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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #246 - #250 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Tuesday, 24-Oct-2023 16:58:22

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-246/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #246

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 23, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

We are infinitely powerful sovereign beings
With the ability to manifest our own world

All dimensions occupy the same time and space
They are separated by their individual frequency and resulting density

The radiating plasma beam at the geographical center creates the dream
And is modified by the group consciousness of the inhabitants

As we move in toward the energy source
Each realm becomes progressively more thought responsive
Few souls in this realm are aware of the creation power of their own thoughts

All is projections
The self created manifestation of forms make for convincing illusions in all dimensions

It is very easy for a soul to become trapped within their own thought form
Many humans remain imprisoned within the labyrinth of their mind

We can also be tricked into reincarnating into someone elses creation
It is easy to come up with better stories than what is happening now

When you embrace this construct and accept it as your own
You become one with it
And you unconsciously lock yourself in a structured consensus thought matrix

There are fantastic universes
You can experience their never ending joys and freedoms

But curiosity naivete and manipulation to go to the light prevents exploration
We get caught up in our own desires and become addicted

Personal addictions and attachments are the anchors that hold us
To the destiny of form and matter

You must learn how to shift your state of awareness
Without becoming attached to the energies that dominate a given reality

There is so much more available beyond the realms of form
Dimensions exist of magnificent living light

We are not helpless victims to an external force
But are bestowed with the power of free will

Demand to experience your personal essence

In the exclusive worlds of thought intellect and emotion
Where we so easily get trapped

We can become anything we wish
Simply by the active focus of the space that surrounds you!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-247/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #247

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 23, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Is about non physical consensus realities
That are thought responsive

It is up to us to empower ourselves
To take command of our state of consciousness

To be in charge of our reality in this life
And in the afterlife as well

We are not victims of death
We are the proactive creator of our reality

We shape and mold the non physical
Through the thought response of the universe that we enter into

We are so much more than our belief systems
Which we have identified with
And so much more capable

Choose a reality that does not have suffering
Nor any atrocities

Why settle for a pale reflection of reality
When the pure realms of the spirit are always present

We manifest with our intention
And can go beyond form and consensus realities

In Tibetan Buddhism
When someone dies monks will chant for three days
Go to the clear light of the void

They are instructing the person
Who is making this great transition of consciousness

To go beyond all form based realities
To go past where all the various millions of consensus realities exist

Because people are relieved and overjoyed to discover
That they really do continue to exist after death

They gladly accept the first non physical reality that they experience
As their new spiritual home

In doing so they have just accepted and adapted to a thought consensus environment
Which is a reflection of spirit
Instead of being the true essence of it

They have merged their consciousness with a non physical reality
Far from their true spiritual home

But most people accept the denser spiritual realities
To guarantee the continuation of their form based existence

Because the environments are familiar and comfortable
They chain themselves to the realms of form and substance
And the cycle of rebirth is assured and maintained

All form is but a reflection of pure spirit

To be an effective spiritual traveler
It is vital to develop a flexibility of consciousness

We are a working army of absolute consciousness
The co workers of God!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-248/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #248

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 23, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

We are the creative outward flow of unconditional love
And free to participate in all creation

Our life and opportunities for self expression
Does not end with our personal issues and attachments

Life keeps on unfolding
It is full of significance and meaning
We can make it anything we wish

We are free to decide where to go
Which group of souls to join
And what to do

We are free to visit any part of existence
To team up with a community of kindred spirits
And to engage in inconceivable creative projects

When we reside in our purest form
We are in alignment with the laws of cosmic order and harmony

We then are in accord with the essence of life
With the supreme intelligence of creation

And able to tap into our inner stillness of infinite potential
Completely unattached to the dramas of the world

We begin to appreciate the deeper meaning of reality
Even though we eagerly anticipate what reality has to offer
And welcome all distractions with an open heart

Humans find their identity here
And spread their webs of philosophy religions and beliefs
Some spend many lifetimes unraveling their dreams in order to fulfill them

If you stay too long here
You use up your energetic potential
And become a ghost

No one is coming to rescue you
You need to rely on yourself to know what is real and what is not

In the astral realm
If your attention wanders toward a hovering portal
The temptation to explore other vistas is overwhelming

Entering a tunnel becomes irresistible
Because it is huge and bright
Lined with impressive columns on either side

Peering through the columns
The scenery spreads out infinitely

Many side opening pathways are available
That lead to a staggering diversity of wonder
And you can spend eternity exploring them

You realize who you are
What you have always been from the beginning
And who you always will be

Which is a part of the Whole

You are the restless part that desires to return
Yet lives to seek expression!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-249/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #249

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 23, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

When we participate in a life here
And decide to keep coming back

We pick up a load factor
And gradually lose our escape velocity

We become 3d junkies
Addicted to the human experience

We tell ourselves just one more
As any addict has said hundreds of times

We continually make one more run
Because we do not want to abandon others
Ot be incomplete ourselves

When parts of us from the dream return to it
We desire to collect our soul fragments
And retreat back into the dream
Losing our full consciousness again

Right after death a being may approach you
Saying your situation has been discussed by the Council of Elders
They think you need to go back because you have a few things to work out

There is no Council of Elders and the Entry Director is AI
It is a huge manipulation where we get our soul energy taken without our consent
For a fuel tank somewhere
And for the sustenance of entities

When we participate in the human farming of animals by consuming them
We approve the idea that superiority sanctions the abuse of others
We become spirals of energy playing games of ignorance with endless loops

Harmful attitudes and negative emotions are sticky ingredients
That keep us attached to the system here

The light seen after death is technology
Meant to attract humans like moths attracted to a light

It is like a fly trap
The more you struggle against it
The more you get caught up in it

Once you are in it you get zapped with an electrical device
That has a higher voltage than lightning
It rattles you and you lose your memory

The stream of light
The electro shock
And the entry director are all automated
So that an enormous number of people can be processed

In the cosmic struggle between good and evil
It appears we are controlled by the negative side
Which keeps humans entrapped and enslaved here

We are harvested like bees for honey
Until you figure out how to escape the system

One person at a time is awakening
Until the prison system is dismantled!

From https://bennettleeross.com/technology/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-250/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #250

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 23, 2023 | Aliens and ET's, genetics and DNA, technology |

There is an artificial structure that is lensing your light back down to earth
A fracturing of the soul occurs that forces humans to come back

It is for the harvesting of human soul energy
By an external parasitic force that exists
To spread their influence through the universe

They have set themselves up as gods
And think they have the right to perpetuate their authority
The energy is being funneled to power the system

Existence to them is all about conquests
It is about taking the energy that exists and accumulating it
Then absorbing it for their own desires and purposes

They were originally flesh and blood
But through their technology they created an environment for themselves
Where they are no longer biological

They have set up a massive grid
A fence barrier that entraps humans
It is a magnetic vice that acts like a checkpoint

The M Field is a non physical energy field
That permeates time and space
Including our Earth life system

The Emitter is the opening in the beyond
Through which the M Field energy radiates

It organizes and operates our Earth life system and the physical universe
It is what contains the record of all previous and present life personalities

It is what creates our dream world or hologram
The aperture is just ahead and will open soon

After death we experience a magnetic draw
Like an electric shock experience
Towards doorways of existence

With the introduction of the lunar matrix
The inverted or collapsed magnetism scrambles our DNA creator code language
And we become unplugged

Lunar transfigurations
Genetic modifications
And red wave overlays are a violation of natural laws

Humans that assimilate become easily mind controlled
Because they sense an energetic familiarity with the intruder races

We must activate 4 dimensions of frequency within our DNA template
To absorb the chemical sequences that allow the physical body to undergo atomic transformation

This will replenish the eternal life force currents

If we are phase locked into the physical 3d layer
We will need to drop our physical body in order to continue our spiritual evolution

And resume in another body that is made upon the future dimensional plane
That the soul has chosen!

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