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I haven't seen one picture/video/image of an Israeli soldier/citizen/tourist spitting on a (possibly raped) but very much dead and mutilated corpse. It really isn't our business!

Posted By: Freedom4ever
Date: Monday, 9-Oct-2023 16:40:16

In Response To: An Assessment and Impression on the War in Israel (GeorgeEaton)

These things have gone on since time began. It is of supreme hubris that any of our citizens or politicians think they should have a say in what anyone in the world thinks or does or fights about...

We should not be sending our tax money, weapons, soldiers or ANYTHING over to other countries embroiled in things we have no understanding of!

That is what is getting us into war.

It is none of our business!!!!! Not Ukraine and Russia...not Israel and Palestine, it doesn't matter what country and what conflict, we are not the arbiters entrusted with making impartial decisions or resolving disputes!!!! But the evil people who have slowly taken over our original form of representational government have gotten us into war after war and taken all of our hard earned money to do with it what they will.

it is sickening!!!!

Here is what our forefathers wished for and believed in!

“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none”
― Thomas Jefferson

The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities... it is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to existing engagements.

— George Washington's Farewell Address

If we do not stand up for what is right here at home, who do we think we are to think that violence on both sides is uncalled for????

We don't even fight for our own freedoms, but think it is ok to claim in public that one side or another committing violence is appalling?

We don't even have a free press any longer, so how can we even know the depravity behind this possible war?

It is none of our business. Our business should be fighting to retain our own country from those who have overtaken it and are burning it to the ground this moment in time!!!!!


: I went over hours of videos tapes and written reports on the
: war situation in Israel, and have been horrified by the
: violence taking place from both sides of the war.
: War is not the answer, in my opinion, for the Palestinians.
: There are other valid options they could take to avoid
: confrontation and live in peace away from the Israeli
: government and that location.
: There is an old saying, that when considering revenge, first
: dig two graves.

: Innocent people are dying on both sides of this war, and I
: find that a tragic mistake and should not be justified or
: sanctioned by either side.

: What I’ve witnessed in the reports is the emotional enthusiasm
: the Palestinians are expressing as they carry out their
: military activities. This is difficult to quantify to the
: public, it is simply an impression of obvious exuberance,
: excitement, and the act of unbridled celebration at the
: victories they are witnessing.

: While they are seeing their bombs go off they shout: Allahu
: Akbar! Which is a phrase meaning ‘God is most great’, or a
: general declaration of faith or thanksgiving.
: It could be the equivalent of Christians shouting: “Praise the
: Lord!

: And they are shouting this as they run with a machine gun
: killing people, or chopping off someone’s head.
: I find that disturbing, unsettling and confusing. Can you
: imagine a police officer shouting “Praise the Lord!” as he
: shoots at a thief? It is a sobering event to take a life,
: in war or in law enforcement.

: Perhaps there is something lost in translation or a difference
: in our cultures where we’re not seeing what they see or
: understand their lifestyles.

: I also noticed that every time a Hamas soldier captured
: someone or completed a firefight, the Palestinian
: bystanders were rushing in to congratulate the soldier to
: such a degree, he couldn’t complete his task at hand, and
: even getting a prisoner into a car becomes nearly an
: impossible task because of the masses of people around him.

: In my opinion, this kind of mob rule can be dangerous and
: incite soldiers or terrorists to make rash moves and rush
: irrationally towards violent actions, thinking it is
: pleasing the mob. I have seen similar actions by the
: Israeli soldiers and citizens as well, where some were
: misusing the prisoners or bodies of the dead enemies.

: I have also seen a lot of morbid and horrible photos of the
: dead, on both sides, which are posted to gain sympathy for
: their particular cause. I try to avoid using that kind of
: videos and photos. I have also seen a lot of propaganda
: videos by both sides, like training videos or propaganda
: films to get followers to their side. I also reject posting
: those videos because of their obvious bias.

: I also feel that what we are witnessing is the very worst
: option and outcome between these two opponents. This will
: only create more hatred and the spirit of revenge for
: generations to come on both sides.

: Also, I noticed there was one report that said Obama might
: have been secretly involved in this new color revolution
: against Israel. I find that difficult to believe. However,
: I couldn’t discount it altogether because he was known as a
: community organizer, and was directly involved in the color
: revolutions in the middle east when he was in office,
: namely in Egypt and others. And we know his well-known
: quote of saying he would always side with the Muslims. But,
: until we have solid evidence we won’t know for sure.

: I heard quotes from the governments of Russia, Turkey,
: Pakistan and Iran that they would defend the Palestinians
: who they felt have been misused for decades under the
: Israeli regime. This could mean they might get involved at
: some point and create a wider war. This is a valid concern,
: and those that have discounted this possibility are simply
: avoiding reality.

: Apparently, Hezbollah has also made indications they would
: join the fight and defend the people in Gaza. We must also
: consider the fact that in the past many weeks the Israeli
: people have protested the hardline Israeli government and
: want peace with the Palestinians. This has weakened the
: national resolve in the public and in the military for war.

: But what would that look like? If the Israelis give the vote
: to the Muslims (who want revenge) in their country - in
: short order they will lose power, and the nation would be
: transformed into a Muslim state. And the illusion of a free
: democracy would simply not be possible. It is a conundrum
: to deal with that and has no clear or quick solutions.
: Also, the idea of a two-state solution IMO, is unworkable
: and nothing but a pure fantasy.

: As I see it, the only solution is total separation and for
: both to live their lives in peace away from each other.
: But, hey, that doesn’t sell tanks and bullets, and doesn’t
: make $ billions for the politicians in DC. And it certainly
: doesn’t depopulate the planet as the globalist are hell
: bent on doing.

: What we are watching is a disaster unfold before us where we
: have no say in the outcome. And the globalists are hoping
: that the impressionable masses will pick a side and be
: polarized so they are easier to control and manipulate.

: Unless this war takes a sudden turn towards sanity and peace
: talks, it is headed for a major escalation involving more
: countries getting involved. Regardless how powerful Israel
: and the west is with their war machines or how many
: thousands of the Palestinians perish, the remaining states
: will still be able to retaliate with nukes. In fact, the
: more that die, the higher the stakes and the greater chance
: for nuclear war to break out.

: For many decades now the condition of the Gaza Strip and the
: squalor they have lived in has been witnessed by a billion
: Muslims worldwide. That evidence can’t be swept under the
: carpet or be forgotten easily. And the more bombs the
: Israelis drop and the more Palestinians that are killed
: only adds to the problem and makes things even worse. You
: can’t bomb those poor people and their children into
: oblivion and think that it will beat them into submission.

: The longer this war continues, the more hatred that will build
: against Israel. It is almost as if, they have done all of
: this on purpose to make sure the body count is higher and
: that a real war develops to satisfy the military industrial
: complex.
: If this is possible, it means that we’re dealing with a
: massive conspiracy that is sacrificing the lives of
: millions of people, to fulfill a depopulation agenda and
: make more profits. We may be witnessing a massive criminal
: enterprise - on the bones of innocent people. I find that
: despicable and abhorrent.

: And the frustrating part is, there are no leaders in America
: that will stand up and stop this insanity. All of the signs
: point to one inescapable conclusion: we are headed for a
: nuclear war, and our country won’t be spared this time.
: George Eaton

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Articles In This Thread

  • An Assessment and Impression on the War in Israel
    GeorgeEaton -- Monday, 9-Oct-2023 10:21:45
    • I haven't seen one picture/video/image of an Israeli soldier/citizen/tourist spitting on a (possibly raped) but very much dead and mutilated corpse. It really isn't our business!
      Freedom4ever -- Monday, 9-Oct-2023 16:40:16

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