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Misc. News and Reports 10/11/23 AM #1 War Report

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 11-Oct-2023 01:41:01

Number of killed Israelis in Hamas attacks rises to 1200

Gaza's civil defense says its crews are not able to deal with the increasing number of destroyed homes
Israel have responded to Syria shelling Israeli positions with an artillery attack against the country.

Egypt will allow the organization to use the Rafah crossing to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip - World Health Organization (but, what will the Israelis allow? That is the question.)

Palestinian Ministry of Health: The number of martyrs killed by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank has risen to 21 (that is the other area where Palestinians live, south of Jerusalem)

Palestinian Health: 900 killed, 4,500 injured as a result of Israeli strikes.

Iran warns of ‘human catastrophe’ amid Israeli onslaught on Gaza, urges UN to take immediate action

Iranian FM writes to UN calling for immediate halt to genocide in besieged Gaza.

Israeli–Palestinian conflict is ‘between oppressors and the oppressed’: Pakistan PM

Harvard students blame ‘apartheid regime’ of Israel for recent brutality

Regarding the situation in Gaza and the Israeli blockade, @wafa_Gaza says that the Gaza Strip is literally experiencing ‘genocide’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ by the Israeli occupation.

Press TV’s correspondent in the Gaza Strip has been left homeless as a result of indiscriminate bombing of the Palestinian coastal territory by the Israeli forces

Biden's remarks 'attempt to cover crimes' of Israel: Hamas

United States is engaged in contingency planning in the event the current conflict in Israel escalates, according to US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. - CNN (what are they afraid of? Or, are they going to create a new crisis from this one? The truth is, it is only a matter of hours before other Muslim nations get involved. The clock is ticking since the Israeli/zionist gov. shut off the water supply to 2.3 million people in Gaza. This is an act of genocide. One billion Muslims won't allow that to stand, and Nato knows this.)

USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group has arrived in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea — CENTCOM (the US is now sending a second aircraft carrier fleet to the area)

Turkey: Erdogan accused the United States of planning to "carry out massacres in Gaza" by sending its aircraft carrier to Israel.

Mortar fire from Syria was reportedly detected by the IDF. Some crossed into Israeli territory but hit open areas.Rockets from Gaza.ATGMs, rockets and mortars from Lebanon.
Mortars from Syria.It definitely seems like multiple factions are attempting to open up multiple fronts against Israel.

Al-Qassam spokesman: "The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morality, and we will address him in the language he knows."

Historic Mission: Joint US-Israel Operation to Rescue 150 Hostages – Delta Force, Seal Team 6 and Shayetet 13 will enter the heart of Gaza! American forces on standby in Greece
Israel and the US will attempt to free the approximately 150 hostages held by Hamas in tunnels in the Gaza Strip. This is a historic mission with a high degree of risk.
The operation is expected to begin as soon as the Israeli Headquarters established specifically for this purpose locates the exact location of the hostages.

Multiple people reporting military jets flying over them in multiple different states including Michigan and California. No word yet on what’s happening (I heard personal reports of military jets flying close overhead in eastern Missouri)

I've heard estimates that there were 3,000 Hamas fighters. 1,500 of them took part in the attack inside Israel, and most of them died on that suicide misison.
That leaves about 1,500 left inside Gaza.
The remaining 2.3 million in Gaza are civilians. That means that the massive attack on Gaza will affect the civilians the most.

Are the Israelis and Biden afraid the babies and elderly are going somehow scale the giant walls they live behind, and crawl their way to the 300,000 strong Israeli army and gum them to death?!? Get real, this is nothing less than genocide.

The more the Israelis attack the defenseless Palestinians, the sooner that other Muslim countries will come to their aid. Hezbollah alone has 250,000 rockets they can use.
Iran is itching to rescue the besieged people in Gaza. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria and Turkey want to help the people in Gaza. This is shaping up to be a WW3 situation and we're on the wrong side.

The Israel we knew is a dead man walking. The old Israel is gone. Between the death jab and other context, the tide has turned.
(Consider the fact that Israel was forcing its people to get the deadly Covid shot, then they openly promoted the gay and transexual agenda, then they placed women in harm's way in the military which is inhumane. Then they created the terrorist group called Isis (head choppers) and placed the wounded in Israeli hospitals, supported the corrupt regime of Ukraine and also kept marching towards their long term goal of a Greater Israel project and the stealing of land from neighboring countries.

Is it any wonder they have been attacked? And I haven't even mentioned the 70 years of enslaving and killing of Palestinians. When the chips begin to fall, even the superpowers of Russia and China will side with the Palestinians.
This will not end well, and will assuredly end up with nukes dropping on US cities. You have been warned. The thousands of sleeper cells are already in place and waiting for orders.

This fire in the UK could be caused by Muslim terrorists. This could happen in many European countries and in the US

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