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SORCHA 10/5: "Russian “Wail Of Death” War Drills Join “We Are Freaking Out” Ukrainian Scream"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Thursday, 5-Oct-2023 12:56:23



October 5, 2023

Russian “Wail Of Death” War Drills Join “We Are Freaking Out” Ukrainian Scream

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first notes President Putin truthfully observed yesterday “The world is gradually getting rid of the dictatorship of a financial and economic model aimed at driving into debt and servitude, turning into economic colonies and depriving entire regions of the world of resources for development” and most factually assessed: “The process of building a multipolar world order - more democratic, more honest, fair for the majority of mankind - is simply inevitable and historically necessary...This fully applies to the creation of strong economic foundations of such a world order...That is, no third party has any possibility for abuse and for interfering with payments…Including blocking, for example, a transaction, arresting accounts, appropriating someone else’s money or assets...And this, unfortunately, happens in the modern world”.

Joining President Putin’s truthful observation, this report notes, world-renowned American economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Colombia University assessed yesterday: “The epoch of the international financial system dominated by the dollar is drawing to an end, and this will happen in the next decade...At the end of World War II, the United States accounted for 30 percent of world production, while this figure is now at only 15 percent...One of the privileges was the ability to borrow at reduced interest rates...It also maintained a fairly efficient system of international payments, but the United States abused this system, especially in the last 15 years...The United States became reliant on using the financial system for the sake of achieving geopolitical goals”.

Surprisingly calling out the United States for abusing the international financial system to achieve geopolitical goals, this report continues, is the leftist New York Times, who, in their just released scathing article “The U.S. Has A New Set of Tools For Bullying The World”, warningly observed:

The greatest collateral damage from last year’s Russian invasion of Ukraine has been to various Western European members of NATO, which suddenly find their national interests subordinated to those of their strongest ally.

The United States has long wanted Europeans to kick over two of the pillars on which their economies rest: imports of cheap energy from Russia and exports of advanced manufactures to China, Russia’s ally. With the Russian invasion last year, these demands became more importunate.

Europe has largely complied with them. European Union voted for an embargo of Russian oil in the early days of the war. Germany, where dependence on China is arguably strongest, published its first comprehensive strategy for “de-risking” its China trade this past summer.

The cost has been high. In Germany’s case, the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development predict that it will perform worse this year than any other advanced economy. Certainly there are many reasons for Germany’s slowdown: Interest rates are high, supply chains have been disrupted by disease and war, and the country’s car industry faces new competition from electric vehicles. But it does not help that, as the sociologist Wolfgang Streeck wrote recently in American Affairs magazine, “Germany is being asked to participate in an economic war that is to some extent also a war against Germany itself”.

American policymakers have weaponized the world economy in a way that is hard for democracies to register, let alone influence. The weaponization of the global economy is proving to be an unreliable tool of American might.

The problem is that in the economy as it has existed since the Cold War, everyone pretty much trades with everyone. Countries that have the most reason to fear the United States have responded by trying to construct alternative arrangements. Over the past year and a half, Russia has shown a resilience in the face of an all-out economic war that China and Iran are likely to use as a model.

By contrast, those countries that are friendliest to the United States — Switzerland a decade ago, Germany today — have suffered for not yet having bomb-proofed their economies against the American economic weapon.

Along with the United States weaponizing the world economy to achieve its geopolitical goals, this report details, it was shockingly revealed yesterday: “NATO has published an article by a retired American defense official, which calls on the bloc to fight and win a limited nuclear war against Russia...The article was written by Gregory Weaver, who served as the principal nuclear and missile defense advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff”—a shock revelation about a NATO nuclear first strike that came on the same day both Russia and the United States activated their nationwide emergency alert systems—about which the nationwide emergency alert test in America was widely ignored, but the leftist socialist Western media did pump out articles like “WAIL OF DEATH Chilling Moment ‘Nuke Incoming’ Sirens Sound & Schoolkids Wear Gas Masks In War Drills As Putin Readies Russians For World War III”.

Joining the nuclear first strike threat against Russia, this report notes, NATO member military leader Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren, when asked whether the United States and its allies can continue supporting Ukrainefor as long as it takes”, given the political in-fighting in Washington, replied: “We cannot pretend that we’ll just wait and see how the American elections are going...Supporting Ukraine is a very cheap way to make sure that Russia with this regime is not a threat to the NATO alliance...And it’s vital to continue that support”—when asked the same question, Ukrainian Parliament Member Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze screamed: “We are freaking out…For us it is a disaster”—and under harsh questioning by Sky News, it saw Ukrainian Parliament Member Lesia Vasylenko admitting the truth: “We are losing the war...It is getting harder and harder for Ukraine because Russia is winning the battle of protracted conflict today...Unfortunately, we have to say that the Russians are gaining the upper hand yet again...They have done this back in 2014...Lessons haven’t been learned”.

In a speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club today, this report concludes, President Putin factually explained about the present conflict: “We were not the ones who organized a bloody coup in Kiev; it wasn’t us who intimidated the Crimeans and Sevastopol residents with purges; we weren’t the ones who tried to force the Donbass to obey and threatened violence against those who wanted to speak their native language...It is the Kiev regime that has been waging war on Ukraine for the past ten years”—as to what will end the present conflict, President Putin declared: “A lasting peace can only be established when everyone feels safe and knows that their opinion is respected”—in response to socialist Western lying claims that the present conflict is about Russian territorial expansion, President Putin pointed out the obvious fact known to anyone bothering to look at map: “Russia is already the largest country in the world and therefore is not seeking to obtain new territory… Russia still has a lot of work to do in developing Siberia and the Far East”—but because the socialist Western colonial powers are using its corrupt state Ukraine to wage a proxy war against Russia, it caused President Putin to proclaim what the new dimensions of the present conflict are now all about: “This is not a territorial conflict and is not even the establishment of a regional geopolitical balance...This question is much broader and more fundamental...We are talking about the principles of a new world order”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]







October 5, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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