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SORCHA 9/16: "Biden Sends Assassin To Kill Kennedy While Facing “Runaway Train” Trump Destruction"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Saturday, 16-Sep-2023 18:43:54



September 16, 2023

Biden Sends Assassin To Kill Kennedy While Facing “Runaway Train” Trump Destruction

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin assessing: “With 300,000 Russians signing military contracts just this year, Moscow has no need for foreign fighters”, says this assessment joined the leftist New York Times revealing: “President Biden pledged that he will go to Congress to start any major war but said he believed he was empowered to direct limited U.S. military operations abroad without such approval when such strikes served critical American interests...The reply stood in contrast to his answer in 2007, when he was also running for president and, as a senator, adopted a narrower view: “The Constitution is clear: Except in response to an attack or the imminent threat of attack, only Congress may authorize war and the use of force””—a revelation followed by Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev most factually observing: “Washington will easily send the troops of other alliance NATO member countries to be slaughtered without risking the lives of its military...The United States treats the troops of alliance members as colonial armies, meaning that they are expendable in comparison to the privileged American people”.

While deciding how many more thousands of his “colonial armies” have to be slaughtered, this report notes, Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden will attend the United Nations General Assembly meeting next week that the leaders of four of the five permanent members will skip—is a United Nations the warmongering socialist Western colonial powers have rendered meaningless, as explained by United Nations special rapporteur Elena Dovgan, who factually stated: “Most unilateral sanctions imposed today violate international law”—to counter the socialist Western colonial powers, the just concluded G77 Summit, whose nations represent 80% of humanity, just called for a new global order—a new global order that today sees BRICS Alliance nations India and Saudi Arabia beginning discussions to ditch the US Dollar—all of which was joined by world renowned American economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University assessing about the socialist Western colonial proxy war against Russia: “When it comes to Russia, the idea that this would be some kind of a 'knockout blow' for the conflict in Ukraine was utterly naive and predictably a failure...But I think the Russian economy also was clearly vastly underestimated...And what the West gets wrong on all aspects of the Ukraine crisis is that the world is not united with the West...The West is just a small part of the world...Most of the world wants to stay clear of this crisis”.

As to why the overwhelming majority of the world wants nothing to do with Ukraine, this report continues, was further put on display yesterday when Biden puppet leader Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky jailed his top political opponent Nestor Shufrich for treason a month before elections, then he ordered the immediate closure of all Christian churchesUkrainian Army Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Berezhny grimly revealed yesterday: “Up to nine out of ten Ukrainian draftees who joined the army a year ago were either killed or wounded in action”—a grim revelation joined by the American man pretending to be woman spokesman for the Ukraine military issuing death threats against journalistsUkrainian death threats against journalists followed by socialist European Union member nations Poland, Hungary, Slovakia introducing bans on Ukraine grains—and this past week, it saw Socialist Leader Biden appointing Penny Pritzker to oversee Ukraine’s economic recovery, whose only qualification for anything is her being a billionaire Pritzker Family heiress that lavishes money on socialist Democrats.

While powerful Russian weapons tear NATO hardware to shreds in Ukraine and Norwegian Armed Forces Commander Eirik Kristoffersen just warned: “NATO’s ammunition stockpiles are running dangerously low, with demand outstripping supply”, this report details, also known to the overwhelming majority of the world is that Russia has yet to use its full military power in the present conflict, specifically its feared air forces whose thousands of fighter jets and bombers have as yet not been fully deployed—in foretelling of what is soon to come, however, the Russian military just deployed the Krasukha-S4 self-propelled electronic warfare system created to render spy satellites, ground-based radars, and airborne systems completely ineffective—it was also just reported: “Russian Tu-160 strategic supersonic bombers have been outfitted with novel Kh-BD cruise missiles with a range surpassing 6,500 km” and noted: “Russian Su-34 jets are now equipped with long-range cruise missiles, and they have already been used in Ukraine”—while Russian air forces prepare to unleash unstoppable hypersonic cruise missiles all across Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal just released its warning article “Hypersonic Missiles Are Game-Changers, And America Doesn’t Have Them”—the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reported this morning: “Ukraine’s armed forces have lost more than 740 troops, 20 tanks and armored fighting vehicles in the Zaporozhye area over the past week”—all of which is joined by the news: “Skepticism is growing among House Republicans on the approval of more Ukraine funding as Congress faces its first test on America’s role in the war against Russia...While a minority wing of far-right lawmakers have long opposed more Ukraine funding, several GOP lawmakers told The Hill this week that more moderate House Republicans are also raising concerns”.

In the insanely inverted world of American politics where right-wing Republicans have become antiwar and left-wing Democrats have become rabid warmongers, this report notes, standing alone upholding traditional Democrat Party values of peace is top presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr., who this week railed against the socialist Democrats for rigging the primary elections against him and declared: “Biden should prove to voters that unelected people aren't running White House...A lot of people will say that ‘well President Biden is surrounded by very good people who will run the country even if he can’t’, but I don’t think that’s a good way for democracy to work”—a declaration that followed Socialist Leader Biden denying Secret Service protection to Kennedy for the first time in American history—with Kennedy being the first presidential candidate in American history to be denied Secret Service protection, it was just beyond shockingly reported: “An armed man who was wearing a U.S. Marshal’s badge and carrying federal ID who claimed to be part of the security detail for Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was arrested Friday afternoon at an appearance in Los Angeles”—and as proof that this was a Biden assassin sent to publically execute Kennedy, like was done to his father Robert Kennedy Sr. and uncle President John Kennedy, the FBI refused to take custody of the assassin who committed too many federal crimes to count.

At the same time Biden’s assassin failed in his attempt to publically execute Kennedy, this report continues, Politico released its article “Trump’s Become A Runaway Train In The GOP Primary”, wherein it revealed: “What was once an emerging two-man race between Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis instead now looks like a runaway train...Two major national polls this week showed Trump at or above 60 percent among Republican primary voters, a commanding lead far greater than early in the year, when Trump’s average share of support was in the low-to-mid 40s...Not only are Trump voters more committed and unlikely to be moved off the former president, those currently aligned with other candidates aren’t necessarily all dead-set against him...That combines for 86 percent of Republicans who “definitely” or “might” vote for Trump”—a revelation quickly joined by articles appearing like “Biden Aides 'Terrified' At Trump's Prospects As Polls Show Tight Potential Race” and “Trump Up Six Points Over Old Joe Biden in Seven Swing States: Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada, Michigan – Dems Better Dust Off Those Fake Voters”.

With the Wall Street Journal being the largest circulation newspaper in America, this report concludes, its status as the “official newspaper of record” for the United States government is overseen and rigorously maintained by its editorial board member Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., whose access to the hidden corridors of power and decisions makers in Washington D.C. are unequaled and unimpeachable, which is why his just published open letter “Trump Charges Make Unreported History” sent shockwaves around the world, wherein he documents how Socialist Leader Biden masterminded all of the criminal charges filed against President Donald Trump to make him his only opponent for the 2024 presidential election, despite the objections of the Department of Justice, and warned: “The prosecutions of the former president are ‘unprecedented’, but so is using them to assure Biden his chosen opponent in the 2024 election...Conspiracies of silence usually don’t pay off because reality is still reality…But they can have a peculiar purchase in presidential elections like ours, the last two decided by fewer than 77,000 voters in three states”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]








September 16, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.


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