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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #181 - #185 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Tuesday, 19-Sep-2023 19:51:09

From https://bennettleeross.com/psychology/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-181/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #181

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 14, 2023 | physics, psychology |

The air is a complex mix of essential elements
Each characterized by a distinct signature of energy

We are intricately intertwined in a medium of energy transference
And the harmonious interplay of forces form our existence

We are conduits for the exchange of magnetic energy
As emotions flow and thoughts occur

Our aura responds with a fluid dance of energy patterns

A well maintained aura boosts a persons vitality
Positive emotions virtuous attitudes and healthy habits
Form the bedrock upon which the aura thrives

Actions which enhance energetic equilibrium cultivates the aura
A blue aura will be a shield and repel unwanted external forces
Such as harmful microwaves in 5G towers and LED lights

We are the god of the atoms that make up ourselves
And we are also the atoms of the God that is the universe

Shift your focus to a world brimming with potential
Ground yourself in the beliefs that dreams can transmute into tangible reality

Discard outdated beliefs so that all your dreams
Become intertwined with your everyday experience

Embrace a waltz with the mysterious
Where limitations are transcended and challenges are stepping stones

Dance with the Universe as your partner
Promenade in sequence with the outside world to the rhythm of your intent

In your journey toward self realization and achieving dreams
Focus on your desired state and the subconscious will deliver that emotion
Tell your subconscious specifically what program you want to run

A consistent level of happiness keeps the door of our vibrational manifestation vault open
To a world where the wheel of fortune manifests your desires at the perfect time

And you become a beautiful inspiring expression of yourself!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-182/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #182

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 14, 2023 | Spirituality |

When the impossible morphs into the achievable
You soar into a domain of magic wonder and serendipity

When celestial energy mixes with physical reality
The spirit realizes its boundless potential and dreams take flight

The humming of the celestial choir becomes your radiant energy
And the music of the spheres stirs you to a higher purpose

You transform into a spiritual warrior attuned to the divine
And a beacon that guides souls into realms of heightened consciousness

You constantly seek the illumination of the light
And pursue the holy sacrament of knowledge offered in its gleaming hallowed halls

You are propelled toward spaces where miracles are not rarities
And any dalliance with the shadow of doubt is no more than a fleeting moment

The unseen gradually reveals itself and comes alive
Numbers appear that are activation codes and energy gateways

As you evolve into the dream version of yourself
And dwell in your ideal state of consciousness
You hand the reins of your emotions to your true desires

When you tap into excitement you become a powerful vibe
You let go of lower emotions
And your dynamical expression releases emotional blockages which energizes your soul

Create conditions that are joy inducing
Celebrate the possibilities
Appreciate your sexuality

You are an amazing work of art
And with a few more brush strokes
Will be a masterpiece!

From https://bennettleeross.com/sexuality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-183/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #183

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 14, 2023 | sexuality |

Women can easily get men in bed
But find it harder to get them back into bed

The female professional clad in a white coat
Also wishes she can be an alluring scantily clad girl on Instagram

If a male has not matured his inner masculine
Then rejection by a female will be existentially destabilizing to him

Garnering respect should be the apex of priorities
When a male is OK with anything a female does
That is being submissive and women will look down on them

In todays hook up culture where women brag about body count
They all go after the alpha male

A lot of men get left out and give up on the pursuit
But failure is part of the masculine principle
Uninitiated men need to learn how to look at failure with curiosity

When men sprinkle in pornography and watch other men having sex
Instead of having their own sex with real women
They are creating conditions for the breakdown of their sexual drive

Through other people you have you have obsessive interactions with yourself
If your partner has a much different resonance you are courting disaster
And are pursuing the erotic caress of a harmful influence

Arrested development prevents men from being masculine
Women love bad guys because they are confident and bold
And do not care about rejection

Women find surrogate levels of safety with other women
And bad talk about men to each other

When a women walks down the street all sexually juiced up it is celebrated
But it is not allowed for a man to show at the wrong time an increase in size of their sexual organ

When women try to micromanage men and criticize them even if they know better
They extinguish male reflexive behavior and reduce their masculinity

Women do not respect men who are always agreeing with them

To be constantly engaging in emotional ecstasy
All it takes is 2 human bodies present to each other
Who have commonality despite being in polarized lanes!

From https://bennettleeross.com/sexuality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-184/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #184

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 14, 2023 | sexuality |

Suffering and misery is not supposed to be part of our existence
And animals are not here to be eaten

The dystopian perspective is that this world is a recycle bin for all sorts of emotional distress
That it is a big farm run by those who seek a chemically induced high

When women nurture with heart energy
And when men protect with sacred dominance
God comes through that portal

The neutralization of male female polarity is underway
The evil genius behind it has rendered both sexes confused

Its goal is to prevent the free energy transfer
That occurs during the erotic male female dyad

Women are designed for connection creative expression and nurturance
The feminine should be unbridled and unrestrained

Men are designed to take care of women
But the assault on Eros triangulates both of them against their own life force

Is some reptilian race pulling the strings
Or is it just some really bad people
Who exactly is behind the deception

Most believe this socially engineered phenomenon just organically emerges from the population
Chemicals in food and water affect our hormonal balance

Narcissism reveals victim mentality
It usually plays out as good guy helping a needy girl

Girls will never feel safe with needy guys and will have nothing to do with them

When empaths give they end up having to reenergize themselves
They are unaware that they are in a game of if you appreciate me
I will secure some sort of attachment to you
And you will feel like a good person

Empaths are unaware that they are being used in a hyper utilitarian fashion
For the other persons stimulation and internal relief

The dynamics of a healthy relationship is to help each gender grow
Into their own personal responsibility and self awareness

If you are trying to secure love from places where none exists
Or from a very limited place that runs out often

Then you are looking for love in all the wrong places
And in too many faces

Be a sovereign adult!

From https://bennettleeross.com/sexuality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-185/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #185

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 14, 2023 | artificial intelligence, sexuality |

The plans for Lahaina is to be a smart city
Where nano computers called smart dust are used as micro communicators

They will be a vast invisible network of wireless sensors
That will control all the infrastructure of the city

Wherever you go you will be recognized
And doors will be opened for you
If you are not recognized you will have no access

Your computer TV cell phone and kitchen appliances will all recognize you
If you put out the thought your kitchen faucet will turn on
But your ability to travel around will be based on your status and rewards

You brain signals will be instantly picked up by self connecting nanobots with feelers
Thoughts are electrical currents and nanobots will be the thought police

You will be connected to the central computer
And you will be prompted what to think without your realization

This is already taking place to a lesser degree
As the metallic palladium and aluminum micro tubulars arrays in chemtrails
Bind to the hystidine residue of your amino acids in peptides

Nano particles take out the copper which is needed for nervous system repair

Science is based on engineered constructs
It is an agenda driven phenomenology
It is the same pattern over and over in different arenas

If you cannot hold the energy of being wrong you will fight truth
And put yourself in a bigger delusion

As men are being disabled in their protective role
The result is a vulnerable population

Men need to be the king at the castle
Not engaging in egalitarian dynamics with women
Not trying to feel their feelings

Masculinity under siege is part of a multi layered psyop
Which renders men deeply confused on how to be a man

It also makes women have to pretend that they do not want or need
That which they do want and need

They want to submit to and serve a powerful man
Who is connected to his heart
Who has integrity and the ability to make decisions

Women want a man who will liberate them
To be who they are designed to be!


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