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Clif High Newsletter: Pandemania! . . . This Will Light Your Fire!

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Friday, 7-Jul-2023 18:46:45

By Clif High - July 7, 2023


Hyperculture for a hyper-culture!

The MANIA has not yet begun, though its source is already bubbling up into Humanity.

Mania is about emotion. It is hyper-volitilized emotion sweeping through Humanity, jumping, sparking, from one to another, and reflecting back again. Gaining power with each reflection, with each emotional sparking, MANIA changes the course of events and history.

Our usual maniacal mental aberrations are most frequently about money, or, as is usually the case, the mania is really about Gold, during times of money distress and death. Mania for Gold has compelled large segments of humanity to relocate their lives and has changed the course of nations. Mania can be focused on abstractions, such as religion, or hard reality, such as precious metals, or other treasures.

Mania is about the human mind being presented with an opportunity that so shakes its foundations, is so cutting to the ropes of the current reality, as to permanently change that mind. Mania dominates the mind and emotions of the individual, conquering all resistance, destroying lethargy, obliterating complacency, eliminating doubt, hesitation, and reluctance, until finally propelling dynamic, energetic movement that somehow jumps like a spark into a cloud of flammable fumes, igniting all of mankind.

Or more accurately, igniting ‘mind kind’. Only some minds will be susceptible to the mania. Not all human minds are operating at the same level, at the same time, which is what prevents us from having the risks of species capturing mania as may be seen with insects and some small rodent species. These mania states have been known to reduce some insect populations in large regions by 90% due aberrations in usual patterns of behavior. Humans are more complex, and complicated, and manias, while dominating the social discourse, usually only involve a portion of humanity, though that can be significant in size. Gold manias will move men in tens of thousands to regions of new gold discoveries who will then be followed by hundreds of thousands of men and women acting in supporting roles, not digging gold, but still within the mania for it.

There can be little manias, that affect people in small regions, where the rest of the population, learning of the mania, stands back, saying “WTF?”. There can be large manias, such as religious mania that overtakes whole nations, upending existing social orders, and their power structures. A true joke among political wonks is that the politics of France are dominated by long boring periods of creeping authoritarianism, punctuated by popular manias sweeping away governments over either the price, or recipe for bread.

Humanity is about to enter a Pandemania. This is to say, a mania that will over take the entirety of humanity.

Not all of us, at least not simultaneously, but it will reach everyone eventually.

No, it is not a mania about space aliens, though they are involved, and it can be said that they actually participated, in a round about way, with the cause of it all.

This first Pandemania is going to be about biology. More specifically the non-human biology resident in each of us.

In 1894, an Indian scholar by the name of Yukteswar made predictions about the currently unfolding Dwapara Yuga, or the Ascending Bronze Age, which is now in its 325th year. His prediction was that as the Dwapara progressed, and not too much further, humanity would learn to harness electricity, and delve into the ‘fine matters’ (aka atoms & nano stuff). Yukteswar lived in the years following Maxwell’s work on the electrical equations, and other breakthrough thinking that provided the basis for Tesla’s inventive genius in the 1900s.

Just as Yukteswar could see the implications for the future in the discoveries unfolding in his present, we, too, can see the base building for new understanding of reality that will be shaping our future as this Bronze Age progresses.

Our future will be shaped by new discoveries in biology. Specifically, microbiology, the ‘fine matters’ of Life Itself. These new discoveries will be sparking a Mania, that will, once it takes hold, rapidly evolve into a Pandemania.

Biology is not engineering. Biology, in spite of the many analogies applied to it, is not machinery. It is much more subtle, more elusive, yet far more powerful than mechanized approaches to altering our reality. It’s limits are not yet even in sight of our vision. At some distant future, our discoveries in microbiology may well get us back to the technology of ‘softening stone’.

At this point, in this Bronze Age, and at this level of our skills, our biologic discoveries, are focusing on the microbiology in order to alter the macrobiology.

As a species, we are starting to grok the situation.

Humanity is a very long way away from being able to create life in cells. That is even further away than our being able to create effective components of life, such as ‘genes’. We are lacking the ability to do gene splicing. All we are capable of is gene burning. Thus the name of our principle genetic manipulation tool, Crisper. Humans are not able to be genetic engineers, but we have smart human biology explorers who are retrieving treasures from the ancient human past.

Manias are not about the past. As with all manias, when this one, this mania, this Pandemania, takes you over, it will be about your personal future.

This Pandemania is going to be about riches, and wealth. It is about the Treasure of Human Health. This mania is going to be fanned into flame as people realize that their health need not be ‘all down hill’ from puberty.

This Pandemania is all about humans learning to heal themselves, from the gut out.

This is to be the Pandemania of the Microbe. As we move ever further into this Bronze age, we are learning not only how badly abused we have been over this last 12,000 year cycle, but also, and more important, how to heal this abuse.

It turns out that all mental illness is very likely mitochondria malfunction in the brain. Think on that for a minute. ALL mental illness will one day be treated by restoring brain cell health. Perhaps a staggering amount of human mental illness may now be addressable by fixing the gut microbiome. By getting the correct colonies of gut bacteria in place.

Similarly, perhaps as much as 90%, or more, of all other human diseases, including the chronic condition diseases, are directly related to an imbalance of gut bacteria within your gut microbiome.

The good news is that you can fix this. Yes, when you correct the gut microbiome species distribution, you can correct eye problems, skin disease, weight, fat distribution through the body, bone problems, joint aches, mental illness, and much of the suffering that humans now take as ‘part of life’, the inevitable, bad part of life.

Yes, better, cleaner, digestion, more bio-available nutrients, and all manner of anti-toxin benefits. Better mental health, better emotional health, better physical health, and longer, happier, life. All from managing your gut microbiome.

OF COURSE, as a woo guy, I suspect/know that space aliens did this to us, and will write more about that at another time, BUT even if I am correct about them nasty bastards, the good news is still that you can correct this damage….at least some of it. More on the conspiracy aspect in another article.

We are having success in overcoming this damage. Generalized conditions spread throughout humanity are inducing thinking leading to approaches to solutions.

We know that modern humans are lacking vital, absolutely vital for health, happiness, longevity, and peace, bacteria in our gut. Whole strains of species are missing.

Researchers are discovering the missing species, and locating the few repositories of them in our species, and now, recently, speaking out about their reintroduction.

These successes will introduce microbiology into our common language over these next years. Success will propel new names into the public awareness. Some of them may be humans, but you will certainly hear of all of the non-humans involved, such as the Lactobacillus Reuteri, also L. Gasseri, and many more will emerge from the research, and be touted, then folded into our recovery efforts.

New companies will form to explore, locate, isolate, cultivate, and distribute the found microbiota treasures. These companies being founded now, over this decade, will be the one of the legs of our evolving Bronze Age society. These firms, and their laboratories, and culture facilities will become the power behind the newly emerging economy centered on human excellence through health.

Repair the gut, repair the body and mind. Replace that which as been taken from us, proper gut microbiome, and we once again come to the correct human lifespace of 120 years, and the proper human lifespan which is healthy and active right up until death.

This is the Longevity Pandemania. This is the Health Pandemania. This is the Vitality Pandemania. This is the “personal responsibility, I can finally fix my own health, fuck the Rockefeller medical industry” Pandemania.

Yes, you can do it yourself.

Are you feeling it yet? Are you ready to ignite?!

Here are links to light YOUR FIRE:

There is more, much more to say on this topic, including bringing it all back to the door of those raspy bastard space aliens, BUT, for now, this needed to be published to get y’all started.

Happy hyper-culturing…!

Check back at this substack for further discussions.

Be sure to participate in the Pandemania & ignite all your frenz.



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