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Social Conditioning

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Friday, 14-Jul-2023 19:52:04

Shades of Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud and the father of modern advertising. I hate to think that my fellow Americans are so easily led by the nose. But, that is what happened in 2020-2022 at least. And many of us warned that these government leaders and global health organizations like the WHO, having gotten a taste of power, would find a way to repeat that experience. Sure enough, right on cue, and as the COVID-19 episode is fading into the dustbin of history, these evil people have ‘discovered’ a new, mutated COVID virus called Arcturus, I’m told.

Where did this one come from, Ft. Detrick, Wuhan Lab, one of Ukraine’s 46 bio-labs? Wherever it came from I can promise you it is not a natural occurring virus. Are any of them? How about part of a conversation from Matt Hancock and Damon Poole of the UK, salivating for more power?

“We frightened the pants off of everyone with the new strain.” Bragged Hancock.
“That’s the way we got proper behavior change.” Poole agreed.
When do we employ the new variant?” Hancock asked.

I wonder if victims and victims families find this as amusing as these too fools?
So, some of the examples, even when alone at home or in a car some people continue to wear masks. Even though people who use masks daily, like doctors and nurses, say they wear masks to keep bacteria in their mouth from invading a patients body during surgery. And, another nurse comes into the OR and changes the N95 mask every four hours. As well, one doctor said that wearing a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to stop a mosquito. Useless! Yet, I still see people wearing them in their car with no one else in their with them! WTH?

Worse yet was their scaring people into getting one of the jabs. When one ploy failed, another took its place. Pictures of Chinese people falling down dead in the street was one of the tactics used to frighten people into getting the jab. I’m not saying that people didn’t die. But it sure was convenient to have a camera in just the right place to record the event. Right on time, our fearless leader...or do I mean our brainless leader, wants to hand our sovereignty over to the WHO. They will have the authority to say when a pathogen has reached pandemic stage. They will have the power to enforce it with UN troops, reinforced possibly, with all the Chinese men coming into our country through the open Southern border.

A global body will manage the next pandemic. Really? Made up of whom? And anytime the natives get restless, these power hungry jerks will roll out another “deadly” virus as an excuse to lock us down again. One day, those who survive, won’t even remember what it is to be free. People have forgotten that part of the reason Putin invaded Ukraine was to shut down the 46 bio-labs, making God only knows what?

Those, of course, aren’t the only ones in the world, but it’s a start. You really have to ask yourself, why are these scientists making such deadly viruses or if they can’t really make a deadly virus, with say a 50% death rate, then scare the hell out of everyone so you can get them to take the next deadly “vaccine”. Will everyone obey? Hardly. There will be pockets of resistance fighters all over the country. If there are Chinese/UN forces in every county in America, as I have read, then there are also well-armed resistance fighters as well.

These Orwellian power-hungry fiends will try to force compliance by restricting food-money-movement-jobs. But, we are ready for this fight. A good number of patriots have food, water stored up, money in cash, bitcoins, silver and gold. We will have barter items and heirloom seeds, with the ability to grow food in basements and garages for years. Americans in huge numbers will reject the use of CBDC. Some states, (like Texas?) may even start to print their own money, backed by gold and silver. Isn’t this really just another example of ‘Problem-Reaction-Solution that David Icke talked about?

Another thing we need to be ready for are power outages. As much as the Deep State has talked about a ‘Dark Winter’, caused by an EMP, you have to know, this has been planned for years by at least China. I think this was part of the reason for the balloon that ‘accidentally’ flew over our country. No doubt uniforms and artillery have been brought in separately for the young Chinese men who have already come into our country, and are where now? A Cyber attack would make it difficult for us to fight back. But make no mistake, China, Biden administration, UN, et al, we will fight back.

I hope everyone is paying attention and preparing as best they can.

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