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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #141 - #145 by Bennett Ross--(Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Monday, 21-Aug-2023 21:19:18

From https://bennettleeross.com/philosophy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-141/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #141

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 21, 2023 | Philosophy, psychology |

We are the masters of our reality

Our inner words are like magic spells
Influencing the energy that shapes our destiny

Embrace a new powerful inner dialogue
Be mindful of what you tell yourself

Speaking love and positivity to oneself and to others is essential

Each feeling and intuition connected to your words are the conductors
That echo what you say through the cosmos

Each phrase is an alchemy that transforms your world
Take out doubts of self criticism

What you think you become
And what you feel you attract

Viewing the world with positivity amplifies a positive impact
That resonates in subtle vibrations permeating the cosmos

Your inner words are the essence of your creative ability
What you imagine is what you create

Nurture your inner words with patience and persistence
Your mind will become fertile ground for growth
And for the blooming of realization

Go beyond the borders of limitation
Move into the domain of accomplishment

We are the sculptors of our own fate
And the designers of our destiny!

From https://bennettleeross.com/philosophy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-142/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #142

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 21, 2023 | Philosophy, psychology |

Clothe yourself mentally in all that you would like to be
Imagine others seeing you as you would like them to

Accept only those thoughts that promote your ideal
Direct your mind or doubt based subconscious programming will direct you

Doubt carries unnecessary resistance and convoluted thinking
Enjoy the present moment and be in the now

The act of inner body awareness will develop into a completely new way of living
A permanent connectedness with your state of being
And will add a depth to your life that you have never known before

When you have assumed your desired state and inner convictions
You insert their impregnation and fulfillment

They will ripen and flower
In their appointed hour
And you operate from a place of power

Happiness comes from within
You will not manifest needy behavior or scarcity based thinking

You will be in a flow state detached from the outcome
But confident of how it will turn out

If you are not present with the awareness of your thoughts and emotions
Then you will be living in the past
Perpetuating the same cycle over and over

When your THC receptor cells receive THC
Which is the most prevalent compound in marijuana

It will help you feel your vision into reality
It will enable you to let go of shame
And be who you are

When you carry yourself with faith and conviction
You put out that energy
And it will play out in the theatre of your life

You get an ecstatic sensation from the wonder of it all
Events will happen that bear witness to your inner condition

Cultivating virtues does not mean curbing your passions
Embrace a full measure of love and friendships

Consent to the mystic transcendence of joyful excitement and overwhelming happiness
Accept that you have them already
And go about your life!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-143/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #143

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 21, 2023 | Prognostication, Spirituality |

The time of the rapture will have horns and trumpets
And a very good looking Messiah will show up in the sky

People will believe he is real
Because of their psychological turmoil they will be more than ready to accept him

But it will be the result of technology
Brought to them by the same ones
Who made them think they are walking upside down or sideways on a globe

It will be a psyop mind control deception
That is playing out the scriptures
Which are a script

A script is a written play or show transmitted and broadcast on a screen by a projector
Ionized particles will act as a holography plate or plasma screen

Each subwavelength unit will be controlled by the orientation of metallic nanorods
Which shape wavefronts of light

There will be a monolayer of photonic artificial atoms
That will project the image to an unprecedented level
All controlled by AI

Before this happens cell phone towers will send out a signal
Causing computers and cell phones to erase themselves
All new cars with antennas will automatically shut down

When the internet comes back on line
Only fake politically correct information will be allowed

This will usher in a false world controlled by AI technology
An electronic matrix where your pattern of electromagnetic signals or bio code
Is transmitted into a supercomputer

The goal is to genetically modify you with synthetic genes
So that you will not be human anymore

To make you into a walking computer
That can be upgraded with programs in accordance with your processed data

Money will be digitalized
If there is any left over at the end of the month it will be deleted
So that no one can accumulate wealth

The future is under our control
Allow your vision to unfold

We have absolute power
And it exists in you now
Your intuition is above any doubt

Say to yourself that you are living your ideal life
Which is manifested now

Cherish your visions
Cherish your ideals
Cherish beauty and loveliness

For out of them we are bearers of boundless and unlimited potential
That echo the Infinite
And are waiting to be unleashed!


Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #144

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 21, 2023 | myth/religion, Prognostication |

In a plasma configuration during the prior era
The arms of Venus raised up in simultaneous invocation and evocation

Her full figure expressed her lunar form as she summoned a response
Her face and body effulgent with the silvery moon glow
Animated the magnetism of her holiness and aroused reverence

Venus was the caretaker of her life giving garden
Her radiance created the Elysian Fields or the Fortunate Isle
Which were the Islands of the Blessed

Only gods or heroes related to the gods were admitted
The deep swirling ocean of Uranus sent blasts of piercing high pitched sound
To those lives now untouched by sorrow

They reached this green paradise on the Road of Zeus that went to the Tower of Chronos
The way was filled with blazing flowers of gold

The righteous went to the Elysian Fields
A place of perpetual spring and shady groves

In no fixed place do happy souls reside
But on mossy ground near crystal streams do they abide

Streams murmur through glades and then descend
To the path that conducts you to journeys end

As up the mountain with plentiful fruit you go
You see the shining fields of the Mother Goddess below

The past epoch was filled with tremendous wonders and glorifying spectacles
They previous sky was also filled many frightful portents and dreadful phantasmagoria

Both had a powerful impact upon the human psyche
And are now buried in our subconscious

Through symbolic imagery of past ominous celestial events
The powers that be want to influence our minds and create the reality they want

But we possess an intangible power
That transcends the matter which gave them birth

We are called to do great work
During our fleeting moments upon this place

Through our thoughts and ideas we have the potential to inscribe the paradigm we want
Prosperity and happiness are our destiny

We are energized by doing what we love
Everything will flow naturally from our inner vision

The moment we accept our wish as an accomplished fact
And believe we are already in possession of our objective

The subconscious finds the means for its realization!

From https://bennettleeross.com/spirituality/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-145/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #145

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 21, 2023 | climate, geoengineering, Spirituality |

The mass population is willingly blind to the real events going on

Daily spraying of aluminum and barium ignite fires
The spraying is called geoengineering
And the intense fires are called firenadoes

We are being sprayed mercilessly from above
While everyone is walking around staring at their cell phones

We create an energetic field
That draws experience aligned with our inner feelings

If we take responsibility for our inner soul
We can recreate a paradise on earth

Visualize your desired future
Our inner dialogue reflects the outer reality into concrete experiences

Our thoughts are frequencies that shape our destiny
Beliefs generate circumstances

When you think in accordance with fulfilled aspirations
You breathe life into those aspirations
The art of assuming is bringing vision into reality

You are a conduit of divine expression
And are able to see things into existence

What you desire is what you are meant to experience
Come into a deep connection with love joy and power

We are electrical beings in an electrical universe
Quit chasing your false self

Your prayer will be answered
If you assume the feeling that would be yours
Were you already in possession of your objective

To pray successfully you must yield to your wish as being fulfilled

Consciousness is the one and only reality
Ideas and feelings are acts of consciousness

Feelings are the cause of the action
Which create the circumstances of life

Release repeating interpretations of the past
So that they do not deny what you are trying to manifest

Who you love loves you back
Because they are in tune with your intuition

In the 1700 and 1800s the Tartarian population was eliminated
And then tribal people were targeted
An agenda is being executed by executing people

The Hawaiian word for karma is pilau

Technology is far above what they are revealing
A massive concave reflection surface
Can focus the suns beam into a deadly ray

Be your vision
Create your own desired reality
And turn what you do into gold!

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