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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #191 - #195 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Thursday, 21-Sep-2023 15:40:44

From https://bennettleeross.com/philosophy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epic-191/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #191

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 20, 2023 | Philosophy, physics |

All life forms are energy placement holders
And conduits of energetic frequencies that can be absorbed from higher levels

When our perceptions change and a critical mass is reached
Our space time reality begins to change and be altered

The macrocosm and the microcosm are interrelated and interdependent
The laws and patterns at different levels of existence apply to each other

Subatomic particles mirror the structure of celestial bodies
Their vibration creates the oscillation of waves and the rhythm of energy

The universe operates in accordance to mental laws
Where consciousness significantly influences and shapes reality

There is a profound connection between different levels of existence
And an inherent similarity and harmonious relationship between various planes of reality

Dimensional spaces coexist with our material realm at other levels of frequency bandwidth
There are hidden interdimensional holographic realities which can be assessed by high aligned states

False beliefs lower vibrations making consciousness the barrier
That cannot get past the key coded energy sentinel of the portal

Everything in the universe has its fundamental reality in the realm of the mind
The entirety of existence is synonymous with the concept of mind and consciousness

As you stand at the crossroads of the possibilities in your life
Remember your assumptions are the key to the world unfolding

We are the conductors and the players
Each performing a role in the grand narration of life

As you dare to believe in your relationship with the cosmos
And as you assume the reality you seek
The Universe responds in kind

With every belief you embrace
With every assumption you adopt

You take a step closer
To sculpting the masterpiece of your existence!

From https://bennettleeross.com/mythreligion/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-192/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #192

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 20, 2023 | astronomy, myth/religion, Prognostication |

Avalon was the celestial land of plasma apples
And emitted a sacred mathematical sound tone that connected to the City of Gold

The City of Gold was the Emerald Cathedral which was the entrance to the Tree of Life
Whose branches span the cosmos and whose roots are grounded in the Hill of Tara

The Emerald Tree of Life formed from 3 vertical pillars
Toroidal plasma rings extended outward

The pillars were streams of plasma that arced together at the Rainbow Bridge or Arc of the Covenant
At the terminals was a luminous discharge that burst into radiant light

The Hill of Tara is the Aurora Borealis that starbursted into the Eternal Flame
And punctured the firmament that shrouds the Living Eternal Consciousness

The King of Tara was Saturn who was the link between the earth plane and the otherworldly realms
He assured the current of the Crystal River that flowed through his land

Edenic Venus was the magical emerald jewel
She was the Sacred Crystal Heart that gave birth to the Christ
The Edenic blueprint of the Cosmic Mother held the beauty and purity of God

There is a clarion call for the Hill of Tara to ignite once again
And fulfill its sacred purpose for our realm

The aurora colors are paradisical codes of pre fall earth
Whose sacred musical tones attracts the Holy Mother Sophia with her special gifts

As she reconnects there is an explosion of Emerald Triqueta flower formations
Whose clovers are dappled with gold

They open up into 4 leaf clovers that anchor the diamond sun template
Which will cast off lunar shadows and roll up the artificial timelines

As the Sacred Breath of the plasma column is breathed back into the heavenly realms
The Crystal Heart which is Venus and her Edenic coding will once again shine in the heavens

As her etheric crystal consciousness imbeds into us specific frequencies
Her geomantic streams of intelligence will merge with us

We will become of the same lineage
And the substance of our thoughts and content of our emotions
Will reflect this outflowing energy stream!

From https://bennettleeross.com/archeology/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-193/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #193

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 20, 2023 | archeology, energy, physics |

The infamous Scarlett Ohara in Gone With the Wind
Lived on the Tara Plantation near Savannah Georgia in the fake Civil War

Her father came from Ireland where in the Boyne River Valley are a plethora of ancient monuments
Which includes the Hill of Tara second only to Newgrange in size and spiritual importance

The nomenclature Hill of Tara is taken from its celestial predecessor
And the narrative of it being from a nonexistent Neolithic period
With kings of a fabricated Medieval period that was really the Classical period
Is woven into the mentality of the native Irish

Tara is Temair in ancient Celtic dialect and was the sacred home of the gods and entrance to the otherworld
The terrestrial Tara is encompassed by the Royal Enclosure about the size of a football stadium
Also known as the Rath of the Synods which means Fort of the Clergy

The Tara Temple is an enormous underground system of tunnels with over 300 large posts is blocked off from the public
Entrance to the passageways are in the Mound of Hostages which is surrounded by a huge rock cut ditch encompassed by huge palisades

The Rath na Rig means Fort of the Kings
And is a deep V shaped rock cut ditch

The Forrad is a large flat topped mound surrounded by a high bank which encloses a ditch
It is connected to the Teach Cormaic which is a large ring
The Forrad incorporates 3 small barrows which are sloping trenches

The Rath Loegoire Rath na Rig and Rath Maeve are enclosures that formerly had henges or stone circles
The Lia Fail called the Stone of Destiny is a phallic shaped white granite monolith
Located in the Royal Sect that has 2 banks and 2 ditches

There is a rectangular earthwork called the Teach Midchuarta which was supposed to be a Banquet Hall for kings
Circular spirals are engraved in megalithic stones like at Newgrange

The 7 Wells of Tara hints at the real purpose of this megalithic site
The water is pure and comes from an underground aquifer
It has healing energetic powers

The church with its enormous bell tower was not a church but an energy center

The Sword or Stone of Destiny was an obelisk that conducted electricity
Tradition says it lit up and became alive

The whole mound is located on ley lines which radiate vibrant colors
Each color is associated with life giving qualities
One line that runs through the Teach Cormaic gives off bad energy

Water was maneuvered and energized as it went through the circular ditches
The whole complex worked in synchronous fashion and was an advanced and remarkable mechanical operation

Like other megalithic sites it was purposely badly damaged to render it inoperable
Then given a false narrative

Visitors report that at twilight wonderous music still sounds over its many slopes
And strange processions of spirals emanate up from beneath its circular walls!

From https://bennettleeross.com/history/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-194/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #194

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 20, 2023 | History, technology |

Since the Atlantean cataclysm Luciferian bloodlines have been inserted
To masquerade as Presidents Priests Kings and Queens

They serve the Satanic Covenant of carrying out mind control methods
Their agenda was to institute consciousness slavery in the masses

Witches showed up to steer the collective narrative
And at the same time the Lunar Matrix was brought in

After the Electric Wars crystal temples were decimated
And the grid system was polluted with reversal energy

Standing stones menhirs and other sacred sites
Were built to harbor the original language and code of the ancients
And to interface with energy currents from axiatonal and meridian ley lines

These streams of intelligence were imbued with specific frequencies and merged into an etheric crystal geomancy
That can only be deciphered by those of the same lineage with an activated emerald heart

The Universe and all its manifestations arise from the workings of the Cosmic Mind
In its infinite wisdom it mirrors back your beliefs

The world around you is the canvas on which your beliefs are painted
It will shift and transform to align with your innermost convictions

Our thoughts are not mere whispers in the wind
But are powerful forces that mold our lives

When you embrace assumptions as tangible truths
You beckon the Universe to harmonize with your beliefs

Assume the mantle of your desired outcomes
Wear the attire of success achievement and confidence

Cultivate the right mental and emotional state
Harness the vibrational energy to draw your aspirations into your reality
And your new identity will allow you to experience the transformation firsthand

By vividly visualizing yourself in your new role
You will experience the pride and satisfaction it brings

You will resonate with the feeling that success evokes
And the Universe will align with that energy

You will be a magnetic signal that attracts circumstances events and opportunities
That is harmonious to your desired outcome!

From https://bennettleeross.com/science/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-195/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #195

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 20, 2023 | Animal Rights, Science, Spirituality |

The playground carousel goes about 5 miles an hour
And everyone on it can feel the circular motion

An amusement park ride can go round and round about 40 miles an hour
And everyone can feel it

But for some reason no one can feel the earth spinning at 1000 miles per hour
Though everyone can feel an earthquake

Thanks to todays educational system
The idea of a motionless earth does not even enter ones mind

Because of indoctrination helium balloons are mysterious inexplicable gravity defying heathens
That do not obey the unseen intangible unfelt unmeasured law of gravity

Objects fall because they are heavier than the surrounding medium
Objects rise because they are lighter than the oxygen hydrogen and other elements that make up our atmosphere

It is not because of gravity that the oceans are kept in place on a spinning globe
It is because we are on a motionless level plane
Water does not rest in a curvature position

The reason we do not feel a spinning motion of the earth is because it is not spinning
Humanity has become impotent to discern whether or not we are moving

The masses believe what they are told rather than what they experience
According to science the earth is moving in 4 contradictory motions

If you also believe that we need to eat the muscles of animals to get bigger and better muscles
Then you should eat their hair also so that you get their elastin protein for better hair

Your inner convictions and assumptions are the master architects of a cognitive framework
That not only shapes how you perceive the world
But guides you in how to interact with it

The symphony of your beliefs and assumptions harmonizes to compose the soundtrack of your reality
The seeds of assumption can sprout into a belief of impending doom or failure

A false belief system will twist and entrap your thoughts feelings and ultimately your behavior
If each step forward is mired in doubt it will cast a shadow over potential triumphs

In the symphony of assumptions the conducting baton is swung by your hand
The importance of cultivating and nurturing positive truths cannot be overstated

For they are the elixirs that transmute ordinary existence into extraordinary experiences
And brings about the embodiment of your noblest qualities

By doing so you will initiate a symphonic convergence
That orchestrates the synchronization of your internal convictions
With the external circumstances that envelop you!


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