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Today’s the Day the Prosecutors Have Their Picnic (Speech at EU by Peter McCullough)

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Friday, 15-Sep-2023 14:29:07

Today’s the Day the Prosecutors Have Their Picnic (Speech at EU by Peter McCullough)

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Well, that wraps it up. Dr Peter McCullough spake unto the European Union Meeting and clearly stated that 75% of the cases of cardiac arrest in people who took the mRNA vaccine were CAUSED BY the vaccine, worldwide.

He also clearly stated, just as he had told the US Senate on December 22, 2022, that all boosters should now be stopped and be taken off the market. PERIOD. END OF THE EVENT.

The entire vax program was genocidal, or if you want a lesser word, mass murder, or even lesser, just plain homicide. McCullough did not play the blame game -- but I play it day in, day out. I was born to prosecute.

(Please see my 2011 book, still current, entitled “Prosecution for Treason: Epidemics, Weather Warfare, Mind Control, and the Surrender of Sovereignty.”)

OK? The struggle has ended. Do not go further into that bad night. We can do this, Americans and Australians. We can smarten up. A bit late, but still not too late. We’re not all dead yet (And Dr McCullough says if you took the vax and haven’t developed symptoms, that's an indication of clear sailing for you. Yay!)

The Original Covid-19 Deaths

In his EU talk (a 17-minute video, don’t miss it for sheer clarity of the English language), McCullough made two essential points about the original deaths from the Covid-19 illness.

One is that he and others had good treatments ready for those who were ill, but were prevented from using them. (He is referring to both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Each was successful for those patients lucky enough to get their mitts on it.)

The other point he made was that Fauci did indeed arrange with China to create the Covid-19 illness. (Remember when Amazon was selling a little doll of Fauci for those who worshipped him? Remember when Senator Rand Paul referred “the doll” for perjury?)

I’m passing over McCullough’s major theme, which is that there is a veritable union, a club, a syndicate, involving the pharmaceutical industry, the WHO, the leaders of nations, legislatures, agencies, and the private professional associations, such as the AMA. Just consider the kiss-kiss relationship between so many of those people. Oops and the media. Mustn’t forget the vital role played by media.

To which I would add “and the judiciary” since every time you bring them a case to help break that syndicate, the weak judges crawl back under their duvet and dismiss the case.

The Vax Deaths

In my 2013 book “Consider the Lilies”, I told what I believe is the truth, the amazing truth: all vaccines were part of a worldwide fraud. From the first jab by Edward Jenner in 1796, it was all part of a plan to spoil people’s health. No need for you to accept that today (chances are you'll accept it soon), but Dr Peter McCullough has proved that at least the Covid vax was intended to do harm.

How does he know? It is chronicled carefully in the book he wrote with John Leake, entitled “The Courage To Face Covid-19.” Subtitle: “Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.”

McCullough himself has had to dodge many bullets from the profession and the government but, as he announced to the Europeans, it is now clear that agencies such as the CDC (which, by the way, have a huge conflict of interest regarding ownership of patents for vaccines) have pushed the vax on the public long after seeing the harm these caused.

I noticed that yesterday, September 14, 2023, the CDC was urging mRNA shot for kids as young as 6 months. Makes ya wonder why they are sparing kids from birth to 5 months!

I repeat: all children’s vaccines came from a malicious beginning. You parents need to get a grip. (And if you are a pet lover, note that all veterinary-required vaxes for pets are in the same category – in my opinion.)

Newbie City

In case you’re a newbie (and if you are, welcome welcome), I summarize as follows:

After the pandemic was announced in March 2020, “governments” started to prescribe the alleged public health response, the four parts of which were medically meaningless: lockdowns (recall the empty streets?), social distancing (recall that you could have 10 persons attend your funeral?), hand sanitizing (wish I had bought stock in the sanitizer company) and: wearing a face mask (the ultimate virtue-signaler).

Once the vax phase began, in 2021, Biden ordered people who worked for any federally funded health care (which is almost all of health care) to roll up their sleeve or get pink-slipped.

The military was similarly jabbed, but you should know we have been harming the health of our soldiers for decades. (Don’t worry if that is illogical. Logic is irrelevant to the plans of our Powerful masters. They march to a different drummer.)

As for what went in in hospitals, recall the rule to not visit your dying parents in the ward (or face arrest), and the bribing of providers with tens of thousands of dollars for every poor old coot they put on the ventilator. (The ventilator itself was an accessory to murder.)

This was followed by the WHO pushing the development of a vaccine. Soon there was Warp Speed, in which the US President sent billions of dollars in aid to Pfizer, Johnson, and others to help them compete urgently in finding a vaccine (which they already had in a bottom drawer, no doubt.)

I betook myself to federal court to file for a restraining order, Maxwell v Trump (2020), pointing out that, pandemic or no pandemic, the Fourth Amendment protects me from unwanted interference with my body. Judicial decision: “Get lost, Mary.”

Happy New Year, World!

Today is Rosh Hashana, Jewish new year for the Year 5784. I feel like a ton of bricks has just fallen off my back and I hope you do too.

This is the beginning of a turn around. Man, I can see it now. The media monopoly will be the first to go (as already provided for in the Sherman Antitrust Act -- which has had about as much activity as the Maytag repairman, if you’re old enough to remember that joke.)

Next, the unconscionable AMA -- and might as well drag the ABA along with it. (I could tell you some stories!)

Next, Congress. That’s as easy as pie. Vacancies will occur in all 435 seats of the House of Reps and in 33 seats of the Senate in 2024. The simple rule to follow is: Let no one back in who let us down in the pandemic.

Just throw the bums out. Step forward and run for office yourself. Look up ypur state's dedline for filing.

Rand Paul for President! McCullough for Secretary of Health!

Maxwell for Attorney General? I am sooo ready!

Link to the YouTube video:

And thanks to the European Union for the venue, very nice.

Link below re Teddy Bears Picnic is so you can write new lyrics. Let's honor everyone who did the right thing, these past three-and-a-half traumatic years.

The Prosecutor's Picnic

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