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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Saturday, 23-Sep-2023 20:21:18


A cringe worthy FEAR seems to go hand in hand with the winter season. And as it approaches in the fall doctors push vaccines and all sorts of other quacks are out selling their potions, tincture and cures. You can almost hear the calls of barkers from the back of old fashion wagons and carts creaking along; selling watered down liqueur for tonics. The secret recipes cure almost anything, so they say. And today we find the same barkers on the internet, TV and paper publications.

But shouldn't you be asking, "So what is a virus; a cold or a flu?" I don't mean a surface level ask, I mean a deep monk like meditation full bore Hmm?

I have done the research for you over the last 30 years and have uncovered much of the truth.

Unlike the typical con I am not going to make you watch an hour long video that leads to a $59.95 plus shipping and handling bill. No you don't pay $40, $30 or even ... well you pay nothing. I know it is rough on profits, but I am bad at math and am trying to keep my taxes down.

The Solutions are cheap and simple:
To STOP Cold symptoms in 6 hours one dose each:
500mg of D3
50mg of Zinc

To STOP flu symptoms in 6 hours one dose each:

With the above add:
500mg of Licorice extract
One slice of ginger (I prefer candied ginger, it stores better and taste a whole lot better)
That is it.
Why? how can it be so simple?

During the summer you absorb sunlight through your eyes and bare skin. As cold weather approaches the sun is further away, day length is shorter, you stay inside more and you bundle up when you go out. The rays of sunlight that assist the body's collagen develop vitamin D cannot penetrate glass windows! By the way vitamin D is not a mineral, it is a hormone.

When your body needs food it sends signals that it is hungry, if you ignore it your stomach may gurgle and growl. If your body needs fluids it also sends signals, if you are cold or hot your body sends signals.

If our body does not like something it throws a tantrum, runny nose, stuffed up head, phlegm running down the throat, congestion and coughing. In the summer that is considered an allergy because you have no temperature. In the winter it may be an allergy, but there is far less pollen in the air so it is likely the dreaded COLD! But it is the same symptoms as an allergy. An allergy is the body reacting to foreign matter entering the body. All of the symptoms are the BODY revolting. It is not the pollen doing it; your body is simply sensitive to it.

Now after a few months of limited sun light a major source of vitamin D, don't you think your body may be low on that hormone? And vitamin D is used in the body for numerous functions so it is important to keep those D levels up! But you have done nothing to alleviate this problem... have you?

You can take 500mg of vitamin D every day and include 50 mg of Zinc and you will not get a cold or flu from November 15th to April 15th (flu and cold season). We have tested this over and over. However, this costs a bottle or two every year. If you wait until the first signs of a cold or flu, (sniffles) and take the above treatment you are golden in six hours. a bottle of D and Zinc could last years! if it was not a cold or flu it cost you pennies to make sure you were safe. If you want to test it and wait until it really sits in, that is okay it still resolved in 6 hours. It is not a cold or flu, just your body you know something it off and it wants attention in the way of vitamin D and Zinc.

The flu has a temperature, that is the only difference between a cold or allergies and flu. By the way flu is short for influenza, a viral infection of the lungs. Stomach flu is not influenza, but a bacteria infection. Two very different things.

NOW hang on to your hats, better sit down and maybe have a drink of your choice on hand. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VIRUS!
Example: When you (okay a "friend" you know) go out drinking all night with your friends "y'all" consume copious amounts of alcohol. The next morning everyone has crashed at your house and early in the morning it starts; the vomiting, moans of headaches and dry mouth, fuzzy brains and upset stomachs. Once again the rare and yet frequent disease hangover is back again. As each person falls pray to the disease one after the other, evidently catching the disease from the others. I mean it has to be a disease right? What else could it be?

Okay, I suspect you see through my story and already know the alcohol is to blame for dehydrating the body of vital fluids, poisoning the stomach and constricting capillaries in the brain. You can apply the same thinking to allergies, colds and flu. They are symptoms of a chemical imbalance and the body is talking to you. The problem we have with the body, as smart as it is, does not understand a word of English, or any other language for that matter. And we, along time ago, learned to ignore our body's efforts to communicate with us.

Vitamin D is a hormone it has no toxic killing ability! So HOW does it kill a cold or flu.? It does not, it re-establish a vital hormone needed by the body. It simply takes 6 hours for the snot in your head to stop flowing/and or dry out. Same for the lungs which all stops the sneezing and coughing. The temperature is simply another defense tool. With no battle left it resolves to normal. And MIRACLE of miracles you are cured of a dread disease that has been falsely promoted for over 150 years in an effort to sell you potions that temporarily resolve symptoms, but never the root cause.

By the way, you did not ask, but 1 tablet of Quercetin with Bromelain stop allergy symptoms in 15 to 30 seconds with no sleepy side effects or other side effects for that matter. All natural (FLAVANOL AND BIOFLAVONOID)! It even works with Ground Hornet (Yellow Jacket) stings, but may take 10 to 15 minutes to resolve if you have multiple stings. One of those critters can sting you multiple times in one place loading you up acid based histamines.

PLEASE do not share this secret information with anyone else. If word got out this could bankrupt Big Pharma and we would not want that would we?

P.S. you can still call in to work for a sick day, "Cough Cough, Ibm sick and can't comebm in to work to...day, I need to stay in golf, Ibm mean bed, sniff".

This material is not copyrighted, I actually don't care how many times you share it. You can share it with friends, family, even your in-laws.

Virus was a Con created over 150 ago by Pasteur and Rockefeller as an effort to promote a new product called vaccine. The promotion was banking on FEAR to encourage vaccine use. NO and I mean NO vaccine works as advertised and NONE of them are beneficial to your health. If the government is behind it you know it is not good! VACCINES are BAD!

NO MORE LIES, no more deception, the more we learn the less they can deceive us!

Dr. John

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