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More: Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 2-Sep-2023 10:27:01

In Response To: Styx666: "Kodama Systems and Bill Gates are Raving, Evil Lunatics" [11:05 video (cc)] (hobie)

Sweet Jesus, just leave mother nature alone!


Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. The move will see 70 million acres of forests, mostly in the Western United States, cut down over the next decade.

After cutting down the trees, Kodama plans to bury them – to reduce global warming. However, “global warming” is a scam to enable the rich to become richer and the real reason for the destruction of forests is to reap saleable carbon offsets.

The Carbon Cycle

The following text in this section is extracted from National Geographic’s encyclopaedia intended for children aged 10 to 13.

Carbon is in a constant state of movement from place to place. It is stored in what are known as reservoirs, and it moves between these reservoirs through a variety of processes, including photosynthesis, burning fossil fuels, and simply releasing breath from the lungs. The movement of carbon from reservoir to reservoir is known as the carbon cycle.

Carbon can be stored in a variety of reservoirs, including plants and animals, which is why they are considered carbon life forms. Carbon is used by plants to build leaves and stems, which are then digested by animals and used for cellular growth.

In the atmosphere, carbon is stored in the form of gases, such as carbon dioxide. It is also stored in oceans, captured by many types of marine organisms. Some organisms, such as clams or coral, use the carbon to form shells and skeletons.

Most of the carbon on the planet is contained within rocks, minerals, and other sediment buried beneath the surface of the planet.

Because Earth is a closed system, the amount of carbon on the planet never changes.

The carbon cycle is vital to life on Earth. Nature tends to keep carbon levels balanced, meaning that the amount of carbon naturally released from reservoirs is equal to the amount that is naturally absorbed by reservoirs. Maintaining this carbon balance allows the planet to remain hospitable for life.

Read more: The Carbon Cycle for Grades 5-8, Encyclopaedic Entry, National Geographic
Anthropogenic Climate Change is a Fraud

The National Geographic Encyclopaedic Entry above ends with the sentence: “Scientists believe that humans have upset this [carbon] balance by burning fossil fuels, which has added more carbon to the atmosphere than usual and led to climate change and global warming.”

National Geographic must be referring to either corporately funded scientists or scientists employed by corporations. As we will see in the next section, scientists who are truly concerned about the planet and the life it supports reveal the facts.

Anthropogenic or human-caused climate change is a fraud and has been known to be a fraud from the outset. This was demonstrably revealed to the world in 2009 with the release of leaked emails dubbed Climategate.

As it leads into the next section, it’s also worth noting an eye-opening 2013 article published by Forbes that used quotes from climate alarmists to reveal the truth about the climate change agenda. The article was aptly titled: ‘In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their ‘Science’.’

Bill Gates Plans to Cut Down Trees

At the end of July, Forbes was given the task of promoting Gates’ latest plan to destroy and capitalise on the natural world in the name of “climate change” in an article titled: ‘Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds’. Yes, it is as crazy as it sounds.

At least Forbes was honest enough to highlight why the article was being published in its drop head: “Bill Gates and other investors are betting Kodama Systems can reduce carbon dioxide in the air by chopping down and burying trees. Now if only Uncle Sam would get on board with tax credits, too.”

The final sentence gives a clue to what this latest scam is all about – money. Let’s see what the article has to say and how Forbes manipulates and outright lies to try to sell the idea that Gates and other investors are doing this for the good of the planet. It’s not long into the article that Forbes links carbon to trading of carbon credits and carbon offsets:

Yes, the conventional idea is to plant trees to soak up carbon dioxide from the air and to then sell credits to corporations, private jet owners and others who need or want to offset their emissions. But scientists say burying trees can reduce global warming as well – particularly if those trees would otherwise end up burning or decaying, spewing their stored carbon into the air.

Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds, Forbes, 28 July 2023

Trees are “spewing” carbon into the air. Really? It’s shameless propaganda.

Forbes may benefit from reading National Geographic’s encyclopaedia for children. And then, if the author feels he can cope with more grown-up content, perhaps he can listen to Patrick Moore explain that the idea of CO2 being a pollutant is dangerous propaganda. Or perhaps he can examine satellite imagery that demonstrates how CO2 as nature’s fertilizer has steadily been enriching Earth’s atmosphere.

And, should Forbes feel it necessary to fall back on the default “human-caused climate crisis” narrative, a study conducted on data from 1750 to 2018 will clarify things for him. The study estimated that the value of the atmospheric concentration of anthropogenic fossil-derived CO2 in 2018 was 46.84 ppm out of a total of 405.40 ppm.

Forbes then turned to wildfires to argue the case for Bill Gates and other investors:

California’s enormous 2020 wildfires drove home the risks to air, property and life posed by overgrown forests … To help address the problem, the U.S. Forest Service aims to thin out 70 million acres of western forests, mostly in California, over the next decade, extracting more than 1 billion tons of bone-dry biomass.

Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds, Forbes, 28 July 2023

According to Roger Pielke, a professor in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado, Canada’s wildfire trends show no increase in recent decades, wildfires used to be much more extensive in past centuries and wildfires are a part of the natural ecosystem.

Wildfires across the world that corporately funded media have enthusiastically publicised have been the result of man’s intervention – but not the human-caused climate change that corporate media supports.

The fires in Greece, Spain, Italy and the Amazon rainforest are most likely due to arson. And regarding the recent fires in Hawaii – there are so many questions without honest answers concerning the destruction of Lahaina in Maui, that even people who normally trust the government are starting to wonder what has really happened there.

Forbes then attempts to justify burying wood in man-made vaults, which should be a nice little earner. In fact, Yale Carbon Containment Lab (“CC Lab”), Kodama’s partner, is hoping to make a business out of “earthen vaults” or “biomass vaults.”

It is customary, after such forest thinning, for logs of marketable size to go to sawmills, with most of the rest piled up and later burned under controlled conditions. Kodama wants to bury the leftovers instead – in earthen vaults designed to maintain dry and anoxic (oxygen-free) conditions and protect the wood from rotting or burning.

Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds, Forbes, 28 July 2023

CC Lab admits biomass vaults are not viable: “The greatest risk for this project is the high cost to transport wood from dispersed sources to a single storage site. Transporting wet wood is significantly more time and energy-intensive than leaving it in the forest. Logistics greatly impact project viability, even if the price of carbon is high.” And, “the carbon containment value of burying large volumes of wood may be offset partially or totally by the carbon released from the soils when excavating a storage pit.”

Despite this, as MIT Technology Review noted, Merritt Jenkins, Kodama’s co-founder and chief executive, says they plan to earn revenue from their forest thinning work, as well as by selling usable timber and carbon credits from its burial projects.

Forbes summed up the potential benefits for Kodama and its investors:

Along with the [venture capital] seed money, Kodama has already received $1.1 million in grants from California’s forest fire agency and others, as well as purchase commitments for the carbon credits tied to the first 400 tons of trees it buries. On the open market, those credits should fetch $200 a tonne. Eventually, Kodama wants to cut down and bury more than 5,000 tons of trees a year.

If you want to cut down trees and pelletise them to burn in place of coal, there are tax credits for that too. But not, as of now, for burying them.

Chop Down Forests to Save the Planet? Maybe Not as Crazy as it Sounds, Forbes, 28 July 2023

So, we can conclude the idea is don’t use the wood, don’t recycle it and don’t allow it to enrich the environment, simply cut trees down and bury them. Does it sound crazy to you?

We have a crisis but it’s not a climate crisis. Green policies are killing people, economies and, increasingly, the planet. The goal to reduce carbon emissions is a scam to enable the rich to become richer off the backs of the poor.

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