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Ann Diamond: Canada's Nazi problem --(Text)(Images)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Friday, 6-Oct-2023 17:37:47

From https://anndiamond.substack.com/p/canadas-nazi-problem

Canada's Nazi problem

Ann Diamond
Oct 2, 2023

I guess you've all heard by now that Canada has a little Nazi problem. No, let's stop understating the truth about Canada: we have a huge Nazi problem. I've been aware of this for 20 years, in a conscious way, but before that, even going back to early childhood, I had a recurring nightmare of being in an underground laboratory or military facility somewhere, along with hundreds of other children who were strapped to a massiveconveyor belt and being tortured by men dressed as witches--these men were doctors, I later learned, and this facility was just like the one at China Lake in California, where thousands if not hundreds of thousands of children have disappeared in what survivors state was a Deep Underground Military experiment in trauma-based mind control.

I was sent there by my unwitting parents who thought they had enrolled me in a special program for gifted children. They made the terrible mistake of falling for the lies of a persuasive sociopath who was not just the top psychiatrist of his day but also very skilled at coercion and blackmail:

I have written about this extensively in a self published book called My Cold War, which only got me branded as a conspiracy theorist and lunatic- that's what happens to Canadians who investigate Canada's “Nazi problem.” Dr Ewen Cameron ( who wrote my dad a cheque on my 5th birthday in April 1956 during our meeting at McGill University) was more than just a Nazi wannabe and sympathizer- he was an Air Force officer and Freemason as well as an enthusiastic disciple of SS Angel of Death Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz who had come to Canada after 1945 as a guest of Premier Maurice Duplessis and the Vatican.

These are simply facts that have been documented, and carefully buried. And Dr Cameron was part of a team, although he has been scapegoated as the head perpetrator, which makes it easier to hide the real extent of our Nazi problem- which is really NATO's Nazi problem--in fact a worldwide Nazi phenomenon that refuses to go away, because as many people have said the Nazis didn't lose the Second World War, they made a deal with Allen Dulles and came to America instead. They were simply too valuable to be jailed and executed.

Here's another Canadian hero of medicine, Nazi doctor Heinz Lehmann, who never really trained as a psychiatrist but came to Quebec in 1937 on a ski vacation in the Laurentians and was placed in charge of the largest English language mental hospital in the province where he lobotomized patients and herded them like cattle, and popularized the use of Largactil, also known as the “chemical straitjacket”.

I had a boyfriend who looked like a rockstar who worked for Heinz Lehmann in 1972 which was when he tried to recruit me to come to the Douglas Hospital as a young volunteer to work with schizophrenic twena. After spending a couple of hours in a convoluted chat with a suicidal girl, I turned down the job so I never actually met Dr Lehmann but was present at a lecture a few months later at McGill where he got pied after recommending that all North Americans be put on tranquilizers. Even back then people saw through Lehmann but few got close enough to throw a pie in his face… a mild form of criticism considering how many lives this man destroyed under the pretext of healing them with electroshock and worse.

There are people (I know of a couple including the woman who produced a pharma-funded pseudo-documentary on him, Untangling the Mind) who consider him a kind of savior or at least a saint:

I never get tired of wondering if I am the girl in the Rolling Stones song “19th Nervous Breakdown” who as a child was “treated kind but never brought up right” ..who was “always spoiled with a thousand toys but still... cried all night”…

It would be easy but inaccurate to assume that I was just spoiled, given my family background. My mother was the daughter of a doctor and politician who is still remembered in his home town as a generous, hardworking and self-sacrificing public servant and I think she took for granted that other doctors could be trusted when in fact this was not the case. She made the tragic mistake of bringing her two children down to McGill and enrolling us in what would turn out to be a heinous experiment from which we never recovered. We witnessed horrors and were forced to participate in torture and child sacrifice or what is now known as Satanic Ritual Abuse. It left us deeply traumatized with permanent amnesia and probable brain damage.

And the same can be said for the country called Canada which lost its mind and innocence after the war to a gang of Nazis.

The curtain of forgetfulness may have lifted for a moment this past week when our Parliament disgraced itself by giving a standing ovation to a 98-year-old Ukrainjan ex-Nazi war criminal. The bizarre gaffe made headlines around the world and suddenly everyone was talking about our Prime Minister's latest embarrassing diplomatic pratfall, and even journalists were digging up Nazi dirt on his creepy Deputy Chrystia Freeland. For a while, everyone had a Nazi story to add, e.g. how Canada brought over 2000 Ukrainian Nazi collaborators after World War II and gave them jobs and homes and allowed them to form veterans’ associations.

If only this weren't just the tip of the iceberg, because Canada also welcomed German Nazis and let them into our own military and in some cases let them run amok in secret projects like Subproject 68 at McGill and the unspeakable killing field in Alberta known as Lincoln Park MKULTRA.

Many of the details around these secret atrocities have had to be buried to preserve our fragile “Canadian identity” but basically we are a society of collaborators who increasingly resemble drag queens on a rainbow mission to dismember children in a vain attempt to be more and more what we are not: a compassionate society that cares about mental health. All this is a lie, as our publicly funded culture is now 💯% a censorship machine masquerading as artisticexpression.

We're now in the black-is-white, good-is-evil phase of fascist dictatorship and not surprisingly mask mandates are creeping back to discourage lip reading.

But at the same time, the Hunka/Nazi incident has started some conversations and triggered some memories in people I know. This past week three friends shared stories that would have stayed in the back of their minds for lack of a context to make them make sense.

One woman mentioned her memory of meeting Dr Mengele at McGill's Allan Memorial Institute in 1966 when she was four, brought there by her dad. She remembers his shabby suit, glittering smile and the large gap between his front teeth. She says her siblings were placed in an experiment which ended up ruining the family and their lives — her sister ate razor blades and tried to kill her with a knife.

Then Chris texted me about the time he visited a Nazi, Dr Green, in the Laurentians in the mid 80s — and the eagle-headed cane he held in both large hands as he talked in a heavy German accent to the chosen boy and his father who put him into the secret cross-border project. And the two other guests present: Pierre and Justin Trudeau.

Another woman friend in Toronto simultaneously recalled a 72 year old neighbours years ago saying she had met Mengele in a Montreal hospital in the 1960s, under the nickname “Pere Joseph” - as he was also called by Duplessis Orphans whom he used as guinea pigs in lethal procedures begun back home in occupied Poland.

I'm sure we'll remember many more of these little atrocities before our little Nazi problem disappears under the next wave of mandates or senseless violence like the one yesterday when a man killed three random people in between quick trips to Ontario and Canada's Wonderland.

Because after all we're still the happiest place on earth —



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