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Message from Galactic Federation Ambassador - Aurora Ray

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Tuesday, 22-Aug-2023 18:18:27

Message from Galactic Federation Ambassador - Aurora Ray

August 22, 2023

Earth Awakening: Exploring the Importance of the Universe Within You

You are now learning how special you are. The Galactic Federation wants to help you understand and recognize this. They will guide you on this journey.

The more you know about yourself, the more you see your worth. Imagine that you have a special pattern within you, like a code that understands the existence of other groups. These patterns become clearer over time and help you become even better.

Think of Earth as a small version of the entire universe, as a small reflection of what is happening elsewhere. But there is something special about Earth. It's like a starting point, a trigger for something bigger. The Galactic Federation compares it to a seed, a beginning.

They returned to Earth to help a group of people called the Family of Light. These special people were placed on Earth as part of a greater plan. And now is an important time because things change.

Now let's talk about the weather. You know how we think of time as past, present, and future? Well, overall, time is more flexible than we usually think. It can stretch, twist and make amazing moves. This allows different things to happen at the same time, just as different realities can exist at the same time.

And now it's your turn. You were born on Earth to make a difference, not by chance. You are like a little plant trying to change things. Imagine yourself coming from the future but putting yourself in the past to make it better. This is how we remake history. You may not realize it, but it plays a small but important role in changing things for the better.

The Galactic Federation would like to present some ideas that will make you think in a new way. They will suggest things that might seem a little weird or hard to understand. Why would they do this? Their purpose is to help you see things beyond your usual way of thinking. They want to open your mind to new possibilities.

Sometimes they will tell you what might seem like a puzzle in your head. You might be thinking, "Huh? How does that work?" But there is a reason for this. They are trying to shake up the way you see the world. They want to show you different perspectives, and they hope that by doing so, you'll start to see things more clearly.

It's like this: you're used to thinking about things in a certain way, like following the paths others walk. But they want to challenge that line of thinking. Imagine it's like helping you out of a box you've been trapped in for so long.

Much of what you believe is based on how time works and what you've learned from history. But the Galactic Federation says, "It means more than you think." They're like friendly troublemakers who want you to see the big picture, even if it means shaking their knowledge. It's all there to help you see more clearly, even if it seems a little confusing at first.

It can be difficult to change your perspective if you're used to a certain way of thinking. It's like learning a new language or trying different types of food, and at first it feels weird. However, the Galactic Confederation believes that by challenging your habitual beliefs, you can discover new layers of reality. They want to guide you in understanding the world around you more clearly.

Like solving a jigsaw puzzle, these new concepts can take some time to sink in. Remember, they don't mean to confuse you for no reason. They aim to broaden your awareness and help you find deeper truths that may have been hidden before. So keep an open mind and be patient with yourself as you explore these mind-blowing ideas. It's all part of a journey to see the universe in a whole new light.

Embrace the journey of exploration and growth that awaits you. The road to understanding can be full of twists and turns at times, but every step you take is a step towards greater clarity and wisdom. Remember that the learning process is an ongoing adventure as you open your mind to new concepts and perspectives. It takes time to grow, so be kind to yourself.

The orientation of the Galactic Confederation is like a compass that points in the direction of a broader understanding of reality. With every challenge comes an opportunity. The opportunity is to broaden your horizons and accept deeper truths.

So keep an open mind, curious and passionate about unlocking the mysteries of the universe. You are part of an unfolding story. And on your journey, you can find your purpose, your connection, and your deep sense of wonder as you evolve.

We love you so much,
we are here with you,
we are your Family of Light,
we are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Source: >>>

Message from Galactic Federation Ambassador Aurora Ray 2023/08/22


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