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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Thursday, 21-Sep-2023 18:49:23


21 September 2023

I have not posted here in a while, been busy doing Bio Medical research as you will see below. As you read I hope you will realize how simple the solution is and that the medical field SEEMS to miss the entire, and most obvious clues. Where in the group of medical doctors and scientist we may find some low hanging idiot, I do not believe the entire field is so ignorant. This to me is blatant corruption that ignores the obvious signs to ensure health issues and billable actions. This is absolutely mean when considering how devastating these syndromes can be and the duration of the problems. People have been suffering for years if not decades with these monstrous issues. AND science has NO answer? They have spent 30 years with grants digging for clues!

I have spent over 30 years studying Bio Medical Science and have resolved a number of health issues, this being what seemed the most complex, certainly the most devastating. I found what I believe is the cause and the preventative measures to avoid these syndromes. And I identified a method for reducing the pain during therapy. I did it in less than one year and when you see the answer you may wonder why it took me so long. Back tracking, double checking, tying loose ends up, learning about new aspect of the body I had yet to delve into at this level. And maybe I am a slow learner.

I hold a Doctorate, but not in any Bio Medical science! I use a lot of logic and common sense but never consider myself that smart. I spend untold hours reading research papers, medical journals and looking through databases of diseases, conditions, treatments and pharmaceuticals along with impacts and side effects. I have access to chemical databases and the analytical tools doctors use to diagnose and prescribe treatments of medications. I funded my own lab and have all the fun chemicals and tools to do medical research and evaluate my family conditions.

What if I said, I could prevent all the diseases listed below:
Multiple sclerosis
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Epstein Barre Syndrome
Where my research is not complete, it is showing very strong evidence I am on the right track.

These are disastrous conditions that can last for months if not years which create a disconnect between the brain and our extremities We can lose the sense of feel, taste, sight and mobility or function of any organ!

After running head on with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, I learned doctors and scientist do not know:

What causes it.
What is the damage.
How the damage is caused.
How to treat the conditions.
How to cure the problem.
They have two treatments, but are clear they do not know if they do any good!

This has been studied for over 30 years with no progress, NONE, NADA!

Interviews with afflicted patients determined:

They sometimes had an illness with sweating and/or diarrhea.
They were working in the heat and did not hydrate all day.
They were in a 28 mile marathon and did not hydrate properly.
They were on a water restricted diet.
In the wilderness for day without water.
They worked all day, with no water and then drank a gallon as soon as they got home.
Since an illness only is predominate 40% of the time that is not the the likely cause. The same is true of each bullet, exercise, work, running and even restricted water are not exhibited in all patients.

We have one group that did restricted water and one group that delayed hydration until the end of the day drinking copious amounts in one setting.

In the case of the doctors and scientist they are stumped as to what the causal factor might be.

To me it seems it has something to do with hydration and the balance of internal body fluids, but that is just me… surely these idiots would know that. Or are they hiding the solution to retain patients and profits. Well that is just negative thinking on my part.

Now most of us think of drinking water to replenish the water in our body, but that is the simple answer and believe me the complex answer is really confusing. I had a general sense of where all the fluids went (pee for one). We sweat, we need fluids for the old poop shoot, spitting is important and moisture in our mouth helps us swallow. We also need water to have a snotty nose, to cry and get dirt out of our eyes. Sweaty palms seems necessary as well when we are nervous.

BUT, there are a multitude of critical functions water performs inside our body, deep down at the cellular level. We have different kinds of water like intercellular and extracellular fluids in and around all of our cells. Our blood is largely water as is the fluids it floats through. These internal waters each carry a varying assortment of minerals, electrolytes and vitamins along with hormones, protein, nitrogen and electrostatic charge to name a few. So they really are no longer simple water, but vital nutrients; not easily or quickly replaced.

So with all of that behind us, what is the preventive measure that will keep these horrible syndromes away:

Drink WATER throughout the day, especially if you are losing fluids.
Salt is good for you! just don’t over do it.
A little through the day is good.
Start the day with some salt if you know you will be sweating
Soda and beer, sweet tea and other beverages will actually dehydrate you.
You will pee more fluid than the drink you consumed.
Don’t over do the water, by chugging down large quantities at one time.
Having return visits to the bathroom (diarrhea), water AND salt.
Beyond this as always eating healthy balanced meals means you are consuming foods with the nutrients your body needs. Skipping meals is not a good thing, that means you are running your body when it may be low on important nutrients.

I am still researching these syndromes, but logic says the above is the most probable answer. Any of several events can happen when we are out of balance. Enlarged Red blood cells is a problem, not enough Red blood cells or no oxygen or nitrogen or iron in those blood cells is also a problem. Lacking fluids to transmit hormones, and ions as well as carrying electrical signals along the nerves can all be issues. Potassium, magnesium and salt are needed for synaptic cells to receive and transmit signals along the nerves. Muscles need sucrose, oxygen and a lot more to trigger when needed and relax (functions of hormones).

At this point I cannot say which specific imbalance is causing the nerves to stop functioning. It may be different in each case based on which imbalance triggers the problem first. Enlarged Red blood cells could block sheathing for nerves. Lack of oxygen or nitrogen in those blood cells may cause a decay in nerve sheathing. On and on.

Doctors do report an increase in proteins in the Red Blood cells which can indicate a decline in nitrogen and as a result older and larger Red blood cells. But that also can be due to a lack of vitamin D and B vitamins at the least.

This is why at the moment I don’t have a clear target, but the general hydration concept is sound. It could cause many of the issues.

In my case I had two instances:

Instance 1:

For me I had multiple cases of Listeria followed by copious visits to the restroom. The Listeria was from organic fruits and vegetables. That led to my first experience with Guillain-Barre syndrome that was left un-diagnosed. “We don’t now what is causing your problems. but this surgery will do something”! I declined!

Instance 2:

I was helping a friend that desperately needed help and we manually (shovels and mattock (like a pick axe) cleared an area of mud that had slide down a hill into a trench for a foundation to be poured. We had to push to clear the area so that construction could continue before the next rain and mudslide. We worked hard in the hot sun for over 10 hours no real breaks, we were on a mission! I drank sips of water all day, especially when I stopped sweating! No salt throughout the day and NOT enough water! Salt helps retain your fluids when in the heat.

I went home exhausted. but the next day following my endurance program I was at the gym pushing myself to see what I could handle. That day I noticed one muscle not performing, the next day I helped my friend framing and the next day working out a different muscle stopped working while the prior muscle was back to normal. Little did I know I was compounding an already troubling issue. I was hydrating, but not ingesting enough salt. I did not increase my vitamins and minerals enough to compensate for the additional work load.

As you can see, it is not that hard to fall victim to dehydration and a failure to maintain proper electrolyte balance.

My symptoms, blurred vision, blindness, feet that did move when stepping up, loss of muscles in one leg and then the other, loss of feeling in one leg and then the other loss of normal bladder, kidney and bowl functions in various ways, back pain from left to right across the hips. I was in bed rest sleeping throughout the day when I could, exhausted because the pain kept me awake at night. My taste buds were gone and I could only eat 4 ounces of fluid (mostly) per meal. That was the worst of the situation. I moved to a wheel chair, crutches, canes and walking sticks having 7 serious falls along the way.

It has been a year now and I walk almost perfect without help, and only have minor aches from the self inflected therapy. My muscles are returning along with the feelings. I have a solid eating habit. One meal a day that starts when I get up and ends when I go to bed ; ).

If you have pain from the therapy it is due to lactic acid build up in your muscles. I use Acidophllus tablets to get rid of the lactic acid the pain. Works great. Taken before therapy and you should feel no after effects from the workout.

It is my recommendation that at a minimum you take hydration and electrolytes seriously. Especially water and salt.

I certainly will not make the same mistake again. You can learn from my mistakes without enduring the handicaps or pain.

If I am fortunate in my research I may get a better handle on the exact internal problem, but does it matter at this point if the above solves the problem in all possible instances. It seems likely this will work for most cases.

The trick is you have to change your behavior before it happens, once you screw up; you are troubled for 18 months for full recovery and there is NOTHING anyone can do to fix you beyond time, rest and plenty of painful therapy. Okay, chocolate helped me, but I suspect that has something to do with being a chocoholic.

These syndromes are not a disease, no virus, no bacteria, no parasites, it is a chemical imbalance because you did not pay attention to the vital needs of your body. At the least it is one of the most complex machines I have ever studied. It is absolutely amazing and hard to believe when you considers all of the things it can handle. It relies on you to not screw things up. You can run a lotus or Lamborghini without oil, but not for long! Your body needs the same type of love and consideration. You body has a life time warranty that expires when you die. Misuse and abuse voids all warranty considerations.

All the best,

Dr. John

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