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SORCHA 10/3: "Putin Enters Nuclear Bunker After “Sky Was Pulsating” Powerful Explosion Rocks Britain"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 3-Oct-2023 12:41:14



October 3, 2023

Putin Enters Nuclear Bunker After “Sky Was Pulsating” Powerful Explosion Rocks Britain

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A classified at the highest level “Of Special Importance” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first notes President Putin has moved to one of his nuclear bunkers in various parts of the country, and he also has at his disposal a fleet of “Doomsday” Il-80 Maxdome aircraft that can act as an air control center, as part of an unprecedented one-day nationwide 11 time zone nuclear war drill ordered for 3 October to simulate a first strike on the Russian Federation by the socialist Western colonial powers. [English translation]

According to the very limited portions of this classified at the highest level transcript permitted to openly commented on by various ministries, it sees Security Council Members discussing German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announcing plans to send thousands of troops to the Russian border in Lithuania, an announcement joined by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock vowing to extend the borders of the socialist European Union into Russian Federation territory.

This transcript next sees the Ministry of Defense (MoD) briefing Security Council Members on the successfully launch of a military satellite onboard the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle on 7 August—a briefing that notes President Putin saying in 2019 that laser technology will play a crucial role in the nation’s military might as he spoke about the “first practical results” of the country’s Peresvet combat laser system, and he declared: “Such types of weaponry will at large be defining the combat potential of the Russian Army and Navy throughout the whole of the 21st century”—and this transcript notes Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov announced in May-2022: “Yes, the first samples are already in use...Our physicists have developed and are now mass-producing laser systems”.

The admittedly sparse clues provided in the limited portions of this highly classified transcript strongly suggest that Security Council Members were discussing a space-based military laser weapon, which if demonstrated one of the most likely targets would be Oxford-England, which is situated between Britain’s two largest cities London and Birmingham and is considered nearly impregnable because of the NATO air defenses that would have to penetrated in order to strike it.

A demonstration hypothesis of a Russian military space-based laser weapon is brought into stark reality because this transcript is packed with open source articles about a massive explosion that took place in Oxford-England at near the exact same time President Putin entered one of his nuclear bunkers and Russia began its unprecedented nuclear war drill, about which was reported: “The explosion in the Oxford area was called the most powerful in recent decades in Britain” and “The fire itself was called a “fire funnel” and a “cooking pot””—a massive explosion that vaporized the power company Severn Trent Green Power, the largest producer of renewable energy from food waste in England and WalesBritish officials quickly suggested a lighting strike caused the massive explosion, though no storms were occurring in Oxford—and critical to notice, this transcript sees Security Council Members most intently focused on public source comments like: “One concerned citizen managed to grab footage of the "strange" event and noted that the "sky was pulsating"...Other users online also agreed that the sky was "glowing for two minutes" before suddenly disappearing”.

This transcript next notes that in the hours following the massive explosion that further crippled Britain’s vital energy needs prior to winter, it was reported: “The United Kingdom has run out of weapons which can be sent to Ukraine, and should encourage other countries to boost their efforts, UK media reported, citing a senior military official”—quickly after which it was reported: “European Union countries no longer can give weapons to Ukraine from their stockpiles without endangering their own security, Politico reports, citing a European official..."We cannot keep on giving from our own stockpiles", the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity”.

This transcript concludes with the revelation that Ukraine has lost $24 billion because the United States has refused to include aid to Kiev in its short-term spending bill—top socialist Biden Regime official State Department spokesman Matthew Miller announced yesterday: “The United States has suspended Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) and Foreign Military Financing (FMF) contracting programs for Ukraine”—also yesterday, Republican Party leader House Speaker Kevin McCarthy denied the existence of a secret deal on Ukraine aid between him and Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden declaring: “No, that's not true at all…There is no side deal with President Biden”—and this morning, top Republican Party lawmakers United States Senator Mike Lee and United States Congressman Warren Davidson released their scathing open letter “Ukraine Is Officially America’s New Forever War. President Biden, How Does This End?”, wherein it warningly assessed:

Ukraine is the new obsession for Washington’s war hawks.

"As long as it takes" remains the mantra of the Biden administration regarding support for Ukraine.

According to reports from September's U.N. General Assembly meeting, U.S. and G-7 allies expect the war in Ukraine to continue for at least six to seven years. Of course, the other implication is "as much as it takes". No price tag is too high. No weapons system is off the table. All questions of risk and tradeoffs, along with those who raise them, are causally dismissed.

Ukraine is officially America's new endless war.

The deep state’s memory is short and rose-tinted. The Biden administration employs the same rhetoric and tactics that the Bush and Obama administrations used to conduct indefinite military engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention undeclared intervention in Libya, Syria, and beyond. With billions flowing from the U.S. to the Ukrainian government in "economic support", long-term security guarantees, and the reconstruction effort already underway, we can't help but feel a sense of deja vu.

The United States is heading down the same path that mired us in Middle Eastern conflicts for over two decades, all without clearly articulating the objective or how victory is achieved.

Last month, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to the U.S. prompted members of Congress to ask "how he plans to win the conflict". Such deference to the interests of one foreign leader on the receiving end of a massive payday from the American taxpayers should be raising more eyebrows. The Biden administration extends President Zelenskyy unlimited access to America’s checkbook without accountability or communicating U.S. objectives and expectations for success.

When pressed on accountability concerns, the Biden administration heralds the Offices of Inspector General from the Department of Defense, State, and USAID now overseeing the $113 billion in appropriated funds for Ukraine. They point to "a decade of shared experience gained from joint oversight of eight different overseas contingency operations".

The administration conveniently forgets to mention the spectacular failure of oversight of these overseas contingency operations, and how the same agencies in charge covered up instances of waste, at times deliberately misleading the American public on the progress made in Afghanistan and Iraq. They also fail to mention their opposition to a more formal structure of establishing a Special Inspector General.

Thus far, Congress has been content to placate Ukraine by punting on any conversation regarding an actual strategy. But the winds are shifting. Skepticism from some, and outright opposition from others, continues to grow among fiscal conservatives and foreign policy realists on additional supplemental appropriations. The time is ripe for a national conversation regarding a real strategy for Ukraine.

The American people deserve answers before more of their money is sent to Ukraine. To that end, we are introducing the Define the Mission Act, legislation that would require President Biden to submit a comprehensive strategy to Congress regarding U.S. involvement in Ukraine.

Further, it would require the president to be upfront with Congress and the American people by explaining how Ukraine fits into our national interest, how much more time and money will be expected to achieve our objectives, and how much Europe plans to contribute to the war taking place in their backyard.

Congress owes it to the American people, who are fatigued from decades of war in the Middle East, to hear from their president, not President Zelenskyy, the plan for U.S. engagement in Ukraine moving forward.

"As long as it takes" will no longer suffice.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]




October 3, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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