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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Wednesday, 9-Aug-2023 14:04:27


Wednesday, 9 August 2023, 4:23 AM

Compiled Wed. 9 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”

…Charlie Ward








You Raise Me Up | The Tabernacle Choir – YouTube

We are all part of God’s family; we are sisters and brothers journeying together for a season on this beautiful planet. True sisters and brothers set aside animosity, self centeredness and smallness. We enlarge our hearts and minds to the people around us because, despite our differences, we’re family. So we rise above the bitterness and hostility, the intolerance and anger of the day and dig down deep to find and share God’s love with our brothers and sisters across the street and around the world.

JUDY NOTE: As of Wed. 9 Aug. International Martial Law was in place around the World due to a Global Financial Crisis, Global Cyber Security Crisis and pending World War III Scenario in the Middle East.

Governments around the Globe were currently bankrupt and thus not recognized as Sovereign.

A Global Currency Reset from the fiat US Dollar to a gold/asset-backed standard of the BRICS nations was expected to be finalized at a BRICS Summit in Africa on Wed. 23 Aug. 2023.

Because of severe weather conditions Washington DC, California and some eastern states were experiencing flight cancellations, power cuts and flood alerts.

The IRS was being restructured and could be completely replaced with a flat tax. The Federal Reserve and old US Treasury have handed all assets over to the White Hat Military.

The US Supreme Court has refused to consider blatant issues of voter fraud in US Elections and thus was expected to be dissolved shortly by the White Hat Military, along with other federal agencies, the Biden Administration and Congress.

AN IMPORTANT DAY IN HISTORY: SUN. 27 DEC. 2020 was not a good day for Joe Biden. The former Vice President was charged with money laundering billions stolen from the Ukraine, appeared connected to the Christmas morning Nashville explosion that destroyed Election Fraud evidence and was named in a just-released 270-page document by Attorney Sidney Powell that showed a Biden/ Harris link to foreign interference in extensive US Election Fraud cases against the Communist Parties of China, Venezuela, Iran and Russia. Biden Charged With Stealing Ukraine Billions, Treason for Communist Interference in 2020 Election | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

TUES. 8 AUG. 2023 CHARLIE WARD: Hi Guys, quick update, if I understood correctly according to Ground Command the entire world is currently under international or global martial law (n.b. NOT national martial law) https://t.me/CharlieWardFriends

Individual governments have zero control and are in the process of renegotiating for sovereignty. In other words the governments and/or government Inc.'s are currently not recognized as Sovereign and need to register with the Archivists and Hall of Records via Ground Command and/or revised Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) structure/s.

Also, all countries are currently declared bankrupt and the IME, UN, World Bank, WEF, etc. are also defunct corporations without any sovereignty.

These will be replaced by a revised GIA and entity known as CARE.
The IRS is being restructured and may be replaced completely.

Janet Yellen has been fired (not public yet) and the US Federal Reserve + Treasury had been on notice till 30 June 2023 that if they could not pay the Global Repository back the quadrillions owed, it would be handing over ALL its assets including property, commercial property, land, business assets, etc..

We are about to see the real truth and the real news unfold before our eyes. Brace yourselves for short term volatility, medium term change and long term prosperity.


RUSSIA: The Kremlin has notified the UN of its intent to order martial law in Russia. This is a prelude to widespread mobilization.

JUST IN – The Supreme Court has turned down, without comment, the election-related case filed by Lin Wood – Donald Trump’s final Election Fraud Case.

Mon. 28 Dec. 2020: Biden Charged With Stealing Ukraine Billions, Treason for Communist Interference in 2020 Election | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Over 3,000 US Marines and Sailors Arrive in Middle East in Deployment Aimed at Iran. Major Exercise Starts on Wed. 9 Aug: 25,000 Sailors, Marines to Prepare for Global Conflict in Large Scale Exercise 2023 – USNI News

President Donald Trump: “Our country has been invaded. We will use all state, local, federal and military resources necessary to carry out the largest nationwide deportation operation in American history.” https://t.me/Intelsky/5922

USA Food Alert: 99% of People HAVE NO IDEA THIS is HAPPENING in ALL 50 States:

Ethereum Rock: Japan’s Underwater Volcano to trigger shutdown of International Shipping.

Flight cancellations, power cut, Flood Alert issued as strong storms arrive in USA’s Washington DC area and several states: https://www.livemint.com/news/world/flight-cancellations-

JUDY NOTE: At the crust of an upcoming Cabal-created Global Food Shortage, Israel Defense Forces have been given a Green Light against Hezbollah. Meanwhile large scale Military Exercises were set to run worldwide from Wed. 9 Aug. to Fri. 18 – while the Cabal UN was pushing China, UK Royals and the US CIA to go against Israel – all of which has opened a door to a World War III Scenario.

The MOAB is The Event: Declas, Global Currency Reset, Gold Standard, Nesara/Gesara. In the movie “Hunt for Red October” there was a very tense Standoff. The Soviet Union & USA were on the brink of War. Think Nuclear Stand-off. Define Nuclear Stand-off. IRAN is next. Will it bring China into it? …Whiplash347

Not dates just clear observations. Saturday night Covid 1.9 Trillion Package announced. Oil tankers bombed. China through Microsoft Cyber Attacks. = Global Cyber Security Crisis. Virtual Declare War. Monday so far. Assad ousted. Arab Coalition about to Start BIG strikes on Iranian backed Houthis. Final SCOTUS thrown out. Military Is The Only Way. …Whiplash347

I think George just gave us a Go. This could be 2 days ahead of Schedule. Think from 10/10 on the clock. I’m going to the shop. Pumped up now. IT’S ABOUT TO GO OFF. GEORGE was showing us its go time. …Whiplash347

WARNING: There were reports that some were asking you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or ZIM Bonds to them saying they would exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you had given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you did so, or if you gave someone Power of Attorney over your affairs. The bottom line: If someone tried to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested.

JUDY NOTE: If you were reading this Update as posted on Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that some information has been redacted. For the complete un-redacted version, see the PDF copy at the end of this Update on Operation Disclosure Official.


By Mon. 7 Aug. the Iraqi Parliament had received their budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it.

MarkZ: Iraq shut down Telegram on Sun. 6 Aug. around noon their time for reasons of National Security.

Bearded Patriot: Iraqi Boards on Telegram were saying that the budget law stipulations and proceedings has been published in the Iraqi Gazette.

On Wed. 9 Aug. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was expected to be revalued at a 1:1 with the USD and then begin trading up on the Forex – after that it cannot go down in value.

Tues. 8 Aug. Bruce: Wed. 9 Aug. and Thurs 10 Aug. were still in play for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification to set currency exchange and ZIM Bond redemption appointments. Redemption Center Staff were called in Tues. 8 Aug. and will be working for the next up to 16 days to do currency exchanges and ZIM Bond redemptions.

The BRICS nations have set a Back Wall for the RV at Sat. 12 Aug.
Some Bank of America banks have been forced to close since they did not synchronize their platforms by August 6th to accept the new Iraqi rate platforms.

Tues. 8 Aug. Click on Implementation. ISO 2022 is an ISO standard for electronic data interchange between financial institutions. It describes a metadata repository containing descriptions of messages and business processes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_20022?fbclid=IwAR3_Qrdp1NPEhVMvTPNx69sOPg11Mbz-8E5JXpilOPWlvQkvYtVOEVNDo2A

The Big Call Universe (ibize.com) 667-770-1866, pin123456#

Wed. 9 Aug. and Thurs 10 Aug. were still in play for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) notification to set currency exchange and ZIM Bond redemption appointments.

Redemption Center Staff were called in Tues. 8 Aug. and will be working for the next up to 16 days to do currency exchanges and ZIM Bond redemptions.

Three people will be at your appointment to help verify how much currency and bonds you have. Be well aware of what you have so you can verify with them.

If you only have currency but have a project you can negotiate rates.

If you have ZIM you will not be negotiating rates.

You will be getting a Quantum Account and a Quantum Card, credit and debit cards.

You can have up to three banks connected to your Quantum Account.

They will give you a 55 page book of names you cannot give money to.

You will get a list of perks, can have up to $8,500 in cash, a Q Phone for ZIM holders and a certificate worth $1,000 for a laptop.
They will get you out of there in 40 min.

The BRICS nations have been gold backed for some time. On Aug. 23 there is a BRICS nations meeting in Africa for the 40 or so other nations which wish to join BRICS.

About 8 days after exchanges we will be able to set Med Bed appointments.

They are using Martial Law in some states.


Extent Of De-Banking Revealed: Nearly One Million UK Accounts Shut In Past Four Years: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227248

Moody Cuts Ratings of 10 US Banks, Big Names on Downgrade: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/08/moodys-cuts-ratings-of-10-us-banks-and-puts-some-big-names-on-downgrade-watch.html

Urgent: 10 More US Banks Downgraded – Banking Crisis Confirmed: https://youtu.be/ZvzO-IVSbAA

On Sun. 30 July Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the Global Currency Reset and on Mon. 31 July, signed a digital ruble bill into law, approving the use of its central bank digital currency for payments starting from Aug. 1, 2023.

The BRICS Alliance has finally abandoned the USD for a global trade settlement – Cryptopolitan. The line has been drawn in the sand and BRICS nations have made a stand that could shake the global financial landscape.

Wells Fargo customers were reporting a disappearance of direct deposits in their accounts.

Corporate America Bankrupt Confirmed By DOD, Nicholas Veniamin, Alan Fountain https://rumble.com/v35hel6-alan-fountain-discusses-corporate-america-bankrupt-confirmed-by-dod-with-ni.html

As the US Military Files for Bankruptcy, the Creditors Keep Calling. Across the armed forces, service leaders continue to tout a military getting smaller and older as necessary to free up funds for other priorities.

Bank CEOs Selling Stocks, Chase Bank in Trouble: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/08/07/global-economy-insights-videos-bank-ceos-selling-stocks-chase-bank-in-trouble-sell-


Aug. 9 through 18: The US Navy and Marines were planning a large scale exercise that would encompass six Maritime Commands, seven Fleets and 22 Time Zones. 25,000 sailors and Marines prepare for global conflict in large scale exercise.

Thurs. 10 Aug. “First major figure to “leave the stage”.

Basically where we are going was to a combo of all: 1776 – Constitutional Common Law Worldwide, 1950s Prices, Quantum Technology, Tesla, Suppressed Tech, Med Beds, UV therapies, 6000 cures, Treasury Notes backed by metals & Iso20022 coins. …Whiplash

The Cyber World is having their last hoooraaah. Quantum Internet protected above by Secret Space Programs is virtually un-hackable.

POTUS said that all hospital equipment to become obsolete. No more Chemo & Radiation. Big Pharma, no more medical research. 6000 cures.

Israel is last, right?


(VIDEO 1.08.46) Flight of the Brunson Brothers – A Nick Alvear Film (rumormillnews.com)

SCOTUSLetter.pdf (brunsonbrothers.com)

Add Your Letter of support of the Brunson Cases to the Supreme Court: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…


Loy Brunson Petition: We were told that the U.S. Supreme Court is going to be scheduling a conference for October where the Supremes will meet and make a second consideration for a possible hearing on his case. Your prayers and support are much appreciated!
Raland J. Brunson Petition: As of Thurs. 3 Aug. the court has received 10,350 letters from people all over this country telling them to allow this case to be heard!! Thank you so much for your love and support! If you haven’t had a chance to send your letter, let that judge hear your voice and click here: www.enoughisenough.me

It is now up to the Chief Judge Howard C. Nielson to decide if this case will move forward under his jurisdiction, or pass on it. He has not made a decision as of yet. If he passes, then my brother Deron and I will prepare it for the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals where there will be three judges that will make a decision. If the three circuit court judges are wise enough to see the importance of this, then they will (by order of their court) compel my Federal Judge Nielson to hear and judge the case, giving me an opportunity to go to Washington D.C. and put the three Justices (Sotomayor, Kagan, and Jackson) on the stand. In the meanwhile thank you once again for those letters to Judge Nielson. Thank you and God bless every one of you.


Freedom to Exercise our Right to Free and Fair Elections: The Brunson Brothers were trying to make Congress adhere to concepts of our Constitution by suing Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election.

Freedom from Harassment From the Privately Owned US Inc.’s IRS: For over five years Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling the Goliath IRS which took away their fully paid for home and all their possessions even after they had won their case in a federal tax court that ruled they owed no monies to the IRS.

Freedom of Parents to Have Control Over and Raise their Own Children: Ammon Bundy, Diego Rodriguez and Tom Fairbanks were battling a corrupt legal system including Child Protective Services who were ripping children away from their parents without a legal basis to do so.


Tom Fairbanks, who filed the Criminal Complaint for Defendants Bundy and Rodriguez, is a good friend of “Barbie & Ken” Cromar, who are friends with the Brunson Brothers – Raland, Deron, Gaynor and Loy, whose case is at the US Supreme Court charging Congress with treason for certifying the 2020 election without reviewing 100+ allegations of fraud and election violation.

All try to help each other financially by sharing donations that pay for the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. Your donation can help to make miracles happen! See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page: https://393817.e-junkie.com/ http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/got-miracles/


On Tues. 1 Aug. the first wave of liquidity started. …Bearded Patriot

On Thurs. 3 Aug. evening FedNow was activated as the EBS merged with the Global Financial System.

Sun. 6 Aug. Banks had until Sunday to “synch up” with the Central Bank of Iraq. Action on Sunday will drive the Dinar rate DOWN to 1,300 to 1 US Dollar. This will match the rate on the street and the budget.

Mon. 7 Aug. United Bank of Switzerland American Group made weeping changes to the senior ranks of its investment banking division globally – they restructured the bank. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/ubs-nears-major-investment-bank-restructuring-sources-2023-08-04/

NESARA/GESARA was said set to be announced sometime between Tues. 8 Aug. and Tues. 15 Aug.

Wed. 9 Aug. CBI will revalue the Iraqi Dinar to 1,000 to 1. The CBI will then “drop the 3 zeros” to 1-$1 with the US dollar, at which point the Dinar will be tradable and “floating” on the Forex. It will NOT float down.

Sat. 12 Aug. drop dead deadline for the RV as decided last Fri. by BRICS nations.

QFS Dates, Dr Scott Young: Aug. 20ish Back Wall for Financial, Sept. 15, Back Wall for Political: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-UuQ4XHN5w

Q DROP 101: How many days in the large Military worldwide Operation starting Wed. 9 Aug.? 10 What day is the BRICS Summit announcement of a new Gold backed world? 22 Aug. Which is what?

Nesara Gesara public announcement. Looks about right.

On Aug. 22-24 BRICS’ original five members – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – were due to convene in Johannesburg and formally announce the Global Currency Reset during their Summit meetings.

Aug. 2023: Exposure, arrests of major and local Satanic Child Sacrifice and Pedophile Groups.

Sat. 2 Sept from 12pm-11pm Save Our Children DC Event at the National Mall between 3rd&4th Street. …Citizen Reporter Nancy Drew

When Trump’s presidency ended, JFK Jr. would come in as President, while Trump would be elevated to Global Financial Ambassador to make the GESARA changes around the Globe according to Bruce.

Fall 2023 Massive protests and riots were forecasted to shake Canada’s core, ushering in a winter of discontent in the latter part of 2023 and early 2024.

2026: U.S. (public) Tribunals slated for 2026 would coincide with Canadian Tribunals and World Tribunals that would connect everything from Deep State Human Trafficking, to World Plandemic Deep State Operations, to creation of the Virus.

Sometime soon the Supreme Court would announce their decision on the Brunson Case and another 2020 Voter Fraud case before the Court. That decision was likely to reverse the 2020 Election due to massive Election Fraud. Such would then dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress and likely be accompanied by activation of the Emergency Broadcast System where the Military would take over for a short period of time until new elections could be held.

INDIGENOUS PEOPLES INTERNATIONAL DAY WED. 9 AUG. THE CANADIAN WEST COAST COMMON LAW COURT OF JUSTICE is offering rewards and immunity from prosecution for information leading to how these Patriots died: Harriett Nahanee, William Combes, Johnny “Bingo” Dawson, Ricky Lavallee, Harry Wilson and Edna Brass.

Since the 1800s a Canadian Government/Vatican secret pledge had been in place to eliminate Canadian Indian Tribes in order to take over their land.

The above deceased Patriots had questioned the deaths of over 60,000 children in 80 government and mainly Catholic owned Residential Schools across Canada.

All Canadian Native children were ripped from arms of their loving parents and forced to attend the residential schools. There they did not receive the normal schooling of reading and writing, but were beaten, tortured, infected with contagious diseases and killed.

If you have any information on the above deceased Patriots, please contact the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice: itccsoffice@protonmail.com or angelfire101@protonmail.com

Catholics, Government, Elites Kidnapped, Tortured, Killed Native Women, Children – well over 60,000 | Canada | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

The Real News for Tues. 8 Aug. 2023:THE REAL NEWS FOR TUES. 8 AUG. 2023:

Are Congressional Hearings Putting Political Elites Under Arrest? “Inherent Contempt of Congress” Powers allow Congress to arrest anyone who defy a Congressional subpoeana. They actually have jail cells under Capitol Hill. This is music to my ears. Congress can call anyone. They have no choice but show up to answer to Congress. If they lie, they perjure themselves, like what Christopher Wray just did. What a smart move by the White Hats.

The Biden Administration reportedly asked Facebook to alter it’s algorithm to favor certain news outlets over others, newly obtained records show.

George (JFK Jr) has been the Vice President of the USA Since July 4 2019. Just after this GEORGE official W.H pages came up on Twitter etc. Ever since Pence left on AF2 & returned as Sam239.

George flew to Davos, Switzerland last yr aboard AF1. He had a CovFefe break & posted it. He would upload POTUS schedule everyday on George official White House twitter page. He gave you a photo of the Punisher with 1367 on it. You find that is Q1367 Punisher symbol with Pain Coming. 1 + 3 + 6 + 7 = 17. #Platform2020 We are here to finish it off. The Storm. Debrief.

Just Released Texts Show Corrupt, Dishonest Senior FBI Agents Reminding Each Other To Come Across As The Good Guys: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/texts-released-show-corrupt-dishonest-senior-fbi-agents-reminding-try-come-across-americans-good-guys/

The CIA, Disney, and the Media were all one at one point. The CIA helped facilitate the land deal for the Florida theme park. The CIA is powerless now. They got a new look in January. But the Media arm still remains. Not for much longer though.

U.S. Intelligence Has Been Manipulating Wikipedia for Over a Decade:

Pence Refuses to Rule Out Being a Witness for the Prosecution –
‘I Cannot Wait to Cross-Examine,’ Trump’s Lawyer Says: https://www.republican24news.com/2023/08/07/pence-refuses-to-


Tyson Foods To Shut Down 4 US Chicken Plants In Blow To Small Towns: https://breaking911.com/tyson-foods-to-shut-down-4-us-chicken-plants-in-blow-to-small-towns/

13 nations Agree to Abolish Farming: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227220

RETURN TO 1776: History of Russel Jay Gould, maritime law, human slavery and straw man fraud. What the world is about to be liberated of when we return to 1776.

Russel Jay Gould who by divine guidance of God, he recognized a short period of time after the clearing of America’s debt, that we could regain our sovereignty from the British crown slave masters. He planted the true US American flag in the Philly post office as post master general to plant our stake in our own country.

Russel Jay Gould is a shocking, humble, unknown hero of this country along with Trump, we would have once again been quickly enslaved by the British banking and slave system. This man suffered beatings, imprisonment and hunger for the knowledge he applied.

Pray for him as you pray for Trump and Q team. He is a national hero making NESARA / GESARA possible. https://www.bitchute.com/video/0C6yDRXwIyzd/?fbclid=IwAR3kNUhpZ8XK0k-vxld2WtmqFkSQsEAISWBYTGtLOawvsIFHNZh_Fyj3DGQ


Constitution of the U.S.A. formed in 1776 and the Constitution for the U.S. in 1871. U.S. Inc. United States is a corporation Formed in Delaware in 1871.

All Citizens are governed under Corporate Law. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure. Hence, U.S.A. Inc formed in the Act of 1871. A U.S. Citizen is an employee of U.S. Inc.

Rome once ruled the world. Cesar once ruled from “the hill.” Washington DC (Capitol Hill), the new Rome, as Washington DC is the new Rome or Empire. Take a look at a picture of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican Square. It looks just like our Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. There is also an Egyptian Obelisk in front of it, just like the Washington Monument in D.C.

When you set up a corporation, you must have three things: A President. A Vice-President. A Secretary-Treasurer.

Just like we have with the United States, yes, the U.S. is a Corporation. A privately owned company and has nothing to do with the United States of America. The United States of America – The Republic was founded in 1776, and the United States the Corporation was formed in 1871.

Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States in 1871 when the corporation was formed. Funny, his first two initials are U.S.
A U.S. citizen is an employee of the United States Corporation, which is a business. The word “citizen” means “employee” according to the laws of the United States Corporation.

Washington, D.C. is a foreign corporation, and it is not a State. It’s not a part of America and has nothing to do with the 50 states at all. It is where the foreign U.S. Corporation is headquartered with its own laws.


Long ago in early 2021 I told you a War was being set up and countries were preparing (nobody believed) I said it would lead to a Nuclear Standoff. We are here now and quickly growing, but don’t worry it’s all STAGING for the STORM ARREST WARS

I WARNED a MASSIVE WORLD COLLAPSE was going to happen that break banks and would escalate (that happened as nations went into recession including EU countries and hundreds of thousands of small banks collapsed through the world in 3 years ….. And major banks were bailed out and wall street lied about yearly reports on behalf of their corrupted governments and banks)

As people gave up after the supposed Trump loss and Epstein supposed death, I gave you important information: TRUMP Was COMING BACK EVEN MORE POWERFUL.

The 2020 stolen Election was a military operation given purposefully to Biden to EXPOSE a U.S. corrupt captured system.

The EPSTEIN SAGA was only the beginning. Congress has possession of Hunter Biden laptop. Inside that laptop is Deep State military coded sequence files that connect the CIA, Epstein, and other intel.

In 2019 I warned everyone that the Deep State was going to release the virus (people thought it was a conspiracy)

In 2020 I gave all the info that digital IDs would be initiated through the fake pandemic and Force vaccinations and lockdowns would occur ( people thought was conspiracy)

I gave so much information on military operations happening through the world in tunnels to earthquakes.

I told you long before anyone that MUSK was going to acquire Twitter and MUSK was receiving funding from Kask Patel.

The new investigation is in NEVADA and currently KEEFE D’s house was searched and evidence was seized.

What going to happen? Inside sources say the case will eventually fall apart in the first 2023 staging, but this is planned.

SCAVINO QOMMS! SCAVINO NEW IG STORY IS A SHORT CLIP that starts with “Your friends should motivate and inspire you. Your circle should be well rounded and supportive. Keep it tight. Quality over quantity, always”.

David Wilcock, Anon:

Atlas Shrugged or Soprano’d 2020-2023? Abhay Vakil ($6.2 billion), Arne Wilhelmsen ($2bn), Aloysio de Andrade Faria ($3 billion), Alberto Bailleres (US$8.6 billion), Alberto Roemmers (US$2.4 billion), Allan Goldman (US$2.8 billion), B. Wayne Hughes (US$3.3 billion), Benjamin de Rothschild (US$1.4 billion), Billy Joe “Red” McCombs ($1.7 billion), Clement Fayat ($1.2 billion), Carol Jenkins Barnett ($2.3 billion), Carlos Ardila Lülle ($2.3 billion), Chuck Bundrant ($1.7B), David Gottesman (US$2.9 billion), Donald Foss ($1.7 billion), Dmitry Bosov ($1.1 billion), Dietrich Mateschitz ($20 billion), Edward “Ned” Johnson III ($10B), Edmund Ansin ($1.4B), Eduardo Cojunangco ($1 billion), Eli Broad ($6.9 billion), Ennio Doris ($3.4 billion), Evelyn de Rothschild ($20 billion), Fayez Sarofim ($1.5B), Fong Yun Wah ($2.2B), Gordon Moore ($6.8 billion), Herbert Kohler Jr., Heinz Hermann Thiele ($12.9 billion), Hiedi Horten ($2.9 billion), John Martin ($1.2 billion), Julian Robertson Jr., José Luis Cutrale ($1.9 billion), Joseph Safra (US$25 billion), Juan Lopez-Belmonte Lopez (US$1.8 billion), John Arrillaga (US$2.6 billion), James Crown (US$10bn), Kim Jung-ju ($10 billion), Lily Safra ($1.3 billion), Lo Siu-tong ($1.3 billion), Leonardo Del Vecchio ($24 billion), Lee Man Tat (US$17.5 billion), Lee Kun-hee ($20 billion), Masatoshi Ito (over $4B), Mahendra Prasad ($2.2bn), Majid Al Futtaim ($4.2B), Manuel Moroun ($1.7B), Manuel Jove ($2.5B), MG George Muthoot ($3.2 billion), Michael Price ($1.2B), Montri Jiaravanont ($4.7 billion), Nari Genomal ($1.2B), Olivier Dassault ($4.7B), Onsi Sawiris ($1.1B), Park Yeon-cha ($3bn), Pallonji Mistry ($15 billion), Peter Buck ($1.7B), Petr Kellner ($17.5bn, Pierre Bellon ($4.2B), Queen Elizabeth II (a whopping $500 million, they say), Roberto Ongpin ($1.1 billion), Robert Brockman ($4.7 billion), Rakesh Jhunjhunwala ($5.8 billion), Rudy Ma ($2.5B), Robert Toll ($1.1B), Rahul Bajaj ($8.2 billion), Randall Rollins ($5 billion), Sumner Redstone ($2.6 billion), Suna Kirac ($2.2 billion), Sir David Barclay ($3.7 billion), Sheldon Adelson ($35 billion), Sheldon Solow, Stephen Bechtel Jr., Tang Shing-bor ($4.7 billion), Trail Engelhorn ($4.2B), Ted Lerner ($6.6 billion), Teh Hong Piow, Tom Love ($5.5B), Thomas Lee ($2bn), Teh Hong Piow ($5.7B), Vito Rodriguez Rodriguez ($1.3B), Valentin Gapontsev ($2.8 billion), Walter Scott Jr. ($4bn), Winarko Sulistyo ($1.1bn), Whitney MacMillan ($4.3 billion), W. Galen Weston ($7bn), Zuo Hui ($15 billion)
A few were missed on the list – not counting the millionaires, like those who just died on the submersible that visited the Titanic (2 were billionaires). Are you telling me these very rich people fell into a toy submarine controlled by a game controller? Shahzada Dawood & Son ($360 million), Stockton Rush ($25 million), Hamish Harding ($1.1 billion), Paul-Henri Nargeolet ($1.5 billion)


Tues. 8 Aug. Situation Update: Situation Update: This Movie Is Heating Up! The Russians & Chinese Have Warships Off Alaska Coast! Global Military Exercise Starting Soon! Trump Indictment Boomerang! States Have Joined BRICS! | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Military Caught Them All, End of Occupation, Game Over, X22 Report:

Tues. 8 Aug. New SGAnon, Charlie Ward, and David Mahoney: August Bombshell Intel on the Insider’s Club 2023 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sun. 6 Aug. Obama and the Bushes… Documentary Exposes One of the Greatest Deceptive Scams Ever Pulled on the American People! (Video) | Resources | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]

Read Full Report (Doc):

Read Full Report (PDF):



Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 8, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of TUES. 8 Aug. 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227223

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 7, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon.7 Aug. 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227168

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of August 6, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Special Report: Restored Republic via a GCR Sunday Morning 6 Aug. 2023 https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227118

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 5, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 5 Aug. 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227060

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 4, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 4 Aug. 2023 https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227007

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 3, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 3 Aug. 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=226950

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 2, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 2 Aug. 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=226895

Restored Republic via a GCR as of August 1, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 1 Aug. 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=226854

Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 31, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 31 July 2023: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=226798


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