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Re: Transcript of: ARCHBISHOP VIGANO

Posted By: jensingr
Date: Tuesday, 17-Oct-2023 14:13:20

In Response To: Transcript of: ARCHBISHOP VIGANO (who is now in hiding) - FREEMASON ANTIPOPE BERGOGLIO and his NEW "DEEP STATE CHURCH" (MrFusion)

Thanks for doing this MrF.!!

I did notice a few mistakes in the video as it scrolled by (which was also probably auto-generated) but those were easy to catch if you listened to Archbishop Vigano as well.

He has a bit of an accent but he speaks brilliantly...
and it is good to have it all documented!

Also, the Conference that he sent the video to may have it in a document format. (CIC) which stands for Catholic Identity Conference (not country) with Michael Matt.


: Copied from the YouTube page.
: At some point I may delete the times and reformat it.

: Unfortunately this is auto-generated and is contains a lot of
: errors not present in the captioning of the video. Some

: lines are completely missing.

: 0:17
: dear friends allow me to greet and thank the
: 0:22
: organizers of the country identity conference and who were
: taking part
: 0:30
: in a moment of great confusion it is important to clarify what
: is
: 0:36
: happening even by comparing different positions
: 0:44
: that's why I am grateful to my friend Michael Matt for giving
: me the opportunity to share
: 0:51
: some thoughts with you in this speech
: 0:57
: I will not try to give answers but to pose a question that can
: no
: 1:03
: longer be postponed so that we Bishop equality and the
: 1:10
: faithful can do clearly at the very serious apostasy present
: as a completely
: 1:17
: unprecedented fact one that cannot be resolved in my
: 1:23
: opinion by resorting to our usual categories of
: 1:29
: judgment and action
: 1:40
: the proliferation of Declaration and behaviors completely
: foreign to what is expected
: 1:48
: of a pope and indeed in contrast with the faith and morality
: of which the papacy is the
: 1:55
: guardian has led many of the faithful and increasingly large
: number of Bishop
: 2:03
: to take note of something that will tell some time ago seems
: 2:09
: unheard of the Throne of Peter is occupied by a
: 2:15
: person who abuses his power using it for the opposite purpose
: to
: 2:23
: that for which our Lord instituted him some say
: 2:29
: that is manifestly heretical inducting our
: 2:35
: questions others that is tyrannically matters of
: 2:41
: government still others considering selection invalid
: 2:47
: because of the multiple anomalies of the resignation
: 2:52
: of Benedict the Sistine and the election of the one who took
: his
: 2:58
: place these opinions more or less supported by evidence or
: 3:06
: the result of speculation that cannot always be shared
: nevertheless
: 3:12
: confirmed a reality that is now incontestable
: 3:18
: and it is this reality in my opinion that constitutes a common
: starting point
: 3:26
: in time to remedy the disconcerting scandalous presence of a
: pope who
: 3:33
: presents himself with ostentatious arrogance foreign
: 3:41
: and who acts and speaks as such an enemy who precisely because
: he
: 3:49
: occupies the Throne of Peter and abuses paper Authority
: 3:55
: is capable to inflicting a terrible and disastrous blow
: 4:01
: so as no external enemy in the entire history of the church
: 4:07
: has ever been able to cause the worst persecutors of the
: Christians
: 4:15
: the fears adherent to Masonic lodges in the most are
: restraining irreshercus
: 4:24
: and never before succeeded in such a short time and with such
: Effectiveness in
: 4:32
: devastating the Lord's Vineyard scandalizing the faithful
: 4:38
: disgusting the ministers discrediting his authority
: 4:44
: an authoritative authoritiveness before the world and
: 4:49
: demolishing the magisterium Faith morals liturgy and
: discipline
: 4:58
: in Amigos seclesia not only with respect to the members of
: 5:04
: the mystical body which he despises radicals
: 5:10
: he never ceases to launch poison appetitors against it
: 5:16
: persecutes and psyches but also with respect to the head of
: the
: 5:21
: mystical body Jesus Christ whose authority is exercised by
: Virgo
: 5:29
: you're no longer in a vicarious way which would
: 5:35
: therefore be necessary and dutiful consistency with
: 5:40
: the Positive Infinity but rather in the self-referential
: 5:46
: Christianity way the authority of the Roman pontiff
: 5:53
: is in fact derived from the supreme authority of Christ
: 5:58
: in which it participates always between the boundaries and
: scope
: 6:04
: of the goals which the Divine founder has established once and
: for all
: 6:11
: and with no human power can change
: 6:17
: the evidence of bergolios and unity to the office he owns
: 6:22
: is certainly a painful and very serious part
: 6:27
: but becoming aware of this reality is the indispensable
: premise
: 6:34
: for remedying and unsustainable and disaster situation
: 6:51
: in these 10 years of his pontificate we have seen by God you
: do everything
: 6:57
: that would never be expected of a pope and vice versa
: everything
: 7:04
: that the eraserk or an apostate would would do
: 7:11
: there will be locations when this action have appeared
: 7:16
: manifestly provocative as if by his utterances or certain acts
: 7:23
: of government he deliberately wanted to arouse the indignation
: of the Ecclesia body
: 7:30
: and heard priest and faithful to react by giving them the
: pretext to declare
: 7:37
: them seismatic but this typical strategy
: 7:44
: of the worst jesuities man is now uncovered because the whole
: operation has been
: 7:51
: conducted with too much arrogance and in areas on which not
: even moderate
: 7:59
: Catholic are willing to compromise
: 8:04
: the sexual scandals of the clergy and in particular the
: response of the
: 8:12
: Holy See to the scourge of moral Corruption of kaduna than
: Bishop
: 8:17
: have shown a shameful disparity of treatment
: 8:23
: between those who belong to vergurlius so-called magic circle
: 8:29
: and those in he considers adversaries
: 8:35
: the recent case of Marco rubnik is evidence of one who has a
: scientist
: 8:42
: power like a despot legible Solutions
: 8:47
: who considers himself free to act without being accountable
: for any of his
: 8:54
: action it often happens that
: 9:00
: the consequences of the decision taken personally by the
: Argentine
: 9:05
: and then pass on to his subordinates who find himself accused
: and discredited
: 9:12
: for choices which are not theirs I think at the case of the
: London
: 9:19
: building in which occasionally the Secretary of State were
: involved
: 9:25
: by the country would say the best the August chiroga
: 9:31
: I think of the shameful handing of the European case
: 9:37
: which in addition to having rehabilitated a criminal
: responsible for
: 9:42
: horrendous crimes in content of the numerous victims
: 9:48
: has also discredited the former prefect of the congregation
: for the doctrine of the faith
: 9:54
: cardinal adavia I am thinking
: 10:00
: of the Makari case which with the fast of a secret
: 10:06
: administrative procedure was fastly liquidated without any
: 10:12
: compensation to the victims and declare rescue Decatur
: unappealable
: 10:22
: and this goes on and on
: 10:27
: it remained evidence yet the importance who will India or and
: 10:32
: willingly collaborate with bergolio find and said Throne
: overboard as soon as the
: 10:38
: Press discovers the vatican's contents
: 10:44
: many are noticing in cynical and utilitarian Behavior
: 10:49
: which in fact brings them to decline appointments and
: promotion
: 10:55
: precisely so as not to find themselves in an uncomfortable
: role of scapegoat
: 11:11
: the silence of the episcopate in the face of Gregorian
: nonsense have
: 11:18
: confirms that the self-referential authoritarianism
: 11:24
: of the Jesuit bear call you has found several obedience in
: almost
: 11:31
: all the Bishops terrified by the idea of being made the
: 11:36
: object of retaliation of the vengeful and despotic center of
: Santa Marta
: 11:45
: are beginning to not longer tolerate his devastating
: 11:51
: action which undermines the authority and the authoritiveness
: of the whole church
: 12:01
: Bishop Johnson Strickland for example has commendably
: reiterated immutable
: 12:08
: doctrinal truths that the Sino the sinodality in the
: 12:14
: coming months is preparing to demolish foreign
: 12:24
: did not give power to the pope to bully good Bishops
: 12:32
: something therefore is beginning to change alignments are
: taking shape
: 12:39
: and we see on one hand by God you've seen other Church
: 12:45
: which he emblematically calls our church
: 12:50
: and on the other hand what remains of the Catholic Church
: towards which
: 12:56
: he does not fail to later it is absolute a strangeness
: 13:11
: neither maintains that any irregularities
: 13:18
: that may have occurred in the 2013 conclave
: 13:24
: have in any case been healed in radical by the fact that Jorge
: Mario bergoglio
: 13:31
: has been recognized as spoke by the Cardinal electors
: 13:39
: and by the majority of the faithful
: 13:44
: practically speaking the argument is that
: 13:50
: regardless of the events that may have led to the election of
: a pope
: 13:56
: with or without external mentally in it the church places a
: time limit
: 14:04
: Beyond which it is not possible to challenge any election if
: the person
: 14:09
: elected is accepted by the Christian people
: 14:15
: but these stasis is called into question by historical
: 14:21
: president in 1378
: 14:29
: after the election of Pop Urban VI the majority of cardinals
: credits and
: 14:36
: the people recognized claiming the seventh gospel
: 14:44
: even though it was in reality an antipo
: 14:49
: 13 out of 16 Cardinals question the validity of the election
: of
: 14:56
: Pope Urban due to the effect of violence from the Roman people
: against the sacred College
: 15:04
: and even Urban's few supporters immediately retracted their
: election
: 15:12
: revoking convoking a new conclave at fondi
: 15:17
: which elected The antipope Clement VII
: 15:23
: events and Vincent Perry was convinced that Clement was the
: real Pope
: 15:29
: wise and cartrid of Siena sided with Urban
: 15:35
: if Universal consensus were and ineffectively valid argument
: for a
: 15:42
: Pope's legitimacy Clement wouldn't have the right to be
: considered
: 15:49
: the true Pope rather than Urban
: 15:54
: anti-proclaiming was defeated by Urban the sixth Army in the
: battle in the
: 16:00
: Battle of Marino in 1379 and transfer you see to Avignon
: 16:07
: leading to the western season which lasted 39 years
: 16:16
: thus we see that Universal acceptance argument does not
: withstand the test of History
: 16:37
: the surer way consisted not obeying a radical Pope
: 16:44
: without necessarily having to consider him ipso facto foreign
: from his office
: 16:51
: and separated from the church and therefore no longer capable
: of being at
: 16:58
: his head as vice versa San Robert berlamino believes
: 17:06
: but even this solution which at least recognized that Gregorio
: is ayuretic
: 17:13
: does not seem decisive to me since the obedience that the
: faithful
: 17:19
: can deny him in only is only marginal
: 17:25
: compared toward the acts of government and magisterium that he
: has carried out
: 17:31
: and continues to perform without his subjects being able to do
: 17:37
: anything about them of course
: 17:43
: one can organize the clandestine celebration of the Catholic
: Mass
: 17:49
: but what can a priest or a Layman do when a service group of
: Bishops
: 17:56
: maneuvered by begolio is preparing to introduce an acceptable
: doctrine of
: 18:02
: changes to the synonym of synonym and what can they do when in
: their
: 18:10
: parishes a Deaconess blesses the wedding of two sodomites
: 18:17
: certainly disobeying the illegitimate illegitimate
: 18:22
: orders of hierarchical or apostate superiors is a duty
: subgravity
: 18:30
: since obedience to God comes before obedience to man
: 18:36
: and because the virtues of obedience is hierarchically
: subordinated
: 18:42
: to the theological virtues of faith but
: 18:47
: the resulting diamonds to the ecclesial body is not prevented
: by an action of
: 18:53
: simple resistance the Ruth or the question must be resolved
: 19:09
: thus taking notice of the fact that begolio is ayurvetic
: 19:15
: and the Morris Leticia and his Declaration of intrinsic
: immorality or
: 19:21
: capital punishment would be enough to prove it we must ask
: ourselves
: 19:28
: if the 2013 election was in some way invalided by a lack of
: consent
: 19:36
: that is if the one elected wanted to become pope of the
: Catholic Church
: 19:44
: or rather head of what he calls our Synod and church
: 19:50
: which has nothing to do with the Church of Christ precisely
: because it stands as something
: 19:58
: other than it in my opinion this lack of consent
: 20:04
: can also be seen in by Godless Behavior we substantiously and
: consistently
: 20:12
: is anti-catholic an heterogeneous with respect to the very
: essence of the papacy
: 20:20
: there is no action of this man that does not bluntly have the
: air of rapture with
: 20:27
: respect to the practice and the magisterian of the church
: 20:33
: and to this are other depositions taken that
: 20:39
: anything but inclusive towards the faithful who do not intend
: to accept
: 20:44
: arbitrary innovation or Worse full blow a full-blown irises
: 20:54
: the fundamental question hinges on understanding the subversis
: plan of the deep Church
: 21:03
: with using the method the nuns at the time by Saint Pius the
: tent with regard
: 21:08
: to the modernists as organize itself to carry out a good
: attack within the
: 21:15
: church and bring the prophet of the Antichrist to the throne
: of Peter
: 21:24
: in infiltrating the hierarchy an ascending its rank is evident
: 21:30
: just as is evident that the plan of the ultra Progressive
: faction could not stop
: 21:37
: in the fact that Benedictine whom they considered too
: conservative
: 21:44
: and whom they hated above all because he dared to propagate
: the multipropyl to
: 21:51
: more pontification and so Benedict the Sistine was pressure
: 21:57
: to resign an immediate immediately there was ready
: 22:02
: the unknown Buenos Aires
: 22:07
: on the October 11th notice that
: 22:13
: October 11 2013 in a conference of Villanova University
: 22:21
: then Cardinal mechanic where God used long time friend
: 22:27
: revealed that burgundy election was strongly desired by a very
: influential
: 22:33
: Italian gentleman and the Mystery of the deep state to the
: Deep Church
: 22:40
: those who work in The Courier Noel who is called gentleman par
: 22:46
: excellence and what he thinks are easily grass
: 22:53
: with the power of both sides of the timer the Vatican and the
: Italian government
: 22:59
: they also know is embarrassing panchang that explain is close
: connection to the
: 23:07
: Vatican homosexual Lobby it is also significant that megai
: said
: 23:14
: he was convinced that bergalio would change the paper
: 23:19
: seat within four years confirming the malicious intention to
: 23:25
: tamper with the Divine and unreformable institution of the
: church
: 23:32
: sinbargo you participate in an event sponsored by the Clinton
: Foundation
: 23:39
: after other no less scandalous endorsements from the global
: history edit
: 23:46
: confirms Israel as Bank corrupt his Liquidator of the church
: 23:52
: the purpose of this substituting the constitution of that
: religion of
: 24:00
: humanity that will serve as handmade to the
: 24:05
: Synergy of the New World Order humanism
: 24:11
: ecology immigrationism lgbtq and gender ideology
: 24:20
: gender ideology another instances of the globalist
: 24:25
: religion are appropriated by bergeria nurture only to an
: action of
: 24:32
: ostentations and proud support for the proponents of the 2030
: agenda
: 24:41
: but also by means of the systematic demolition of everything
: 24:47
: that opposes it in the magisterium and the ruthless
: persecution of those
: 24:53
: who expressed even prudent perplexities
: 25:02
: and bluntly or styled to the Church of Christ to carry out the
: tasks assigned to him
: 25:09
: by the Deep church he concealed his most extreme positions
: 25:15
: so as to find a sufficient number of votes in the concrete
: 25:21
: to ensure total obedience those who hatched the plan
: 25:27
: make sure that he was rightly blackmailable
: 25:32
: as always happens and once selected Gregorio was able to
: 25:39
: show himself for what he is and begin the demolition of the
: church
: 25:44
: and the papacy but is it possible for a pope to destroy the
: 25:51
: papacy that he himself embodies and represents
: 25:57
: is it possible for a pope devastated the church that the Lord
: has entrusted to
: 26:02
: him to defend and again
: 26:08
: if a Cardinals participation in the conclave is intended to be
: malicious
: 26:15
: if he intends to subversive act against the church
: 26:21
: if the aim is to commit a crime then even if the procedures
: and Norms of
: 26:28
: the election are apparently respected there is undoubtedly
: immensely
: 26:36
: and this criminal intention emerges from the cunning by which
: the Cardinal were
: 26:42
: accomplices to the plot collaborated in deceiving the
: Cardinals
: 26:48
: who voted in good faith I wonder them
: 26:53
: are we not in the presence of a defect of of our David of
: consent
: 27:01
: that affects the validity of the election I repeat I will not
: impressed in the
: 27:08
: presence of a defect of consent that affect the validity of
: the election
: 27:16
: without saying that the very co-presence of a renouncing pope
: in a reigning Pope
: 27:24
: is already in itself an element that leads us to believe that
: they have a
: 27:30
: false concept of the essence of the prophecy consider to be a
: role that can be shared
: 27:38
: with others and does not forget
: 27:43
: that the distinction between Munoz and ministerium is
: arbitrary and that there cannot be a
: 27:51
: pope who dedicate himself to the ministry of prayer and
: another one who governs
: 27:58
: Christ is one the church is one and there is only one
: successor of Peter
: 28:07
: a body with two heads is a monster that is repugnant to Nature
: even before
: 28:13
: the Divine constitution of the church
: 28:24
: some may object but even miss Gregorio acted with malice
: 28:31
: is still accepted what the Cardinal offered him his election
: as Bishop of Rome and
: 28:39
: therefore as romantic and so he assumed the office
: 28:45
: and must be considered to be the Pope I believe instead that
: is acceptant
: 28:52
: of the purpose he is invalidated because he consider the
: purpose is
: 28:58
: something other than what it is like a spouse
: 29:04
: who gets married in church but excludes from his intention the
: specific purposes
: 29:11
: of marriage thus making the marriage null and voided
: 29:16
: precisely due to his lack of consent
: 29:22
: not only that what conspiratory works maliciously in
: 29:29
: order to ascend to an office would be so naive as to explain
: to those who must elect
: 29:36
: him that he intends to become Pope in order to carry out the
: orders of the enemies
: 29:43
: of God and the church good morning
: 29:51
: I intend to destroy the church by getting elected Pope will
: you vote for me
: 30:00
: demonstria lies precisely in the use of deception
: 30:05
: dissimulation lies the diligentization of anointing
: 30:12
: opponents and the elimination of a dangerous one
: 30:17
: and they proved that Vergara intended to carry out the
: criminal plan of the globalist said
: 30:24
: is right before our eyes all design goals of the emails of
: John
: 30:31
: podesta Hillary Clinton's right hand man had been or have been
: carried out
: 30:40
: from the adoption of gender equality as premise for the female
: priesthood
: 30:46
: to the lgbtq inclusion from the acceptance of the gender
: Theory
: 30:53
: to the participation of the agenda 2030 on climate change
: 31:00
: from the condemn condemnation of presidentism to exaltation of
: immigration as method
: 31:07
: of ethnic replacement and at the same time
: 31:13
: there is the removal and condemnation of the other Church the
: preconcealer one
: 31:21
: composed of rigid intolerant people starting with our Lord
: 31:28
: and San Antonio spadaro plus famously wrote
: 31:35
: and with the council culture apply to Faith and morals
: 31:41
: there is also the elimination of the mass that intrinsically
: belongs to that church
: 31:47
: with bergario considered to be in conflict with the new
: ecclesiology
: 31:54
: to the point of prohibiting it as incompatible with the
: synodal church
: 32:03
: so I'm I'm trying to prevent me a stone into the pond
: 32:12
: I would like that to take seriously very seriously the
: possibility that bergaglio
: 32:17
: intended to obtain the election by Maine's product and that is
: intended to abuse the
: 32:24
: authority of the Roman countifs in order to do exactly the
: opposite of what Jesus
: 32:31
: Christ gave Amanda to Saint Peter any successor to do
: 32:38
: confirm the faithful in the Catholic faith
: 32:43
: feeding and governing the flock of the Lord preaching the
: gospel the gospel to All
: 32:49
: Nations foreign
: 32:56
: since his first appearance to the Vatican lodger when
: introduced himself with his
: 33:03
: disturbing buenasera a son revealed
: 33:08
: in a direction a diameter geometrically opposed to the
: petroleum mandate
: 33:17
: yes adulterated and continue to adulterate the deposit on
: feeding
: 33:24
: yes create a confusion and misled the faithful he has
: dispersed a block
: 33:31
: he has declared that he considered evangelization of people to
: be a solemn
: 33:38
: nonsense is systematically abuses the power of the Holy keys
: 33:44
: to lose what cannot be lost and to bind what cannot be bound
: 33:52
: this situation is humanly irremenable
: 33:58
: because the forces at play are immensely because the
: corruption of authority
: 34:05
: cannot be healed by those who are subject to it
: 34:11
: we must take note that the metastasy of this pontificate
: 34:18
: originates from the consider cancer for that Vatican II
: 34:25
: which created the ideological doctrinal and disciplinary basis
: that inevitably
: 34:33
: had to lead to this point but how many of my compress
: 34:41
: also recognize the gravity of the current crisis and the
: ability to
: 34:47
: recognize this causal link between the consider Revolution
: 34:52
: and it extreme consequences with baccharia
: 35:04
: if this passio Ecclesia is a Prelude to the end times it is
: our duty to prepare
: 35:12
: ourselves spiritually for moments of great regulation effort a
: true and proper persecution
: 35:21
: but he will be precisely by retracing the vietores of the
: cross
: 35:28
: that the ecclesial body will be able to purify itself from the
: filth that
: 35:34
: dispigures it and Mary the supernatural help the Providence
: ourselves for the church in
: 35:41
: time of times we're seeing abounds against abounds all
: 35:47
: over the moon finally
: 35:53
: allow me to remind you that the dominant Association I founded
: 35:59
: aims to give spiritual material help to priests the Religious
: brothers and
: 36:04
: sisters who are persecuted by begonian Church
: 36:10
: because of their Fidelity to tradition if you would like to
: make a donation
: 36:18
: towards the realization of our project you may do so
: 36:24
: at the association website or by sending a text message to the
: number you see
: 36:31
: below nowadayatory Jesus Christus
: 36:39
: [Music]
: 36:53
: foreign [Music]

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