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Part 3 Healing-Codes-for-the-Biological-Apocalypse ...King James, The Bible, and the Secret Societies

Posted By: oldmaninthedesert
Date: Thursday, 5-Oct-2023 17:32:25

Good afternoon, we have part 3 of Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.
and Joseph Puleo, N.D. It is titled King James, The Bible, and the Secret Societies. We commented in a few places to start with in this part, and it was brought to my attention that we could comment on every paragraph but it was decided that if matters of fact were to be talked about, they should be done so more in depth, and not attached to the coattail of someone else's work, in order that they may stand on their own merit. So interested parties should stand by until we reveal the Truth about the Three Days,and their significance to the Lord and humanity. We are done letting the stewards cherry pick what has already been written in order to buy more time...


It might be asked, "Why, with so many other good Bibles available at the time of Martin Luther, did King James commission another Bible to be written that most Christian fundamentalists prescribe to this very day?" [I bet it had to do with controlling others, Kings are known for such behavior.dc ]

Well if you study history, you will learn that King James was not only King of Scotland, but was also simultaneously King of England as well. His royalty helped to unite England and Scotland against France, Italy, and according to many authors, the Vatican.1

How was it that King James VI of Scotland (who was later crowned King James I of England) came to this high level of authority in both England and Scotland? The answer lies in the Knights Templar, a secret society believed to have formed during the early twelfth century. The Knights had sought refuge in Scotland which was largely controlled by their allies, the Freemasons.

Templar history is both fascinating and controversial. In The Hiram Key, Masonic Order members Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas reviewed "the development of modem Freemasonry and its impact on the world." Their text provided far more insight than many other books intended to promote Freemasonry as an entirely benign, largely humanitarian, spiritual fraternity.

According to Knight and Lomas, "From the completion of Rosslyn Chapel [in southern Scotland in 1486], to the official opening of the Grand Lodge of England on 24 June 1717 ," the Freemasons evolved from the Templar Order. "For reasons of self preservation the organization remained hidden from general view until the power of the Vatican began to slide rapidly in the sixteenth century." 1

This "slide" in Roman Catholic Church authority, more commonly called "The Reformation," began on October 31st-the day we now celebrate Halloween- 1517. Then, Martin Luther, an Augustinian professor at the University of Wittenberg, with suspicious ties to the German Rosicrucian Order, issued ninety-five theses considered heretical by the papacy. Luther, generally considered anti-Semitic, sexist, but otherwise supportive to Jesus' Nazarene theology, wrote three famous treatises distributed in 1520: An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Governing the Reform of the Christian Estate; The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian. These works won him tremendous popular support as they strongly professed Luther's conviction that forgiveness of sins and human salvation was God's free gift of grace extended to everyone-a position that left the papacy out of the divine pecking order, This enraged the pope who subsequently directed Luther's excommunication in 1521.1 [Something was said about a house divided, and it's outcome, by the Lord. If the 12, and the one who came after, had trusted The Spirit, they should have known, that no further words needed to be written down. dc]

Soon thereafter, King Henry VIII began to have marital problems with his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, and sought resolution from the Vatican. The pope refused. Thus began England's separation from the Catholic Church. In 1533, Thomas Cromwell, King Henry's chief minister, ushered the "Act in Restraint of Appeals" through Parliament. Likewise, the following year, he passed the "Act of Supremacy" which authorized full control of the church by the king. To facilitate the jihad, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, authorized the first English translation of the Bible. 1

Thus, the Church of England usurped the power of the Roman Catholic Church for a time, though not without contest. One brief reversal occurred during the reign of Henry VIII's daughter, Queen Mary I. Partly because her royalty was feigned by Henry, once in power, the queen began to restore Catholicism, earning her the epithet "Bloody Mary" for her role in executing hundreds of Protestants. "In 1554, she married King Philip II of Spain, son of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V," recalled the authors of The Hiram Key. "The event sparked several rebellions which were harshly put down and afterwards 300 Protestants were burned at the stake for their beliefs. Under her successor, Queen Elizabeth I, England grew into a strong and Protestant nation." 1

King James was reared during this bloody time in English history. Born on June 19, 1566, the only child of Mary Queen of Scots, James was "only fifteen months old when he succeeded his Catholic mother to the Scottish throne, but did not begin his personal rule of Scotland until 1583."1


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