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Online Shopping Is A Trap

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Wednesday, 30-Aug-2023 16:57:11

I am asking people I know, to consider limiting online shopping. I know it is convenient to order things online, whether using Amazon or another business. I have used that method a couple of times, when I had exhausted any other method and I really needed it and had exhausted all brick and mortar stores in my area. It is amazing how fast the items get to you. But this only reinforces immediate gratification that keeps people in infantile expectations.

My concern is that brick and mortar stores, that COVID didn’t close, will be closing because they can’t compete with online businesses that don’t have to have buildings, utilities, people to pay for their overhead and skipping straight from receiving to packing, taking payment and shipping it out.

I have watched stores here close that just couldn’t keep up with online shopping. But, just think, what happens when/if online shopping is eliminated? Or we are hit with an EMP and the Internet is out? The local stores will have closed by then. Where will you shop? No matter what it is, I always look for the item sold locally. Even at other businesses in different towns. For instance, I buy supplements at a local pharmacy when I can. I even help them find companies where they can order the ones I need. If that fails, I will drive to the next town as they have an actual health food store with lots of supplements and herbals. Failing that, I will see if they can order what I need. I might have to order from a couple of catalog services I’ve used for years. Amazon would be a last resort, every time. Jeff Bezos is rich enough.

Many years ago I lived in Chicago for a time. I loved the various ethnic communities within that sprawling city. Most of the population tended to live in the same ethnic communities. People felt more comfortable living with other people who shared their culture. They looked out for each other. I don’t know if that is still the case, but I foresee a time soon when people will have to form small groups in their local area for protection from Big Brother.

My town used to have a family owned grocery store on about every corner. They have gone now, to be replaced by three larger chain grocery stores. They still have to keep their prices reasonable at this time because of the competition. But if the family owned or employee owned stores are forced to close, I don’t even want to think about what will happen next. A lot of home gardens, if the nitwit in the White House will allow it. Some states/cities have already outlawed home gardening and collecting rain water. Wait until they send FEMA/National Guard or UN troops door to door to make sure you aren’t hording food, seeds and water. I foresee a lot of dead people on people’s doorsteps.

As many of us as there are, as many guns as have been purchased in the last few years, it isn’t going to be pretty. Not every American will stand up to this tyranny. Not at first that is. I’ve already read about one man who stood aside as the soldiers took away their food and water supplies in Lahaina. Of course, it will be up to each person to decide what they will do. There will be some people who will still trust the system. Please! The same system that brought about the Maui disaster? The same people who wouldn’t allow citizens to escape the fire. The same people who killed 500 children in their land grab?

As our world shrinks, as it becomes too expensive to travel very far, I foresee us living more like people who lived in the 19th century. But, those people had access to train travel, horse and buggy, stage coaches. We can’t turn our cars into any of those things. If we can’t find food and other necessities, what will we do then? Live in one of those fifteen minute cities? I think our neighbors will be far more important than many think right now. We are going to have to take care of each other.

Within nearly every town, there are people who know how to make clothes, raise livestock, grow food, natural healers. I think that is why the federal government is going after the Amish. First of all, that is a community unfazed by COVID and certainly untouched by the various vaxxes. Proof that we were being deliberately poisoned by our own government. If you have any Amish living near you, be prepared to help protect them. Their knowledge of how to live well without electricity could be invaluable one day.

I don’t know how much longer these Globalists are going to kill us in every way they can. We are still reeling from the disaster in Maui. Nearly an entire town was wiped out. And, it was planned. The rubble was still smoking when the real estate investors came in and tried to buy up people’s land. Native lands. So far, they are refusing to sell, but the insurance companies are refusing to pay people for the damages. They talked about a huge heat dome over the area before the fire broke out. And FEMA are building walls around the burned out area. Why? Strangely enough, I saw a map of the US just last week, which showed a similar huge heat dome from Louisiana to Canada, straight up over the middle of the country. Are we next?

We already had a second Derecho come through here about a month ago. Wind speeds here were 80+. Illinois recorded 127 mph. wind (that is the same as a category 3 hurricane). Grain bins were twisted and scattered all over the landscape. There were seventeen miles of telephone and light poles down. Some cities were still digging out of the Derecho of two years ago through this area. I don’t ever remember anything like that in our history. So Direct Energy Weapons are causing these disasters? What if they decide to direct the New Madrid to go off?

Can you imagine the damage in, especially highly populated areas like St. Louis, Memphis, especially if the level is anywhere near what it was in the early eighteen hundreds, the last time it erupted. Whatever they plan to do, we have a little time to replenish supplies and not get caught flat-footed as the residents of Lahaina were. Just don’t enrich Amazon if you can help it. They are rich enough, having gobbled up many other companies. That is what alerted me to the possibility of a coordinated strike against American citizens. It seems to me that more and more people are using Amazon. I think that is a mistake.

Please support local business as much as you can. You will be happy you supported them when the SHTF and you still have a few local businesses you can depend on. We will rebuild. We will add more businesses to that core. And, I hope people remember these hard lessons in the future. Don't let people draw you out on a limb and then chop it off behind you. Think about it.

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