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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #171 - #175 by Bennett Ross -- (Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Sunday, 10-Sep-2023 22:42:32

From https://bennettleeross.com/philosophy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-171/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #171

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 8, 2023 | Philosophy, Spirituality |

Your vibration contributes to the universal field of energy
Your every thought word and action reverberates into the cosmos

If everyone was aware of their role in the cosmic concert
And that their consciousness contributes to the symphony
It would change the melody of our lives

We are the conductors playing the strings in the universal orchestra
Capable of playing harmonies or producing dissonances
So embrace your power and tune yourself

When you shift your vibration
The vibration of the world around you shifts as well

Become the energetic match for your deepest desire
And watch your life become a living orchestrated masterpiece

Desire is energy and energy is life
Emotions are waves of energy that play out in the relationships of our lives

We are an elaborate composition
And a beautiful expression of the Infinite

We give form to reality with what we believe and with what we imagine
Do not accept any belief about yourself that is not ideal

You are the appearance of your suggestions
Relate to the world from your ideal

When undesirable character traits arise allow them to be there
Then let them go
Do not identify with them
Observe them without reaction

See yourself as you desire
Loving yourself is the first step to loving others

When you love yourself
Your bestowed gifts of mind and speech will not differ from the Immortals

You will be guided unto the Choir of the Gods
And you will take a seat among the Blessed Ones!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-172/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #172

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 8, 2023 | astronomy, biology, psychology |

At the connection points in our neural network
Is where neurons are exchanged
It is where emotions are incubated and holographically stored

Ideas and memories are interconnected
And each persons concept is their own unique amalgamation of past experiences
We tell ourselves a story about how the outside world is according to our individual processing

Nerve cells that fire together wire together
And we rewire ourselves on a daily basis

The hypothalamus acts like a tiny factory assembling peptides
Peptides are small chain amino acid sequences

Our emotions are chemical combinations
The hypothalamus assembles complimentary neuropeptide hormones
And releases them through the pituitary gland into the bloodstream

As peptides and hormones work their way through the body
We develop a long term relationship between thought and emotion

As neuropeptides flow through the body
It results in electrical signal transmissions from one neuron to another

Neurons are messenger molecules
So the mind is present throughout the body
And emotions are the link between matter and mind

When we feel threatened the brain releases norepinephrine
So we feel what we think

When we feel neglected the brain lowers serotonin output
So we feel what we think according to our experience

Every cell has thousands of peptide receptors
When a peptide enters a cell
It sends out a signal that alters the cells chemical makeup

Living a positive life is essential to physical health and well being
When we bombard ourselves with negativity there are less receptor sites for essentials
Such as nutrients vitamins and minerals
And we age faster

We become addicted to any neural peptide chemical
So we will create repetition dramas in our lives in order to receive our next fix

Fireballs in the sky are being seen more frequently
They are neurons being fired in the Mind of God
They are an exchange of information in the synapse of the Infinite

The end of an age is a collection of data
And we are dream characters in the Divine Consciousness
Beholding the spectacle!

From https://bennettleeross.com/geography/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-173/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #173

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 8, 2023 | geography, media, psychology |

The freedom to explore the North Pole Antarctica and beyond
Should be a fundamental right

If earth is an extended level plane
A traveler who continued southward would venture into unknown territory
That does not exist on a globe

The military has repeatedly barred independent explorers
In restricted and heavily patrolled waters

The Antarctic Treaty prevents all independent travel
South of 60 degrees south latitude
Harsh penalties are given to anyone who attempts to explore it

If NASA or academics wanted to shut up flat earthers once and for all
They would unrestrict travel and show people that they will just end up going back north
They would allow people to fly in a plane and see for themselves if it is a globe

The excuse is given that it is too cold to fly over Antarctica
But NASA is supposed to have gone to the moon over 50 years ago
Where it is said to be over twice as cold

India claims to have landed an unmanned spacecraft on the South Pole of the moon
And rolled out a rover
Apparently with the ability to attach to the bottom surface upside down

This is just 1969 American fakery all over again
There is no live video just ridiculous cartoon animations

The only thing live is the group of very well paid men and women fervently yelling
And applauding the pre made computer graphic illustrations broadcast as live video on psycho TV

The clearly photo shopped propaganda shows dirt and a darkened background claimed to be taken on the moon
It takes just a simple charade to delude the gullible public

People do not want the truth
They only want reassurance of what they believe is the truth
They prefer comforting lies that bend and warp their minds

The victim of mind manipulation does not know they are a victim
They think they are free
But they cannot think beyond the walls of their undetected and invisible prison!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-174/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #174

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 8, 2023 | psychology, Spirituality |

When you are in flow
You let go of shame based thinking patterns

When you show up complete
You will not look for approval validation or confirmation from others
And they will notice your completeness

When you accept your own positive suggestions and play them out in your imagination
They become magical elixirs that transform you into a conduit of divine expression

Emotions are indicators of what is happening in the undercurrent of your psyche
If you repress them you block your flow
And you create a chain that binds you

If you harbor shame then you believe you are flawed
Do not resist the feeling but let it go by seeing yourself as you desire

Mushrooms LSD and other psychedelics give you an intense rush of confidence
And a feeling that you can do anything

Drugs if used effectively can change your perception of yourself
Where the mind goes the feet will follow

Challenge the story you tell yourself
Change the notion of the root cause
Choose a program that is beneficial to you
If you have no enemies within then you are truly free

Appreciate your journey as you become more aware of who you really are
Do things you like
Our enemies are our own inner creation

What is outside is not greater than the divine spark within you
Being grateful during challenging moments means you are in alignment with a greater purpose
How you respond to your emotions sculps your destiny

Now is the crossroads between the past and future
Compassion has the power to transform the collective reality

Intuition is the tuning fork that sets your frequency
It vibrates at a pitch which influences the molecules around you
Causing them to resonate as waves

These waves produce mutative currents in others
When you send forth your ideal it gets mirrored by those around you
And you experience a vividly desirable theatre

Ovid means sheep in Latin
C means to see
Covid means see the sheep

Do not be a sheep
Be a leader!

From https://bennettleeross.com/astronomy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-175/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #175

Posted by Bennett Ross | Sep 8, 2023 | Aliens and ET's, astronomy, geoengineering |

The Aztec god Huitzilopochtli was always blue
But his face was black

When he made his way to the plaza which was the north celestial pole he removed his mask
The mask is the black center

In the former age Saturn drifted toward the magnetic north plasma column when it increased its charge
The energetic plasma heated Saturn to the point where it became all blue

Saturn created Turtle Island which was the middle heaven called by the ancients earth
It was a torus field of plasma spread out below Saturn

During this high voltage glow mode
The extension terminals of the anode and cathode on each side of the central beam created outstretched arms

The whole phantasmagoria resembled a Burning Man
Interestingly the enormous effigy of the Burning Man at Black Rock Nevada had a dark center

Participants at Burning Man circle a Black Rock
Just like Muslims do with the Kaaba Stone at Mecca

These practices give energy to the convoluted patterns of distortion from Saturn
That are being deformed and contorted by high frequency technology

The headlines read Burning Man Exodus Begins
When the cyclical end of the era comes an exodus will follow

But this also has a double meaning
When cities and towns are hit with laser weaponry people will get burned out of their homes

You might want to paint your roof blue if you live in a desired area
Houses with blue roofs were spared in Lahaina

The Orion constellation is a winter group of stars in the northern hemisphere
But Orion is now in the northern sky and it is still summer

The only explanation is that the stars in Orion were craft hovering around a portal that has been closed
And they are seeking residence elsewhere

We are not all one
More and more a larger percentage of the population are clones aliens and hybrids
The UN troops with blue hats are all clones

When beings realize that through their choices
They are unable to take the path of return to the Light Source
They look elsewhere for their needs

Petra in Jordon is an ancient metropolis carved into the Sharah Mountains
It that was hit and melted by laser weaponry
Petra extended over 100 miles which is 4 times the area of Manhattan in New York City

The Northern Lights are being seen in Colorado and Missouri
Which means the plasma tube at the center of our world is intensifying

The circumpolar stars rotate around Polaris
Which is the only so called star at the celestial center
The stars rotate at the same speed year after year returning to the exact same positions

If there was a Big Bang it would send stars flying off at different speeds in different directions
Polaris is not a star it is just a gigantic projector making us believe in a vast universe
That we are existing on just another planet amongst billions

We are being sprayed with aluminum nano particles from above
As part of geoengineering

And we are given water laced with fluoride
As part of fluoridation

The result is aluminum fluoride in our bodies
Which seeps into our bones and teeth making them brittle

Aluminum fluoride is an acute toxin which lowers IQ
And interferes with hormonal and neurochemical signals

Baking soda and borax are the best detoxifiers
If you keep your body alkaline you will not have a problem
Eating animals turns your body acidic

Facts are ignored in favor of fallacy

It takes much more energy to ignore truth
Than to deal with them
And not be affected by them!


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