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No Crime Too Extreme

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Tuesday, 22-Aug-2023 18:54:01

Alex Jones was complaining about David Weiss being appointed special council. And, Ted Kruz is pointing out the obvious, that Hunter Biden has no marketable skills. The money paid to him wasn’t for any contribution he might make, but to grease the wheels to get to “The Big Guy.” It’s no great wonder that Hunter is a drunk, a drug addict, and a sleazy pedophile. He has learned at the feet of Daddy. Belatedly, the Deep State is realizing that Hunter is a loose cannon.

It also should be no great surprise that Hillary is the one who sold 20% of our uranium to Russia. (They always accuse us of doing what they do.) She had wanted Robert Mueller to deliver the uranium, but he was ill at the time, so she had to wait. But, he did indeed convey the uranium to the Russians. I’m surprised any self-respecting Russian would have anything to do with her. The Russians were useful for her to accuse Trump of what she was doing and she knew the Deep State actors would cover for her. And so, in due time, Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Council to investigate the Russian Hoax? Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. I don’t know how Mueller was able to keep a straight face through the whole farce.

But, an even better example would be when Seth Rich was killed. Being too young and naive to know how the game is played, he decided to get even with Hillary after his guy, Bernie Sanders, was “Set aside”, for Hillary to win the primary, although Sanders had really won. And Sanders had a scared look as he ‘gracefully’ bowed out and threw his support behind Hillary. He’s better at the game. He’d been around long enough to see what happens to anyone who stand up to her.

This pissed Rich off and he decided to get back at Hillary. He had access to just about everything, including nefarious dealings she had had with the oligarchs in Russia. It was interesting to me that Rich had uploaded some damning information and was anxious to unload it. I will always believe he loaded it onto a flash- drive and gave it to Wikileaks. How they got onto him, I don’t know. But I do believe they shot him. Two holes from behind. I’m pretty sure, unless he was a contortionist, he didn’t do it.

The interesting part is investigating a murder as a botched mugging. Why would the perpetrators leave money and jewelry on him? They had already shot him. If the reason was for robbery, why leave the loot behind? His murder, that the Lame Stream Media kept calling a ‘mugging gone wrong.’ with an expensive watch still on his wrist and money in his wallet? Really? No robber would be so stupid. You’ve already shot him. In for a penny/in for a pound, as the Brits say. But that is too much for these people to comprehend.

A retired D.C. cop turned private detective was puzzled when the police were told to stand down. The investigation was pretty much side-lined from there. But, people need to look beyond the surface to see what the motivating force was and where it was coming from. I will always believe that Hillary was the one calling the shots from a safe distance, of course. But, people need to remember that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the head of the DNC at the time. And one of the federal prosecutors in D.C. was David Wasserman, her brother. How handy! I’m telling you, you can’t make this stuff up.

Julian Assange came as close to saying that it was Rich who gave the info off of the DNC servers to Wikileaks when he put up $20,000 for information into Rich’s murder. But, Rich was just another statistic added to the Clinton body bags. I hope if Trump makes it back into the White House, he will pardon both Assange and Edward Snowden. Both heroes. And the Jan 6ers who weren’t violent. Apparently some were. But, shouldn’t they be released for time served by now?

Are we going to have a 2024 election? Many are saying, “No.” I think with as many things that have happened and are happening, it will be very difficult for the Democrats to rig another election and convince Americans that it was really free and fair. And, if they can’t do that? Time for a false flag. What is it that financier Gerald Celente says? If all else fails, they will take you to war. Two things that the average citizen can do right now is to make your home a true haven. Stock up on food, water, and seeds along with the firepower to protect it. And volunteer to work the elections in your area. Don’t fall for, “Oh my Gawd, There are stools flooding. We need to evacuate right now. Toss your life preserver in your car and keep it with you. Dig in your toes and refuse to leave. Keep your wits about you and watch for aspects of voter fraud. Until we get back to paper ballots, we will make it too easy for the Democrats to cheat.

Are the Dems the only ones who cheat to win? Of course not. Does everyone remember the 2000 presidential election? First of all, when the buses carrying Ron Paul supporters showed up at the Primary Center, they were redirected elsewhere. By the time they realized they’d been duped and got back to the center, the doors were locked. That is how the RINO’s won that round. And, the woman in charge of verifying the votes was Bush’s campaign manager when he ran for governor of Texas! But, as a former UAW Democrat of many years, after you hear enough remarks like, “Well, Joe has only been dead a few months and he always voted Democrat. Let’s fill out one for him. Ha, ha.” I would say the Dems have been completely taken over by the Deep State. The Republicans are well on their way, with the numbers of RINO’s growing by the day.

I don’t know if people like Rand Paul or Jim Jordan have the time to rescue their party. Perhaps it is time for a third party with real teeth than the others. Besides, as soon as one appears on the horizon, the Deep State players do as much as they can to deep six it. They do this by dressing up a few of the three letter agencies men and they infiltrate and cause all kinds of turmoil in the Party. I had high hopes for the Tea Party at first. But both the Dems and Reps never allowed them to become viable. It is probably the only time they ever get along.

Remember that the three letter agencies infiltrate everything they possibly can. Everything from political rallies to private meetings of conservatives. These will be the rabble rousers in any gathering. The ones encouraging insurrection. These people were quickly spotted and outed on Jan. 6th. People were looking and pointing at Epps, for instance, and shouting, “Fed,Fed”. They aren’t that hard to spot.

I’m still not convinced we will make it to the 2024 election night. The Deep State are so afraid That Trump will get back in office,when actually he never really left office. He is still the Commander in Chief and the real military answer to him. He didn’t turn the nuclear codes over to Biden or Pelosi wouldn’t have been asking the military for them. However, these creatures are willing to burn their own house down if it looks like he might win in a free and fair election. They can’t afford to take a chance that he might regain the power to turn the tables on them. I think he already has it.

Already, they have over-played their hand. By going after him in the middle of a campaign year, with one bogus charge after another, they are just showing the normies how scared and corrupt they are. None of the charges make any sense. Four separate grand jury indictments? Containing nothing of real substance, just shows Americans their true colors. You would have to be either brain-dead or have a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome to believe them, well, I guess that’s the same thing. All they are doing is making Trump more popular, bringing in more funding with every move they make against him. You would think that would have occurred to them by now. But, no, they will pick another state, probably Arizona, to do the next fake indictments.

After that? I would say, either an assassination attempt on Trump or Kennedy. Or some other false flag like 9/11 or Maui The Dems will do whatever they can to take the spotlight off of Trump, if even for a days worth of news. The burning of Maui shows these people have no respect for human life.

My dream is to have President Trump back in the White House, with Robert Kennedy jr. appointed as Attorney General, like his father. Peter Navarro as his Chief of Staff and Vevek Ramaswamy as his advisor instead of his Globalist Son-in-law. General Flynn either as Secretary of State or Defense. Giuliani over the FBI. Mike Lindell as VP. Edward Snowden pardoned and over the part of the CIA that do analysis. Valery Plame in charge of the real spies. Wouldn’t that be a dream team? Appoint no more Globalists, Mr. President. They will just cut you off at the knees, as you should have figured out during your first term.

Whatever happens, hang in there as best you can. Their time is almost over.

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