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Finally I See What's Going On: The Oct. 7th Attack Was a False Flag to Spark the Flames of War Against Iran, But It Will Backfire into a Nuclear War

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Tuesday, 24-Oct-2023 03:44:31

I have watched hours of videos of Israeli ex-military soldiers that were stationed to watch the Gaza strip. They declared in unison that there is no way that 1,500 terrorists could have gotten through the walled areas without being noticed. The fences and walls were breached in 15 different areas. Could the guards have seen them? Of course they could.

They flew ultralight aircraft over the wall, and the guards with all the hi-tech radar, night vision equipment and cameras couldn't see them? Of course they could.

The military would have been notified about the breach in seconds and in less than 5 minutes a powerful armed military helicopter would have been activated and take out the marauders inside Israel. Did the Israeli military have the ability to stop the incursion? Of course they did.

The Israeli government went to the areas in southern Israel and confiscated all the defense weapons from the people and the guards on the Kibbitz farms. Did the Israeli government do this on purpose to prevent the Jewish people from defending themselves? Of course they did.

The large musical party for peace-niks in a remote area was positioned suspiciously close to the Gaza strip. Did the Israeli government do this on purpose to make them easy targets for a mass sacrifice and a higher body count to get sympathy from other countries - to support a war against Iran? Of course, they did.

Did the Israeli government have the military stand down for hours to allow the terrorists to kill and abduct as many people as possible? Of course, they did.

We have been deceived again by a devious false flag. This was done to get the full support from the US for the war against Iran and other Muslim nations.

And, now I see why they sent all those ships to the Israel coast! It isn’t to rescue the Palestinians, and they aren't there just for war, but "to evacuate the affluent Israelis after the war starts" - as the bombs are falling and the total disintegration of the Israel nation takes place.

Once it is realized the war is lost – and this is a certainty, the Jews will grab their gold and head for the coast to escape the hell that is breaking out. They will literally run for their lives as their unjust, apartheid state is burning to the ground.

The millions of Arabs that will overrun Israel won't be stopped. After all, it is well known that it takes no skill to shoot fish in a barrel, and there is no honor in killing women and children. This divine truth stirs the emotions inside men of honor to the core of their being. Nothing can stop that fervor and full devotion to save and defend their Palestinian brothers and their families. Once the spirit of vengeance for a just cause is ignited in the hearts of man, it is not easily quenched.

They are already gathering by the tens of thousands, ready to stop the carnage and genocide of the Palestinians. The innocent are dying - men, women and children, and who will save them? If it is not their Muslim brothers that will save them, then who? If it is not now that they are rescued, since they are being starved of food and water, then when?

The meager number of trucks laden with food and water at the Egyptian border was criminally delayed by the Israelis - and they bombed and shot tank fire at them three times to cause the Palestinians to suffer and die. Is this not a crime against humanity?

The missiles that are launched by Pakistan, Turkey and Iran will turn the Israeli cities into glass parking lots and smoldering rubble. And the millions of Muslims on the Israeli borders will flood across the land like a tidal wave to save the Palestinians that remain. Nearly 6,000 Palestinians have already been slaughtered, how many more need to die?

The power is off in the hospitals and the critical machines that were keeping new born babies alive - are now shut off. The clock is ticking. And still the bombs fall.

And wherever they are told by the Israeli military to evacuate to, they bombed them again, and again. Over and over again - entire families and whole communities are being wiped out - from off the face of the earth – as the world watches and does nothing. This is not a defense of Israel by any stretch of the imagination. Instead, it is a merciless, genocidal slaughter, and the Zionists know it and brag about it.

And Europe does nothing. The US Congress - the "honorable" politicians paid for and elected by the Zionists - do nothing. And instead, they send ships to evacuate the complicit Zionists as the towers fall and the cities burn with a hellish, unquenchable fire.

Those ivory towers, gilded in gold - were built on the blood and bones of the Palestinians that lived there in peace for a thousand years - with Jews, Christians and Muslims that were treated equally. Until a wealthy, ruthless enemy came in 1948 with a mercenary army and stole the land for nefarious purposes.

Now the Palestinian territory has come full circle and the land will be purged and go back to nature for many years until the radiation slowly dissipates. And while that is happening, the globalists will target the next enemy of the New World Order - Christian Russia. George Eaton

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