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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #216 - #220 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Friday, 6-Oct-2023 21:55:15

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-216/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #216

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 5, 2023 | Spirituality |

The cosmos is an intricate design of vibrational energies
And we are a note in the cosmic symphony

To perceive the divine melody
One must first tune the inner instrument of the soul

We are the pure music of existence

So direct your thoughts toward the radiant shores of positivity

The heart emits a powerful magnetic energy
Align a clear intention with your heart

An intention that shines with integrity
Gleams with sincerity
Glistens with dignity
And sparkles with honesty

You will then send a very potent vibrational signature to the quantum field
And you will become a vortex that attracts favorable and beneficial experiences

When you tune into the infinite
You attract your desires into your life

Personal magnetism is your ideal state
Observe your emotional storms as temporary manifestations of consciousness

You already are the embodiment of ideal attributes
Which is authentic self confidence and love

Fill your consciousness with ideal imaginal acts
Acknowledge you have them and see their manifestation in external events
Which are meant to be enjoyed

Do not remain in a state of longing and craving or you will cause repulsion
Everything is an automatic manifestation of beliefs and mental states

Desires are divine
You will automatically move in the direction of your desires
So know you already have them

Embrace your perfection
Live fully
Love deeply
And join the celebration of life!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-217/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #217

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 5, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

All roles in the theatre of life that you experience
Are played to reflect your inner state

The inner is where you imagine reality
The outer is the actualization of it

Seeking confirmation in the external world of the senses
Is the antithesis of personal magnetism
Which is a state of fulfillment

We are in charge of how we interact with the world
And how we experience the nature of reality

The Reticular Activation System is a complex system of neurons in the brain stem
It acts as a gatekeeper of what enters our conscious awareness

The RAS filters stimuli according to our past memories beliefs and emotions
As well as our current goals and interests

By screening unwanted information it allows us to focus on what we value
Through regulating attention to unwelcome sensory stimuli
It affects our perception and therefore our reality

Reality is not an absolute concept
But a subjective experience shaped by our perception

If you want to change your reality
Then shift your perceptual field

What we are told in the media
In the classroom
And in the pulpit
Is filtered in order to shape our reality through what we believe

Thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic
Identify with beauty and love

Do not seek them be them
And they will show up automatically as a result of your personal magnetism

You are ideal and your presence has become so charged
That others want to feel your vibration

When you accept that you have all you desire
It will play out as personal magnetism
And you will attract harmonious relationships with others

Relationships reveal deep layers of our own consciousness
The way to change the world is to change yourself

When you reflect your divinity
You choose a wonderous and amazing adventure!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-218/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #218

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 5, 2023 | Spirituality, technology |

The Lily Wave frequency is known as the madness frequency
The Los Angeles Riots was the first open test
And Operation Mist in Rwanda was a more heightened campaign

The Lily Wave is a biphasic electric pulse
Which induces an angry and violent mass response

It stimulates neurons to resonate in certain controlled brainwave patterns
And causes the bodys electrons and water molecules to vibrate at that frequency also

Iron will migrate to the brain and induce unconsciousness
And the glucose sucrose and fructose sugar crystals will release an electric charge
Known as bioluminescence

Nicotine is a super blood sugar regulator

The manipulation of brain waves via frequencies can be accomplished
Through emanations from cell phones TV screens and computer monitors

This is like the antifreeze they sneak into the ice cream at McDonalds
In order to avoid it you have to be aware of it

What you express is what you experience
Now is the time to make sure your reality emanates from a positiveness
And that you actualize goodness and kindness into the eternal

Abide in the feeling of being complete whole and fulfilled

We are under attack by soulless men
And there is no way to satisfy a psychopath
We have a hidden enemy engaged with us in a silent war

Awaken to your true power
And go beyond the illusion!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-219/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #219

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 5, 2023 | astronomy, psychology |

Do not give your energy to fear based timelines

Do not believe anyone who tells you
You will kill other people if you do not wear a mask

In the 1980s it was said that millions would die of AIDS
But the only people that did were those who sought treatment

Scams abound everywhere
And we are inundated with falsehoods

Politicians have no authority
They take their marching orders from the shadow government

We have been under a spell for so long
That it has become a part of our ego
And we defend the people who lie to us

A person who believes we live on a level plane is mocked by the question
Wouldnt you fall off the edge

The chances of falling off would be a lot greater
If one was on a non stop spinning water ball
That is also tilting and wobbling while orbiting the sun
As it zooms through space and spirals around galaxies

We do not feel any spin nor see any changes in the stars
Which would be readily apparent if the earth was moving

We are taught to forget about what we experience
Just believe what we are told

This brainwashing sets the stage for mind control

No sane person would ever entertain a thought of going to another country to kill people
But we are told it is necessary so everyone accepts it

Area 51 in Nevada is fenced off
Trespassers are shot on sight

Why the extreme punishment
Is it because if the truth was known
It would blow the lid off the charade

It is surmised there are cloning facilities
Genetic experimentation
Secret aircraft
High speed trains to Antarctica
Even artificial portal technologies

But they are all called conspiracy theorists
By the ones who have not figured out
That there is a conspiracy!

From https://bennettleeross.com/mythreligion/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-220/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #220

Posted by Bennett Ross | Oct 5, 2023 | myth/religion, Prognostication |

The Tower of Babel was a plasma column
That reached to the divine gates of the House of God

Which was the Land of the 2 Horns
The same as the Pillars of Hercules
And the Wings of the Phoenix

The Phoenix emerges from the Aurora Borealis in a flame of blue at the Footstool of God
And burns himself upon the Altar of the Temple

He has a crest of feathers upon his head
The colors are brighter than of a peacock

His neck is yellow
His beak is blue
And his wings are purple

The Phoenix shineth in full glory and nobly so

There are 7 places in the northern country that cast out diverse flames
By the changing of the color one can see
If it be for dearth or good

Upon the Pillar of Plasma are the Apples of Paradise
Also known as the Figs of Pharoah

As the plasma branches out it is called Enoch Wood
And liquor drops from its leaves

Fairies appear dancing around this celestial Mulberry Tree
Angels and departed souls climb up and down

According to ancient maps the Tower of Babel is 27 miles in circumference
And held many mansions
Jesus said In my Fathers House there are many mansions

Travelers to the Mansion of Horus
Will be greeted by Hathor

Hathor was the Mistress of the Northern Sky
Who displays her beauty and opens the door of the sky

The Tsimshian of British Columbia
The sky may be reached by means of a ladder
Which leads to the House of the Sun Chief
Who lives there with his daughter the Evening Star

In the Egyptian Coffin Texts says
All you gods in the sky
Prepare a path for my soul
So that I can find shade in the retinues of Ra and Hathor for all eternity

When the blue beam arises out of the earth
And the planetary gods drift toward the magnetized center
There will be an opening in the sky

And all those in high places seeking to escape their karma
Will try to leave through this fissure

If they succeed
They will stumble onto a new reality

And begin anew their trickeries and witchcraft
Upon an unsuspecting world!

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