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Putin Out Thinks Obama Again

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Saturday, 23-Sep-2023 20:54:43

In what Breibart calls the New Russian Reversal, Friday Russia announced that they were banning exports of diesel fuel. It was called an updated version of the Russian reversal. That might go something like this: “In America, you sanction oil. In Russia, the oil sanctions you.” That was very well put. As I have sat back and watched this game of global chess being played by a very intelligent world leader who deserves the top job, I am reminded that Obama wanted a third term. He’s getting that now. Or did you think that a man who finds it difficult to wipe his own ass is capable of out thinking Putin? Even with the American strategy being thought up by connecting Obama’s brain to Biden’s foggy brain, they still aren’t able to out think Putin.

I don’t give a damn that Putin was KGB in his younger days. That is not to say he is still employed by them. We have all made mistakes in our misguided youth. I think we would have to judge him by what he has done as the leader of Russia. Of course he loves his country and is going to base his decisions on what is good for Russia. Modi is doing the same thing in India, by banning the export of rice. And good for him. He is going to take care of his own citizens first. Kind of like Trump did. The difference is, Obama is intent on destroying America. He has no love nor allegiance to the United States. He is a Marxist/Communist and played his cards well to be elected to the top job in the land. What was it Marx instructed? “Be what the people want. Listen to them and be that person. Winning is the goal. Once you win, then you can betray them.” That pretty much covers Obama’s terms.

Every time “Biden” makes a decision that hurts Americans, I wait to see what moves, if any Putin will make to check it. Putin makes a good bogey man. But, calm reasoning will highlight that he is not another Hitler or Stalin. As far as I can see, the only countries or territories he has annexed are Crimea. 90% Russian and they voted to rejoin with Russia. With Ukraine, I am reminded of good parenting. You tell someone (your child) or a world leader what you will do if they step over the line. A line clearly laid out from the start. Then, when the child (world leader) flops his hairy little toe over the line, you deliver said reaction. And they are shocked. WTH? You remind them, did you not hear what the consequences would be if you decided to ‘test the waters’?

The United States signed the Minsk Agreement with Russia, I think in 1991, promising not to build military bases in close proximity to Russia. We promised not to encourage those countries on Russia’s borders to join NATO. We have done nothing but that ever since. It’s called poking the Russian bear. Has Russia bombed us out of existence any time afterwards? They could have. I think Putin has shown remarkable forbearance and patience. I don’t believe that Russia wants to be our enemy. I believe that is a fantasy perpetuated by the Deep State so they could continue getting massive amounts of funding to build their war machines. To what end?

It hasn’t taken the Libtard Party any time at all to destroy our country. And, Putin had only to sit and watch the Marxist/Communist ideology preached to each new generation until they actually believed the Deep State propaganda. It rolled over our country like a hoard of locust, destroying everything that made America great in the 50’s. Yes, I remember those times of rebuilding after WWII. Industry thriving. People were able to buy a home in a decent area, buy a car and educate their children on one salary. Mom’s for the most part stayed home and made sure their children had at least one parent in the home. Not that there weren’t one parent homes with usually the mother working more than one job to make sure her children had more opportunities to live the good life. Ask Dr. Ben Carson about that.

That couldn’t be allowed to continue or the Globalists wouldn’t be able to bring America to her knees as a third world country. They have done a good job as so many Democrats (and Republicans) made decisions with that goal in mind.

Otherwise, explain why a Democratic president like Bill Clinton would sign something like NAFTA, safely in his second term. He’d have lost a huge chunk of unions and all labor support otherwise. For the same reason, Obama waited until his second term to try to ram through the Trans Pacific Partnership. Maybe he loved the first word in the TPP. Just sayin!

Anybody smart enough to do a real research of the Democratic Party going all of the way back to Civil War days would not have been surprised. As one thing the Democrats are good at is selling themselves as the party of labor, blacks, women, and the poor. So, if anyone is surprised when the U.S. does something pathetically stupid and self defeating like blowing up the Nordstream pipeline or laying economic sanctions on Russia for keeping their word in an agreement that we signed and then violated, they certainly have not been paying attention. Putin has warned us several times that we needed to get our buddy, Ukraine, under control and all we have done in response is to over throw their democratically elected leader and install our Globalist, puppet replacement. We have continued to encourage countries bordering Russia to join NATO, Ukraine has continued to kill Russian speaking people in Eastern Ukraine and we have shipped our arsenal of weapons to the point where we couldn’t defend ourselves if another country did decide to invade us.

Good job, Obama! What’s next, run your tranny wife, Michael for president in 2024? Yeah, that would seal our fate. But, you have forgotten one important point. The second amendment. We might not win in any Red Dawn scenario. But, they won’t have bragging rights. You will find out that freedom loving patriots will never bend a knee to your Marxists/Communist takeover. Even many blacks who supported your first run for president have had the scales fall from their eyes. It will take a herculean amount of cheating to shovel Michael into the White House. Or, you can push until we rebel, giving you the opportunity you wanted so you could declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and try to defeat us with force. Are you sure the military beyond General Milly are behind you?

I think the patriots in America will consign you to the dusty pages of history. You will get your fame. But, it won’t be the one you crave. It will be with the likes of Benedict Arnold. And, if I were Putin, I would find your grave and piss on it. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving monster.

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