Department of Defense into the “Department of Offense”—a warmongering call for wholesale death and violence quickly followed by articles likeVoters In Key States 'Disgusted' by Endless Warmongering, As US Faces Domestic Crises” and Poll Finds Lackluster Desire To Arm, Supply Israel - Even Among GOP”—and today it was revealed: “Not a single person said “Yes” at a sold-out event in Illinois Friday night when Donald Trump Jr. asked them if Ukraine is a top issue...Speaking at an event promoting former President Donald Trump’s book, Letters to Trump, in Effingham, Illinois, Trump Jr. asked the crowd of more than 1,000 if Ukraine was a top issue for them...“Is Ukraine and funding another never-ending war a top three issue for anyone in the room?” he asked, drawing a resounding “No”...He then asked if anyone viewed it as a top ten issue, and not a single person in the crowd said yes...“And that’s what they don’t understand,’ Trump Jr. said”.

Instead of caring about more failing wars their deranged so-called leaders are bankrupting the United States to ignite and wage all around the world, this report concludes, the American people’s attention is focused on articles likeUS Candy Price Inflation Hits Spooky Levels As Halloween Nears”, wherein it reveals: “The global economic slowdown unleashed by the West’s failed attempt to disconnect Russia from the world economy hasn’t hit the United States as hard as Europe, but ordinary Americans have nonetheless felt the impact of soaring inflation on everything from gas and groceries to construction materials and consumables....US candy and gum prices have increased by 13 percent in October, nearly matching the 14 percent jump in prices seen a year ago...The 2023 price jump for candy was more than double the 6 percent increase in grocery bills observed this month”—a factual reality taken notice of by the Wall Street Journal, who, in their just released article “$8.99 Cereal Could Rock The Globe”, warns:

The course of world affairs may depend on the price of a box of cereal. Here’s why.

The U.S. is the leader of the West and the linchpin of a beleaguered global order. The president is commander in chief of America’s military and the chief steward of its foreign policy. In international affairs, unlike in domestic policy, the president’s choices are often decisive. And when presidential candidates’ visions about foreign affairs fundamentally differ, as they almost certainly will in 2024, the outcome of the election will shape the fate of many nations.

But foreign policy rarely determines winners and losers in U.S. presidential contests. Most of the time, voters focus on matters closer to home, especially their economic circumstances. If a recession begins and unemployment rises near Election Day, the president will be held responsible.

In the current election cycle, the central economic issue isn’t growth and jobs, but inflation. The most recent Economist/YouGov poll asked a random sample of Americans, “Which of the following do you consider the best measure of how the national economy is doing? Four percent selected the stock market; 11% picked their personal finances; 15% chose unemployment and jobs reports. But 56% said the best measure was the prices of the goods and services they buy.

When economists talk about “inflation”, they are referring to the rate at which prices are increasing. They have naturally been puzzled by the continued intensity of public concern about inflation, given that the rate of inflation has declined significantly. But surveys show that average Americans are at least as concerned about price levels as they are about the rate of price increases.

That brings us to the price of breakfast cereal. I almost had a heart attack the other day when I saw a box of cereal for $8.99”, said an Illinois house cleaner. “I was like, ‘Does that come with a gallon of milk too?’

I’m sure she’s speaking for many Americans; I know she’s speaking for me. My sense of what things should cost at the grocery store is anchored at pre-pandemic levels, and I find it hard to accept that so many items have risen in price by 30% or more.

My wife and I can afford the higher prices, though we sometimes choose not to pay them and do without items we regard as outrageously expensive.

What about families with children who are trying to get by on $75,000 a year?

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]





October 29, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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