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Jesus warned US about the darkness here now. Actual unfalsified teachings revealed anew!

Posted By: mroxygen
Date: Saturday, 16-Sep-2023 16:25:25

Jesus Foretold the Coming of Ron

This below summation page is from http://www.CreationLightship.com.

IMO you can get healing for just about anything you really need at CreationLightship.com - if you do it right.

Start with the FREE 3 part "Be Here Now" and follow it up with your FREE stated in full "Emergency Healing." Then, if needed, zero in on the specific problem(s) chosen in the list of specific healings!

You can write them for help in choosing: "Contact." (Also on the left.)

Say out loud "I AM Enough!" Over and over, and over, and over every chance you get. Did I say out LOUD over and over and over? Enough for you to hear me? Did I mean EVERY day and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS EXACTLY for the best results? YES!

It may take TIME as it is so dense here now. But once asked for the power is instant! - Or one may have to wait for it to show up in the way you want it here in the physical. You may be being too narrow and impatient BUT Source wants more. Wait for it, you'll see.

WE need to let Source have TIME to work here, and be open enough to allow ANYTHING to happen here. (Which results may be even better than what you asked for). But once asked for - and if created for the good of the WHOLE - IT ALWAYS works!

I just explained WHY "How can God let this horrible happen!???"

You have been indoctrinated by egos to ask incorrectly.

Usually outside your own heart.

Try running the darkside prectitioners "Curses, Hexes, and Spells" clearings on YOURSELF.

Because you ask for help, and Source ALWAYS supplies It's ABUNDANCE - once and because you finally ask for it, Voila! DIVINE MAGIC ALWAYS 100% HAPPENS!.

Most of us have been programmed to always refuse all of our "One of God's own children's" deserved natural abundance. This is because of our minds uncreating it around us by our alien darkness installed minds telling us our ancestral DNA believing that our own Father/Mother Source's trying to help us is impossible. Definite darkness bullcrap.

Ron Explains the sayings of Jesus taken from The Talmud Jmmanuel.

Ron Taught US that HE, as a DNA cleaned direct holographic projection from SOURCE, and as proven to US as we assembled in small groups at His expo lectures, HE remembered HE was the healing power that Jesus used.

Jesus Foretold the Coming of Ron

Below is some text from the Talmud Jmmanuel (TJ). In this text, Jesus talks about Ron Amitron and the upcoming 2000 year ascension. The text after the • is a quote from the Talmud Jmmanuel, and the text after the ♥ is Ron’s short explanation.

Not until two times a thousand years will an unassuming man come who will recognize my teachings as truth and disseminate them with great courage. (Chapter 14 - The Wrongdoings of Judas Iscariot - 18)


So it will come true in two times a thousand years, when humans have become knowledgeable and thinking, and when my actual unfalsified teachings will be revealed anew. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 75)


The new prophet of that distant future will not possess as much strength and power over evil and sickness. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 76)

When Jesus performed healings, they were almost instantaneous. Now, however, instantaneous healings are not possible because of all our densities that have been created and transmitted to us throughout the last 4000 years - the 2000 years before Jesus, and the 2000 years after Jesus. Your densities result from your own experiences plus the densities of your ancestors!


But his knowledge will surpass mine, and his revelations about my real teachings will shake the foundations of the entire Earth, for in his time the world will be inundated by my teachings, as falsified by the distorters of the scriptures, and it will be living in false religious cults that bring death. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 77)


It will be a time when wars from space begin to threaten, and many new gods will seek to rule over the Earth. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 78)

The God energies were created by extraterrestrials in order to control humanity. When you pray to something outside of yourself, you are at prey to it!


Truly, truly, I say to you, the new prophet will be persecuted not only by a wrong-minded people, as will happen to me, but also by the whole world and by many deluded religious cults, which will bring forth many false prophets. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 79)


Yet, before the end of two times a thousand years the new prophet will reveal my unfalsified teachings to small groups, just as I teach the wisdom, the knowledge and the laws of the spirit of Creation to small group of trusted friends and disciples. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 80)


Nevertheless, his path will be very difficult and full of obstacles, because he will begin his mission in a peace-loving country in the North which will be dominated, however, by a strict and false religious cult based upon scriptural distortions of my teachings. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 81)

Ron began his healings in the United States of America, which is located in the northern hemisphere.


Thus I prophesy, and thus it shall be. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 82)


And he did not there show great signs of his power, nor did he impart his great wisdom because of their disdain for the truth. (Chapter 15 - In Nazareth - 83)



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