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SORCHA 8/17: "Biden Wipes Out $5.9 Trillion Of American Wealth While Preparing Next Pandemic Attack"
Posted By: MrFusion Date: Thursday, 17-Aug-2023 15:01:55
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~August 17, 2023 Biden Wipes Out $5.9 Trillion Of American Wealth While Preparing Next Pandemic Attack By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting first noting Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev factually observing about the socialist Western colonial powers waging war against Russia using its puppet state Ukraine: “Their speculations to the effect time is ripe to come to the negotiating table and start peace talks merely show how sly they are...They don't want this at all...They want to keep the military flywheel going in order to make money for their budgets...But we need to bear in mind that this is only part of the story, while the other part is the US military-industrial complex, and the European one as well, are making money on this…And this is a way for them to make mammoth profits by supplying their equipment to Ukraine...They are making money on this war”, says this factual observation was joined by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg proclaiming like a warmongering lunatic: “NATO will support Ukraine until it wins the war”. With Ukraine’s failure to break through Russian defenses now driving a wedge between top officials in Kiev, this report notes, Newsweek just reported that “a blame game is brewing in Kiev” and revealed its sources said Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky “must now decide whether to go all-in and risk a costly failure, or to cut Ukraine’s losses and accept a politically damaging defeat”—a report followed by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reporting this morning: “Ukraine has lost up to 310 soldiers in the Donetsk region over the past 24 hours”—all of which joined the news: “Approximately 500 Ukrainian troops in the Zaporozhye Region have abandoned the Kiev regime's much-touted offensive, with low morale and recent heavy casualties as the driving force for their mass desertion”. In order to protect his fast collapsing corrupt regime, this report continues, President Zelensky signed laws this morning to extend general mobilization and martial law in Ukraine for 90 days, until 15 November, which cancels the presidential election due to be held in October—a martial law cancellation of the Ukrainian presidential election that followed the shocking news: “Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has uploaded a video to his Telegram channel showing him holding court with one of the most notorious neo-Nazis in modern Ukrainian history: Azov Battalion founder Andriy Biletsky”—today it was reported: “Fighters from the Azov Battalion [banned in Russia] are once again actively engaged in combat operations against Russian forces”—and in the just published American geopolitical article “Why Peace Talks, But No Peace?”, sees it truthfully observing: “Rarely mentioned in current commentaries on the war in Ukraine, in the early weeks that followed the February 24, 2022, Russian invasion, Russia and Ukraine engaged in three separate and significant attempts to negotiate a peaceful settlement…Those negotiations had several important things in common…All three could have ended the war before the devastation of Ukraine’s infrastructure, the massive Ukrainian loss of lives, and the increased risk of unchecked escalation…All three featured an offer by Ukraine not to join NATO…And all three were stopped by the United States”. While demonically sacrificing hundreds-of-thousands of Ukrainians so American defense contractors can profit, this report details, yesterday it saw Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden saying like a pedophile to a group of young children and their parents: “I wanna say one thing to your children…I know some really great ice cream places around here and daddy owes you, so talk to me afterwards”—at near the exact moment it saw pedophile Socialist Leader Biden enticing young children to meet with alone to eat ice cream, it saw Russian Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Forces commander Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov warning the world: “The United States has started preparing for a new pandemic by searching for virus mutations”—a warning that followed the Wall Street Journal releasing its article “World War III Will Be Fought With Viruses”, wherein it warned: “A two-front biological and cyber attack could lead to a United States defeat before we know what hit us”—and this morning, Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin gravely assessed: “Based on the increase in arms expenditure across the Western world, the conclusion is unambiguous...The possibility of a direct military clash with NATO by Russia and Belarus in the future becomes very obvious”. In exampling how truly inday it saw Swiss global banking giant UBS releasing its annual Socialist Leader Biden truly are, this report concludes, yester>Global Wealth Report, wherein it revealed: “Russians got richer last year even as the war in Ukraine raged on, while the United States and Europe lost trillions of dollars...Russia added $600 billion of total wealth, but the United States lost more wealth than any other country last year, shedding $5.9 trillion, while North America and Europe combined got $10.9 trillion poorer”—a revelation followed by top Republican Party leader Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posting the message: “America sent $113 billion plus sends $1 billion every month to Ukraine’s government and Biden wants another $20 billion yet Russia is getting richer and America is getting poorer by the trillions!!!”, after which she posted without comment an image of an upside down American Flag, about which is known: “The U.S. Flag Code only authorizes the use of an upside down flag as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] https://www.bitchute.com/video/UiJvQmAhBBSK/
 August 17, 2023 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
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