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Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #116 - #120 by Bennett Ross --(Text)(Links)

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Tuesday, 8-Aug-2023 21:37:56

From https://bennettleeross.com/philosophy/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-116/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #116

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 6, 2023 | Philosophy, Spirituality |

Our true essence and highest purpose
Will orchestrate a symphony of dreams and desires which become our destiny

Each step we take deepens our connection to the vast cosmic tapestry
And we discover the eternal ever evolving nature of our being
As we paint the canvas of our life with authenticity integrity and compassion

Every moment is a precious opportunity to experience the wonder of existence

And an invitation to celebrate its hidden beauty in a timeless embrace

Let us be guided by the universal melody and the magical flow of life
And dive into the ocean of love and awakened consciousness

Let us tune into the compass of the eternal now
That allows us to manifest our deepest desire
And which opens up the surprises the universe has in store for us

Forgiveness lets the sunshine in to illuminate all the dark corners
It is an act of love that initiates the healing process for ourselves and others
When we forgive we choose not to be prisoners of our past

Love is the force that permeates and nourishes all creation
It unlocks the gateway to peace and enlightenment
And awakens our true potential

It is a step into a realm of boundless possibilities
Where compassion reigns supreme!

From https://bennettleeross.com/mythreligion/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-117/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #117

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 6, 2023 | myth/religion |

Uranus and Gaia had 12 children known as Titans
3 were violent Furies
3 were beautiful gentle Nymphs
3 were Fates who were weavers of destinies
And 3 were Cyclops imprisoned in Tartarus

9 of the Titans consisting of the Furies Nymphs and Fates together with their many offspring and allies
Battled Rhea Prometheus and Epimetheus and 6 children of Chronos
Along with the Cyclops and the Hecatoncheires called Thunder Lightning and Bright

The Titans prevailed but later Chronos was tricked by Athena
Into swallowing a large rock called the Omphalos stone

As depicted in the Iliad
Apollo was the main god in the Trojan War

Down he strode wrath at heart
Bearing on his shoulders his bow and covered quiver

As the angry god moved the arrows rattled on the shoulders
And his coming was like the night

He set apart from the ship and let fly a shaft
Terrible was the twang of his silver bow

In the Delian Hymns to Apollo
The gods tremble before him when he draws near
As he bends his bright bow

Apollo goes to the strange floating island of Delos and boards a large ship
And after transforming back into his natural form
He beaches the ship at the lovely sheltered side of Mt Parnassus
Near the sacred spring of Gaia
Which was a steam of clear water that plunged over the 2 towering cliffs called the Phaedriades

This was the place of the Hyperboreans
Who dwelt beyond the North Wind

The place where the ship was beached was Cirrha
Which became the port that served Delphi
Cirrha was named after a nymph also known as Nemesis

Apollo slew the python Pythos and built a glorious temple
The temple was the House of God with 12 foundations

Which were also the 12 Titans and the 12 Apostles of Krishna and the 12 tribes of Israel
And formed the basis of the 12 zodiac signs and the 12 months of the year

They were the 12 light orbs in the Tree of Life
And the 12 angels of the Metatron

They were the 12 Lemurian golden sun discs
That received energy from the central Saturnian sun

They were the 12 crystals of the Kabballah
In the diamond light matrix with perfectly faceted crystalline blocks

And the 12 crystal skulls hidden in a pyramid that when united together
Will super empower the earth

The Omphalos Stone at the center of the Celestial Temple made 13 colonies
It was Jesus with his 12 disciples

The Omphalos Stone was the centerpiece of a master grid of rotating electromagnetic energy
That made up a Diocron Instability of spiraling highly energetic electrons discharging in a magnetic field

Chronos was an alter ego of Saturn
When Venus was stationed in front of Saturn she became the womb
Which became the cone shaped dwelling of Apollo

Delphi means womb
Just as the Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi contained a terrestrial Omphalos Stone
The celestial temple of Apollo contained a cosmic Omphalos Stone

The Omphalos Stone was Mars in the womb of Venus!

From https://bennettleeross.com/sports/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-118/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #118

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 6, 2023 | architecture, geography, sports |

The Temple of Apollo at Delphi was built upon a large terrace supported by a polygonal wall
This was where the Pythia delivered prophetic words
The Pythia were the temple priestesses named after Pythos

Above a chasm in a restricted room called the Adyton
The priestess sat atop a tripod chair
And breathed in hydrocarbon gases of plasma that escaped from the fissure in the ground

She was filled with the Spirit and spoke in tongues
In other words the priestess fell into a type of trance and talked with incomprehensible words
Which only a priest could supposedly translate

Further up on the slopes of Mount Parnassus was the Corycian Cave
Which also emitted vapors

Here after communicating with the gods
Revelers would abandon themselves to Dionysian frenzies
And naked dancers would gyrate themselves to music

Mount Parnassus means shining rocks
The celestial Mount Parnassus had twin peaks as does the one in Greece
The cosmic peaks were the terminals of the axis in front of Saturn or gates of heaven

Visitors would walk up the Sacred Way which symbolized the axis mundi
And would first come to the Athena Pronoia which means Athena before the temple

It was a circular building with a conical roof supported by a ring of outer columns
And had a giant statue of Athena

The stadium of Apollo was where the Pythian Games took place every 4 years
They were 1 of 4 Pan Hellenistic games where athletes performed naked
These events were occasions of music dancing and poetry

Mars had a stick a ring and a ball with which he would indulge in sports
They would fall into the netherworld and he had to open a hole to get to them
The celestial realm was imitated in the terrestrial world

The goddess Pandora had a perfect figure and a beautiful face
She wore the finest garments and jewelry
She beguiled men with her sultry voice
Her erotic aura was irresistible

Pandoras Box was the shining brilliance of her auric energy
The same radiant brightness as the torch of Columbia or the fire of Prometheus

Pandora was Athena and both were different aspects of Venus
Her glory and glamour was endeavored to be captured

In the Athena Pronoia
Visitors would feel like they were in the presence of the Great Goddess!

From https://bennettleeross.com/science/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-119/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #119

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 6, 2023 | geology, History, Science |

The energy amplification properties of the double lattice structure of a crystal
Is similar to our own double helix DNA

The Great Atlantean Fire Crystal is what enhanced the power of the Ark of the Covenant
Which was in the Kings Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza
Pyramids were built for power generation

The fire crystal was spinning inside silica magnets in a gold cup accumulator
Toroidal waves then produced units of divergent hyperdimensional energy fields

Humans are a battery with terminals called arms
We can provide a positive or negative current from our hands

We can activate the coiled field around the crystal creating radiant electrical energy
We can be charged up to do magic

In the day when magic was alive Atlanteans would condition incandescent stones and metals
To project and receive energy fields

Superman used crystals and kryptonite to construct a fortress in the Andes Mountains
In the Crystal Cave near Naica Mexico there are gigantic crystals over 60 feet tall weighing many tons
Huge crystal beams jut out from the floor and ceiling

These are Superman memory crystals
Superman is representative of an Atlantean

In the laboratory femtosecond laser pulses are used to write data in crystals
Whole books can be put as memory into quartz crystals

A single fire crystal can be used to power an entire city

The crystal fields of Arkansas are where crystals were grown like flowers
The mountains of Western Arkansas are world famous for the prolific and spectacular quartz crystals
Known as Arkansas Candles

Hidden Atlantean fire crystals contain records of the lost civilization
And have encoded programs that will be activated at a certain time
They are supposed to ignite the earths energy grid

Get ready for a mental and spiritual enlightenment
And anticipate a physical and emotional healing!

From https://bennettleeross.com/history/epic-cosmic-elucidations-of-the-current-epoch-120/

Epic Cosmic Elucidations of the Current Epoch #120

Posted by Bennett Ross | Aug 6, 2023 | astronomy, History, technology |

Creators of the D Wave quantum computers
Say these computers will literally reach into parallel universes to pull out information

And because they use q bits instead of binary bits
They will run at an unimaginable faster rate

The q bits exist in an adjoining area
Where parallel universe overlap

When we plug into the world wide web with our ethernet cable
We are accessing other dimensions through the ether

All of our electronics and appliances are being connected to the astral plane
And are becoming portals which paranormal beings travel through

They are the biggest tool for brainwashing
An obsession such as porn is like being in a hypnotic trance

According to the earth tilted spinning ball model
Antarctica the coldest place on earth
Is about 5 million miles closer to the sun in the summer
It is amazing what people accept without thinking

The Transatlantic Slave Trade is another fictionalized tale
Supposedly 15 to 20 million Africans were transported to North America
And another 4.25 million Africans shipped to Mexico and Brazil

If 200 slaves were crowded in each boat
That would necessitate 100,000 boat trips across the Atlantic

A one way trip would take about 2 months
So 3 round trips in a year for one boat would take about 33,000 years
10 boats would take 3300 years
100 boats would take 330 years of continual travel

Boats capable of Transatlantic shipping are very difficult to build
It take many years for a single boat to be manufactured
And they would constantly be needed for repair

And why would Africans willingly submit to a few Europeans with muskets

The truth is African Americans are not from Africa
They are native to America and Lemuria

That is the reason for the giant Olmec stone heads found in Mexico
Which have so called African features

Carbon 14 is a fake dating method to promote false narratives
Carbon 14 is not constantly being created at the same rate
And it is not being absorbed into plants animals and people consistently
Nor at the same proportion

Proceed wisely my friend!

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