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This Whole Scenario Stinks

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Monday, 9-Oct-2023 21:46:27

As I watched missiles lobbing from both countries of Israel and Palestine, de je vou doesn’t begin to cover my feelings. I’ve seen this act before. But, what puzzled me and it may be Nutty-yahoos undoing, is everyone knows how well trained the Israeli military are. On top of that, the Mossad are also well known as one of, if not the top intelligence agency in the world. I doubt if an ant could crawl across the border anywhere in the country without raising alarms. I’m not buying this crap that Israel was taken ‘unawares’.

So, what is the underlying goal for this? Something for the politicians to grandstand about? A way to tug at the heartstrings of people in other countries to want to send aide to one of these two countries, or both? An excuse for their insane leader, the aforementioned Nutty-yahoo to declare war on Iran, which he’s been slobbering at the mouth to do for some time. This just has the stench of 9-11 to me. Or did anyone think that the Patriot Act could have been written that fast? There is something darker than just Hamas invading Israel.

So how will the Israeli leader answer the questions I hope someone will have the sense to ask. How did this happen? Where was your military, out to lunch? Your Mossad agents all on vacation at the same time? There is no way this happened without Nutty-yahoos blessing. How did he convince the military and Mossad to go along with it? And best of all, how long will be his life expectancy once his people realize what he has done? I’m thinking not long. An ending that should happen to all monsters like this.

As the days go by, with it’s usual 24/7 media coverage, don’t be fooled by their crocodile tears. Just listen closely to the path they want the Americans to take. Send aide? What we can afford now that this illegitimate president has bled us dry over Ukraine. Military aide to Israel? Do we have any left? I read that the Taliban were planning on joining in the fight on the side of Hamas when they were hit with an earthquake. But, there is no such thing as Weather Weapons, right? That is probably a good thing as they might have brought in some of the 85 billion dollars worth of weapons the idiot in the White House left behind.

But that wasn’t really his call was it? Obama sitting in his pjs. in the basement is calling those shots. The lengths to which these out of control monsters, drunk on their own power, will go and the innocent lives they destroy in order to play global chess with other, equally corrupt leaders is astounding. It is difficult to fathom the depth of their evil. But, history has given us many examples. And, the people are the ones who suffer.

It would be bad enough if Hamas truly did attack Israel without being part of a set-up. But if it does come out that this was another 9-11 style attack, well planned in advance and orchestrated by those who love war, I think lunatics like Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham will see this as a much welcomed platform from which to call for WWIII. Do people even listen to characters like them anymore? Almost the entire Republican wannabes, running for the GOP nomination are disgusting. Vevek Ramaswamy and Tim Scott are about the only ones with somewhat decent credibility. And I’ve already exposed Ramaswamy’s sleazy attempt to whitewash himself before declaring he was running for president.

Maybe one day, people will remember that what they say and what they do on the Internet is there for ever. His paying someone to wipe his history off of Wikipedia that Paul and Daisy Soros had paid for his education, was a real red flag for me. He knew it would be with most Americans to whom the name Soros is as evil as Hitler. As for Tim Scott, he comes across as too nice. Which he may be, but nice isn’t going to make the decisions that will keep America safe. That will take someone like President Trump.
And, I think we are going to be going through some serious tribulation the rest of this year and up to the 2024 election. It isn’t that we are looking for a hero, someone to save us. We need a leader who is strong and determined to make this country what it once was. Or at least what most of us who grew up in the fifties and sixties thought it was.

The important thing we can do now is to get off our rears and get involved in politics like we never have before. That is how you get people like Trump in office and keep monsters like Hillary Clinton out of office. I would put Nutty-yahoo in the same padded cell with her. With any luck, they could kill each other.

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  • This Whole Scenario Stinks
    Liberty_Lady -- Monday, 9-Oct-2023 21:46:27

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