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Misc. News and Reports 7/13/23

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Thursday, 13-Jul-2023 05:42:37


The global climate cult is getting ready to kick its war on food into overdrive with 13 nations – many of them major cattle and food-producing states led by the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Spain – signing onto a commitment to place farmers under new restrictions intended to reduce emissions of methane gas.

The Global Methane Hub announced in a May 17 press release that agriculture and environmental ministers and ambassadors from 13 countries, including the United States, have signed a commitment that pledges to reduce methane emissions in agriculture. The U.S. was represented by Biden’s climate czar, John Kerry.
[link to libertysentinel.org (secure)]

posting source:https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5447376/pg1

Lavrov says no end to Ukraine war until West stops trying to defeat Russia

Please tell me why we were in Afghanistan again. It sure as hell wasn't to defeat the little CIA proxy, Al Qaeda, but to secure their Heroin.
Once people realize the world is run by satanic pedophiles they will truly begin to understand what's going on.

What is the "Black Knight" satellite? It is a mysterious satellite, of unknown origin, discovered in 1960 which shadowed Sputnik.

Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine have been secretly using Gain of Function to develop Pandemic 2 - Avian Flu H1 n One. Vaccines are already purchased by the USA to usher in Global Economic Collapse.

"World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years" (2013)"Leaked emails allegedly showing scientists involved in it trying to manipulate their data to make it look more convincing"

Congressman Issues Grim Warning After Viewing Classified UFO footage: Could turn Earth to ‘Charcoal’

A Tennessee lawmaker issued a dire warning after claiming to have seen classified UFO footage that hasn’t been released to the public.

Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., speculated extraterrestrial life forms could have technology that humanity “can’t handle”.

“If they’re out there, they’re out there, and if they have this kind of technology, then they could turn us into a charcoal briquette,” Burchett said.

“And if they can travel light years or at the speeds that we’ve seen, and physics as we know it, fly underwater, don’t show a heat trail, things like that, then we are vastly out of our league.”

Posting source and discussions:https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5478962/pg1

My comment: People need to realize that the majority of aliens are malevolent, and have evil intentions. They are kidnapping people and children and some have been killed and dismembered their bodies. They experiment on people without consent, they kill farmers' cattle, which is robbing them of their hard earned labor. And yet people say they are not harming US? They are using us like animals and have literally killed untold numbers of human beings over the centuries. This is why they were called demons in the bible. A demon IS what a demon does. If a being does demonic things, they are a demon. I don't care what they look like, or how smart they are, or what dimension or planet they are from, if they harm and kill others they are doing evil things. This truth, this reality - is being withheld from the public ON PURPOSE!! Why? Because the globalists, international bankers and wealthy elite are working in parallel with them if not hand in glove!
What is the difference between a demonic alien and a wealthy elite that abuses women and children?!? They are doing the same things and want the same things - total rule over innocent human beings.
How many millions of people have been slaughtered in wars, famines and disease, and the so-called advanced demonic aliens didn't lift one grey finger to help us! They are murderers from space and now have partners on earth - and our criminal and traitorous government leaders and their complicit military lackeys are HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT THESE RULERS THAT THEY ARE WORKING WITH!!! WHY? Because they seek the same wicked power over innocent lives.
This was the reason I wrote the book: "Son of Nibiru", to expose this reality and educate people to the truth that evil aliens are ruling with the wealthy elite RIGHT NOW. We are considered nothing more than cattle to them. Those interested in that book can write me and request the 282 page book in a file, free of charge: glyndoneaton@yahoo.com

It took me 30 years to compile this information directly from high level government officials, those that were inside the miles of underground tunnels and bases - and relatives of those that worked on secret programs.
We are being lied to on a massive scale, and our world is in danger already. Tens of millions of people go missing every year and the corrupt leaders know exactly what is happening to those innocent people - and they are doing nothing to stop it. George Eaton

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